Don't ask where people go

Chapter 618 Hostage

Chapter 618 Hostage
The second boss smiled, "Miss Zixiu, if you want to know, you might as well follow me to Feiling Mountain. After seeing my boss, everything will be clear."

"Do you think I will believe your words?" Fang Zilan's face showed no expression, but the murderous aura emanating from his body did not weaken at all.

"Miss Zixiu, even if you kill me now, it won't help." The second master understood it with reason and emotion, and said: "If I die, not only will you not get the news you want, but you will also have to fight with bandits." Forging a grudge..."

"It's too late for you to say that." Fang Zilan's eyes fell on the corpse beside him, "I have already killed a bandit just now, and the grudge that should have been settled has long been settled, and I don't care about having you alone. "

"Miss Zixiu's words are wrong." The second master shook his head and said: "People are divided into three, six, and nine grades. Some people die, and they can't make any waves. But some people, even if they are bumped and injured, they are all It can cause an uproar.”

"This is your idea." Fang Zilan rubbed the plum sword in his hand, "In my eyes, there is only the difference between the dead and the living."

"Miss Zixiu said so, but she should also know in her heart that what I said is true." The second leader said in a persuasive way: "How, Miss Zixiu is willing to join hands with us? From now on, there will be no rivals in the world..."

"I'm not interested in teaming up with others. After all, in Jianghu, there has long been no one who can be my opponent." Fang Zilan interrupted the words of the second leader impatiently, and said with a gloomy expression: "I can go to Feiling Mountain with you , just because I have something to ask your boss, instead of joining forces with you."

"Since Miss Zixiu agrees, we will leave immediately." The second master said, and held Li Shengxuan back.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan's face darkened, and said, "What are you detaining him for?"

Er Dangjia explained: "He is a hostage. Before the transaction is over, he cannot move freely. He can only follow you and me."

"Hostage? Transaction?" Fang Zilan sneered, "Did you make a mistake?
"Miss Zixiu, your martial arts is the best in the world, and no one in the world is second to none." The second master showed a meaningful smile, "I just did it just in case..."

Fang Zilan snorted softly, the second master paused, and continued: "In case I say something wrong, or do something wrong, which offends Miss Zixiu, I have to save my life in order to bring me back. You have successfully reached Feiling Mountain."

"You want to use him as a life-saving talisman?" Fang Zilan glanced at Li Shengxuan, and said with a half-smile: "I don't care. But you, taking such a burden to Feiling Mountain, I'm afraid it will delay time."

"It's okay." The second master clasped Li Shengxuan's hand tighter, "It's my great honor that Miss Zixiu is willing to take me to Feiling Mountain, so what's a delay for a few days?" His words were so earnest that it was hard to say much.

Rao Fang Zilan couldn't say anything to refute for a while.In addition, she was afraid that she would make too many mistakes and show her concern and attention to Li Shengxuan, which would arouse the suspicion of the second leader.If this is the case, then all the effort just now was wasted.

"I..." Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to comfort Fang Zilan, but unexpectedly she turned her head away, thinking about something, and didn't notice him at all, so he also kept silent and watched the changes.

Fang Lihui on the side pondered for a moment, and said: "It just so happens that I have something to do, and I want to tell the eldest master personally. Since Miss Zixiu is going to Feiling Mountain with the second master, then I will go with you."

Hearing that the second head took a deep look at Fang Lihui, and then politely said: "I'm sorry, thank you Mr. Fang for a walk."

"Second boss speaks seriously." Fang Lihui saluted, "Lihui is very grateful to you for taking care of the business on weekdays. Now it's just a trip, how dare you say it's hard work?"

The Erdang family received a salute in vain, looked up at the sky inadvertently, and said: "It's getting late today, it's not too late for us to set off tomorrow morning."

Fang Zilan followed the gaze of the second master, and was dazzled by the sun.She thought to herself that it's just after noon, and the daylight is just right, how could it be too late in his mouth?

"Miss Zixiu?" Seeing that Fang Zilan was silent, the second master couldn't help calling her.

"After an hour, we will meet here and set off." Fang Zilan said firmly, with an undeniable momentum in his tone.

The second master was stunned, and tried to dissuade him: "Miss Zixiu, Feiling Mountain is steep and steep, and the mountain road is difficult, we still..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Fang Zilan's plum sword resting on his neck, "Stop talking nonsense, I agree to go to Feiling Mountain with you, and I have already made a concession. If you push your nose again face, bargain with me, then I don't mind going back on my word."

She said the last sentence very strongly, which meant a warning, and the second leader heard it clearly, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Miss Zixiu misunderstood, I have absolutely no intention of that."

Fang Zilan didn't even bother to give another look, and left without looking back.After she returned to the guest room, the worried A Wan and the anxious Xia Houzhang surrounded her.

"You are back. Not long after you were invited by Mr. Fang this morning, Mr.... was taken away." Awan tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, and said, "How is it? Did you see Mr. Is it? Who took him away..."

She asked it all at once, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, crackling, crisp and loud, fast and dense.There was no time for Fang Zilan to respond, nor for Xia Houzhang to interrupt, so he had to pace back and forth in a hurry.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan patted Awan's shoulder lightly, temporarily stopping her doubts, then turned to Xia Houzhang, and asked, "Did your husband recommend himself as a hostage?"

Although it was a question, she said it with absolute certainty.Xia Houzhang seemed completely unaware that she would ask such a direct question, and after a long pause, he said in a low voice: "Yes, my husband..."

"Is he crazy?" Fang Zilan snarled, and blocked Xia Houzhang's words in the future, "Isn't he adding to the trouble at this juncture?"

"They must have a hostage." Xia Houzhang hastily defended Li Shengxuan, "Sir, he took the initiative to stand up for me and Miss Awan."

"Do you believe this?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly and said, "If they just want a hostage, why didn't you take the initiative to stand up?"

"I..." Xia Houzhang hesitated to speak, struggled for a long time, and then whispered: "Sir, I took the initiative to stand up to protect you."

"Protect me?" Fang Zilan looked at Xia Houzhang incredulously, and asked doubtfully, "What does his being a hostage have to do with protecting me?"

(End of this chapter)

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