Don't ask where people go

Chapter 649 Point to

Fang Zilan didn't have the habit of being a gentleman on Liangshang, but the matter was so important that she had to listen to what Fang Lihui and Yin Quanzhang had to say.

Li Shengxuan who was not far away felt a little funny when he saw Fang Zilan's ready-to-use appearance. She arranged everything one by one. It stands to reason that she should have explained to Fang Lihui a long time ago, but now she is still so worried. The corner was heard.

Fang Zilan saw Li Shengxuan, gave him a look, and signaled him to hide it well, and he must not be discovered by Yin Quanzhang, otherwise he would not be able to hide it.

However, Li Shengxuan seemed to have not received the message from Fang Zilan, and walked towards her, and hid quietly under the corner of the eaves with her.

"You..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound. He just glared at Li Shengxuan, and then focused all his attention on the conversation in the private room.

At this time, Yin Quanzhang still didn't say anything, but his expression was very subtle, as if he was thinking about what Fang Lihui said, and as if he had planned for a long time, just waiting...

No, is Yin Quanzhang waiting for something?Fang Zilan reacted abruptly, a look of worry flashed in Li Shengxuan's eyes.

"Let's go." Li Shengxuan took Fang Zilan's hand and led her back to the guest room.

"What do you know?" The moment Li Shengxuan closed the door, Fang Zilan's voice came as expected, straightforward and eager.

"Yin Quanzhang didn't come here alone." Li Shengxuan turned around, leaned into Fang Zilan's ear, and whispered: "Officials from other prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River either came in person or sent people, and many of them came one after another. The Fang Family Spring Festival is the best."

"You mean, Yin Quanzhang is the leader, or..." Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, "A shield."

"I'm more inclined to say that Yin Quanzhang is the target." Li Shengxuan said quietly: "All along, whether it's Hong He or others, or even the evidence we found, all point to him, but..."

He didn't go on talking, Fang Zilan's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, "Even if the pointing is wrong, Yin Quanzhang is not innocent."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "But if Yin Quanzhang is like you, all his actions this time are aimed at attracting attention, and others are acting behind his back, then our chances of winning will be much smaller."

"Are you worried that others may hide the most powerful evidence before we discover it?" Fang Zilan thought thoughtfully: "At that time, we can only hold it high and let it go."

"It doesn't necessarily mean hiding the evidence." Li Shengxuan said in a deep voice, "Destroying everything is the only way to get it done once and for all."

"If only one person is involved, it is possible to destroy the evidence." Fang Zilan shook her head lightly, "But there are so many people involved in the incident now, and if these accomplices want to restrain each other, they will definitely keep the evidence and leave a trail for themselves. road."

As she spoke, she seemed to think of something, and asked, "You said before that Xia Houzhang and others went to rescue Ah yes, did you rescue them?"

Li Shengxuan was silent for a while, before he said: "Ah, it's not in the Jiangnan camp, Xia Houzhang and the others fell into a trap when they went there, they were either killed or injured, you..."

"Why, you want to persuade me to plan for the worst?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, interrupted Li Shengxuan, and said coldly: "I didn't expect your people to rescue Ah Shi."

"I..." Li Shengxuan's lips moved, Fang Zilan's face was expressionless, but there seemed to be a layer of frost and snow between his brows, "If they don't care about it, maybe they will think that Ah Shi is not important, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not kill him. However, some people If you spend all your time trying to save him, they will find him useful, at least for a while, and he won't die."

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, "But in this way, they will use Ah Shi as a threat..."

"Threat?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, her eyes full of murderous intent, "The grass on the grave of those who dare to threaten me is several feet high. If they want to try, it's okay."

Li Shengxuan's expression turned serious, "Are you..."

"Yes." Fang Zilan cut off Li Shengxuan's words without any hesitation, "If they can't be brought to justice in an open and honest manner, I don't mind using other means."

Li Shengxuan frowned slightly, Fang Zilan continued, "If you want to deal with wicked people, you have to be more ruthless than them."

"If only violence can be used to control violence, then what is the difference between us and them?" Li Shengxuan frowned even tighter, Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "Is what we are doing now considered a good method? Since planning is essential , then who cares if it's a conspiracy? If this situation fails, it's not sure who will be invited into the urn in the future."

After she finished speaking, she went to the table and sat down, "The so-called big things are not small, I don't need to tell you these words. You are as cruel and merciless as I am, so why hesitate at this juncture? "

"I'm not hesitating, but..." Li Shengxuan hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

Fang Zilan is right, he is not a good person, and he doesn't care about conspiracy.Right now, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. If they can't check it out at this point, they will feel that they are weak and bully, and they will only become more rampant in the future...

He knew all of this, but he still felt uneasy in his heart, because he was afraid that Ah Shi would be caught in it and become a pawn that would be wiped out.

Chu Bin, Mo Han, the king of wheels, are no longer there, and there are fewer and fewer people around Fang Zilan. If Ah Shi also loses her life because of this, he doesn't know how she will bear it...

"Why do you look at me like this?" Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan who was standing there, staring at her intently, and couldn't help asking: "I know you are not indecisive, what exactly do you want to say?"

"It's nothing." Li Shengxuan looked away. He didn't have a perfect way to ensure that Ah Shi was safe and sound, so he couldn't express the uneasiness in his heart, so as not to increase Fang Zilan's troubles.

Fang Zilan was very preoccupied, and didn't have the extra thought to guess what Li Shengxuan was thinking at this time, she just waved her hand and said, "If you have nothing else to do, stay with Xia Houzhang and don't show up for now."

Li Shengxuan nodded, and then left.As soon as he left on his front foot, Mingxiang came back on his back foot.

"Master, all the things you want me to check are here." Ming Xiang saluted, and then handed a brocade box to Fang Zilan, who took it and opened it, and inside was a stack of thick documents.

"The biographical records of all the officials who participated in this spring meeting are here, and there are notes from Ms. Mi'er." Before Mingxiang finished speaking, Fang Zilan's expression suddenly turned cold, "Is Sister Mi'er in Suzhou Mansion?" ?”

Although it was a question, she spoke with certainty. Even Ming Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then she nodded imperceptibly, "Miss Mi'er..."

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