Don't ask where people go

Chapter 651 Bidding

Chapter 651 Bidding
The voice came from the private room in the southeast corner, not too loud, but enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

However, Fang Zilan didn't even lift her eyelids, she just said in a low voice: "My rules will never be changed by anyone. If you are interested in all three news, you may wish to bid one by one."

After her words fell, the whole room was silent.The more calm and unruffled, the more unpredictable the depth and depth. This is the first time Zhen's public appearance in Qianjinfang.

Fang Zilan is well versed in this way, so she didn't talk too much nonsense, and said straight to the point: "The first news is about the affairs of the court. On New Year's Eve, the Minister of the Household Department, Xu You, and his family were wiped out. The reason behind it is what Mr. Xu held. , is the content of the transaction.”

She paused, and continued to raise her voice: "The second news is about Jianghu. A few months ago, disciples from all major sects in Jianghu disappeared, and there were quite a few of them. It's the content of the transaction."

After the second news, the bidders who hid in the private room couldn't sit still, but Fang Zilan's voice sounded again, "As for the third news, it's about folk affairs. In recent years Cases of changing ownership of land emerge in endlessly, most of which remain unresolved and eventually settle down. This matter involves a lot, and the specific circumstances are the content of the transaction.”

After she finished speaking, she looked around the private room upstairs.At the same time, Fang Lihui said loudly: "This transaction is done blindly. There are currently three pieces of paper that write about affairs in the DPRK and China, affairs in Jianghu, and affairs in the private sector."

Following his words, the shopkeeper of Zuiyuelou led two assistants to spread three pieces of paper in front of the people, and turned around in all directions.

"The size, material, and weight of these three notes are exactly the same." Fang Lihui introduced: "I will put them in the black box, and Miss Zhen will randomly select them, and then all the distinguished guests will bid."

Another clerk carried the black box to the center, turned the black box over and over for everyone to look at it, and after confirming that there was no problem, Fang Lihui put the three notes in it.

"Valentines who are willing to bid can order someone to light the lantern in front of the private room, write the price on a piece of paper, and hand it to the waiter." Fang Lihui said while taking the black box from the waiter's hand, "The lantern in the private room is the same as that of the private room." The paper and ink are different, and they are only used to distinguish the distinguished guests, so there is no need to worry about it."

Fang Zilan helped her up, and said: "It is consistent with other transactions, and the one with the highest price wins. The one who writes the highest number on the paper will get the kit with the exchange conditions. After confirming that the conditions are acceptable, we will You can trade with me."

As she spoke, she winked at the shopkeeper, and then heard him say: "If you have any objections, you can raise them immediately. After the start, unless the transaction is over, no matter whether you bid or not, you are not allowed to leave."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.Even if someone asked: "Miss Zhen, since you have an exchange condition, why do you want us to make an offer? You can just say what you want?"

"There is already a threshold for this transaction. All distinguished guests can enter the market based on their own ability, so money is not the only condition." Fang Zilan said without anger: "When all distinguished guests bid, the numbers written on the paper are only for reference. , indicating how much you are willing to pay for this transaction.”

After she finished speaking, the voice of discussion gradually weakened, but the next question was still thrown out, "Miss Zhen, Mr. Fang, this transaction is done blindly, the risk..."

"This distinguished guest." Fang Lihui interrupted the question unceremoniously, and said in a serious tone: "Before entering the venue, there have been relevant instructions for blind exit, and you can only enter the venue after agreeing. Since you are here, it means that you know that And accept the blind out."

The meaning behind his words is obvious. He emphasized the rules again and again before and after entering the arena. The subtext is a huge risk.If it is unacceptable, it should not have entered the game in the first place, and if it is accepted and entered, the rules should no longer be an issue.

It's just that he didn't expect that Fang Zilan would instruct the shopkeeper to add a rule that no one is allowed to leave until the transaction is over.In this way, no matter what happened tonight, no one outside would know.

For some reason, Fang Lihui only felt uneasy in his heart. He looked at Fang Zilan, but he heard her say: "The form of blindness is really fresh. All the distinguished guests don't want to be the first to eat crabs, and I can understand."

Fang Lihui was stunned when she heard the words, and before she could say anything to cooperate with Fang Zilan, she continued on her own, "Therefore, I can reveal a little more information, hoping to be helpful to all distinguished guests."

She hooked the corners of her lips, "These three news transactions tonight are inextricably linked. Each of them is infinitely close to the truth, but..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted, "Miss Zhen, aren't you forcing us to buy all three messages?"

"Whether you want to buy news, buy one or two, or even three, is your choice." Fang Zilan smiled and said coldly: "I mean, they may not be the truth when they are put together."

Everyone was confused, and Fang Lihui had a look of doubt in his eyes. He didn't know what kind of medicine Fang Zilan's gourd was selling.

However, Fang Zilan's words were like a reassurance, which made all the cautious bidders eager to try. After all, who wouldn't want to buy a piece of news and be able to deduce the complete truth?
So no one raised any objections, and the transaction quickly began.Fang Zilan took out the first note from the black box, and the shopkeeper held a lot of bidding papers and found out the person with the highest bid.

Fang Zilan asked the clerk to send up the kit with the terms of exchange, and the other party readily agreed, and then she read the three words written on the note-Jianghu Shi.

There were people in the room who were happy and others who were worried. Fortunately, after one round, the overall rules and procedures became clearer, so they all looked forward to the next news.

However, after Fang Zilan took out the second note, he saw the shopkeeper who had received the bid paper standing beside her, looking at her solemnly.

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, and she hurriedly looked through the bidding papers in the shopkeeper's hand, and found that two of them did not have numbers written on them, but two names were written on them—A Wan and Ah Shi.

The person who wrote the names must have guessed that these two people had a secret relationship with her, and she would never and would not dare to openly criticize them to avoid exposure and embarrassment.

At the same time, it was also a reminder and a threat, reminding her that the life and death of these two people depended on her thoughts, and if she didn't hand over the news, the threat would become a reality.

But the person who wrote the name obviously underestimated Fang Zilan. She held up the bidding paper with the name written on it, shook it casually, and said coldly: "I don't know which two distinguished guests wrote the name of the maid beside me on the paper. He Zuiyuelou is the name of your son?"

 Fang Zilan: How can I back down when it's time to face up?
(End of this chapter)

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