Don't ask where people go

Chapter 648 Middle

Yin Quanzhang looked tense and glared, "There is no truth in what you said, I can't believe it at all."

"It's not that Mr. Yin can't believe it, but he can't believe it." Fang Zilan casually took the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea. It is true, but there is no Zhen surname in Qianjinfang, so it is not a lie."

As she spoke, she picked up the teacup and took a sip, "In the end, it's just Mr. Guimen, that noble man in Beijing, who needs someone to do these shady things for him, so I did it for him. "

Yin Quanzhang was dubious, Fang Zilan shook the tea cup in his hand lightly, and said with deep eyes: "Zixiu and Zhen's are just names, I don't care at all. What I care about is just one person."

"This is all your one-sided words..." Yin Quanzhang couldn't help but was interrupted by Fang Zilan, "Master Yin, if you have never done anything for King Rong An, you think there is nothing wrong with me talking nonsense, but you and King Rong An He is a bird of a feather, and now he looks like a thief with a guilty conscience."

"You..." Yin Quanzhang's expression froze, and Fang Zilan raised the corners of his lips, "Master Yin, if anyone could listen to me say so much in the past, it would cost more than a thousand gold. But I am in a good mood today, so I might as well tell you more thing."

Yin Quanzhang asked subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

"On New Year's Eve, the Xu family was destroyed by me." Fang Zilan's smile became wider, but there was an indescribable horror, "As for why I did this, Mr. Yin should be well aware of the reason." .”

Yin Quanzhang couldn't stop shaking, "What did you say?"

"Your Majesty has a decree to order Mr. Xu to be a secret envoy to go to Jiangnan to investigate corruption cases in the next year." Fang Zilan deliberately lowered her voice, and said meaningfully: "My son has a heart to protect each other. Mr. Yin must not know what is good or bad."

Yin Quanzhang's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists. From the Lord of the Ghost Gate, to the Young Master of the Ghost Gate, and then to my Young Master, Fang Zilan has changed three names in just a few words, but each one is more important than the other. Familiarity and intimacy, every sentence seems to show that she has an affair with that mysterious son, and she is on the same side as herself.

But if that was the case, who was the man in her room last night?It won't be the young master who should be in the capital...

"Lord Yin, that's all I have to say." Fang Zilan was about to get up after speaking, "May you take care of yourself."

"Miss Zhen, please stop." Yin Quanzhang hurriedly called Fang Zilan, his attitude was much better than before, "I heard from Mr. Fang that the grand finale of this Spring Festival..."

"Master Yin finally got to the point." Fang Zilan chuckled and stopped Yin Quanzhang's words, "Since Master Yin is sincerely asking the question, it's not good for me not to say anything."

She sat back again, speciously said: "Among the grand finale treasures, there is indeed news that Mr. Yin wants, but I don't know what Mr. Yin can exchange for it."

What she said was able, not yes, Yin Quanzhang's expression turned serious, "I would like to ask Miss Zhen to remind me."

"I don't dare to mention it, as long as Mr. Yin knows, my business is not just for myself." Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves, and said slowly: "As for the price of the finale, I am not the only one who can decide."

Her implication was obvious, no matter what the three news from Dabao at the finale were, it was all about a deal that the young master of the ghost family, the noble man in Beijing, wanted to make with Yin Quanzhang. If the price is satisfactory, then his handle is very likely to be exposed, life and death are uncertain, and the outcome is unpredictable.

Sure enough, after hearing what Fang Zilan said, Yin Quanzhang couldn't help but change his face, "If I don't..."

"Master Yin, I'm just a middleman. Even if I know the key points, I can't help you with anything." Fang Zilan interrupted Yin Quanzhang's words in a deep voice, "But I can advise you—some things, you'd better think about it before you say it." Otherwise, I'm afraid I will regret it later."

After she finished speaking, she stood up, Shi Shiran saluted, then pushed the door away without looking back, Ming Xiang followed her and left together.

"Mr. Fang." Yin Quanzhang looked at Fang Lihui with a face as dark as water, and said, "You invited Miss Zhen from Qianjinfang, and you also entertained her when she worshiped the mountain..."

He didn't continue, Fang Lihui hurriedly said: "When Miss Zhen entered the building, Zuiyue upstairs and downstairs have carefully checked her invitation card, there is absolutely no possibility of fraud, she must be from Qianjinfang."

"It's just an invitation." Yin Quanzhang snorted coldly, but he didn't say anything more to question it. Even he knew very well that there was absolutely no possibility of the Zuiyuelou's invitation being imitated.

"Miss Zhen's skill and courage are obvious to all when she worships the mountain." Fang Lihui continued, "If she is not Zixiu, then who else in the Jianghu..."

"Enough." Yin Quanzhang stopped Fang Lihui's words in a cold voice, "Even if she is really Zixiu, she may not be Zixiu from Qianjinfang."

Fang Lihui pursed his lips and remained silent, but Mr. Liu, who was at the side, couldn't help but said: "But Qianjinfang is secretive, and no one in the world really knows..."

Yin Quanzhang stabbed him with a knife in the eye, and Mr. Liu didn't dare to continue talking. Fang Lihui said curiously: "Mr. Liu, I heard that you have a good relationship with the Daomen Huo family, but I have never heard that you have a relationship with the Zi family." What's wrong with Xiu, now this is..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Mr. Liu's expression turned cold, and he said sharply, "But Mr. Fang, you are a little too trusting of a strange woman you have never met before."

Fang Lihui opened the folding fan in his hand and shook it lightly, "As much as I trust Mr. Liu, I also trust Miss Zhen."

Hearing that Mr. Liu was about to refute, he heard Yin Quanzhang say: "Okay, don't argue anymore. Mr. Liu, you go and keep an eye on that Cui Hai who once looked for Miss Zhen, and don't let go of every move. As for Mr. Fang ..."

He paused, with a serious expression, "You stay, I have something to say to you."

Soon Fang Lihui and Yin Quanzhang were the only ones left in the private room, and neither of them spoke. In the end, Yin Quanzhang couldn't hold his breath and said, "Just now, what Miss Zhen said, do you think it is true or false?"

"It's mostly true." Fang Lihui said without hesitation: "The only fake one is probably the Qianjinfang Zhen family."

"What do you mean?" Yin Quanzhang looked at Fang Lihui almost scrutinizingly. He didn't dodge at all, but met his eyes, "If the master of the ghost gate is a certain dignitary in Beijing, Zixiu and Qianjinfang are at his mercy. Then the name of the Qianjinfang Zhen family known to the world is likely to be an illusion deliberately created by him."

Yin Quanzhang was stunned, and Fang Lihui said to himself: "Zixiu has never made a living, why is Zhen's exception?"

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