Don't ask where people go

Chapter 652 Achievement

Chapter 652 Achievement
Immediately the whole hall was silent, Fang Zilan raised her eyes and glanced around, her expression was cold and haughty, clearly asking for a crime.

Fang Lihui involuntarily looked at the two bidding papers that Fang Zilan held up, with a serious expression on his face, but before he could speak, he heard her say: "The two distinguished guests violated the rules, so their trading qualifications will be revoked. Please take a look at the shopkeeper, these two papers are from Which one, the ban is."

As soon as she said this, Fang Lihui, the shopkeeper of Zuiyuelou, and all the guests who participated in the bidding were startled.

After a short period of calm, a huge controversy erupted. Immediately, a guest asked loudly: "Miss Zhen, what do you mean? This is the second round, and there is another round to come. You willfully disqualify... "

"I'm not reckless." Fang Zilan interrupted the guest in a cold voice, "Since Qianjinfang was established, it has established rules and never does business with people who violate the rules. It has been like this in the past, it will be like this in the future, and it will be like this tonight."

She said, her eyes fell on the shopkeeper, "Please tell the shopkeeper whether the distinguished customer who bought the news in the first round is one of these two. If so, the first round of transactions will be voided and try again."

It is said that cold sweat broke out on the shopkeeper's forehead, if such offending customers would arouse public outrage, how will Zuiyuelou do business in the future?
So the shopkeeper looked at Fang Lihui as if asking for help, but saw that he was unmoved at all, and even urged him when he didn't respond: "Shopkeeper, follow Miss Zhen's words and go and confirm."

The shopkeeper gasped, but still hurriedly responded, and quickly confirmed whether there was a buyer in the first round of transactions among the two who violated the rules.

"Miss Zhen, aren't you afraid that those two distinguished guests who violated the rules will be angry and will harm your maid or Mr. Ah Shi?" A probing voice came from the private room, and Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "This distinguished guest is so angry. Curious, do you know something?"

The guests hidden in the private room didn't speak any more, Fang Zilan continued on her own, "I did this to ensure that all the distinguished guests can trade fairly. But if the distinguished guests don't appreciate it, I don't mind changing the way."

Her words seemed to be a beating, which surprised everyone present. The blind bidding method is unheard of at present, and it is very weird. If there is another method, there may be many twists and turns.

Most of the guests in the hall came here just for the news, or want to trade, or gain knowledge, and naturally they don't want to watch the very few conspirators fish in troubled waters.

If the situation is disturbed, it is uncertain what this unpredictable Qianjinfang Zhen will do.If she gets angry and cancels the deal, wouldn't it be worth the loss for them?

Therefore, it didn't take a moment for the shopkeeper to confirm that the buyer in the first round of transactions was not one of the two who violated the rules, and after announcing it to the public, the tone of the guests gradually changed.

Some people say that this should be the case, and some people say that the two who violated the rules have evil intentions, and what's more, they say that the opponents of Qianjinfang are secretly causing trouble...

Fang Zilan heard them one by one, with a sneer on his lips.People are like this, bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

The tougher she is, the less people dare to provoke her.Even, she doesn't need to say anything, someone will misinterpret more content that is beneficial to her.

"Everyone, please be quiet." The shopkeeper said loudly to maintain order: "The distinguished guest with the highest bid in the second round of transactions has received Miss Zhen's kit and agreed to the terms of the transaction, that is, the transaction is concluded. Please, Miss Zhen, announce the second news What is it about."

Fang Zilan unfolded the note and said, "The news about the second round of transactions is about civil affairs."

Before she finished speaking, there was another commotion in the hall. Since the Jianghu affairs and folk affairs have been released, the last news left can only be about the court affairs.

Therefore, in this round of bidding, the atmosphere in the hall was a bit weird, and all the guests became more cautious. The guy who collected the bid papers outside the private room waited and waited, but it was still a while.

This situation and this scene were all within Fang Zilan's expectation.The affairs of the DPRK and China are not like the affairs of the rivers and lakes and the affairs of the people. If you are not careful, you will get burned.

If an official wants it, he has to weigh his weight to see if he can hold it down, otherwise he will be guilty of pregnant.

If merchants and nobles want it, they have to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.After all, apart from Fang's family, there is no other family in the world except Fang's family.

Although Fang Zilan did have the intention of delaying the time and not allowing anyone to leave the venue until the end of the entire bidding, it was too late. If the delay was too long, who knows if there will be long nights and dreams?
She waited patiently for a while, but still saw that most of the clerks were guarding in front of the private room, and the guests inside didn't show any intention of giving the offer paper, so she exchanged glances with Fang Lihui.

Fang Lihui understood, coughed lightly, and said: "Dear guests, those who have not bid after half a stick of incense will be regarded as voluntarily giving up the third round of transactions."

With a time limit, waiting seems to have expectations, and it is not difficult.Soon, the guys retreated one after another, and only one private room handed out the paper.

Fang Zilan's heart tightened. She had expected many situations, but she never expected that it would be the most domineering one.

With all the guests in the hall, it is impossible for only one person to be willing to bid for news about North Korea-China affairs, but the fact that this is the case now only shows that the bidder used tricks.

Especially when she saw the blank bidding paper, Fang Zilan's expression froze for a moment, but she still said calmly: "Since there is only one valuable customer bidding, please send the kit to the shopkeeper."

"Don't bother." A familiar voice came from the private room, "No matter what Miss Zhen's transaction terms are, I will agree."

It's Yin Quanzhang.

Fang Zilan tightened her hand holding the bidding paper, and the paper was full of wrinkles, but she remained calm and composed, "So, the third round of the deal is concluded."

As she spoke, she threw away the bidding paper and reached out to take out the last note from the black box.However, before her hand came out of the black box, she heard Yin Quanzhang say: "Miss Zhen, I also have conditions."

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Fang Zilan to open his mouth, he said in a loud voice: "I want Miss Zhen to disclose three news about the transaction in front of everyone tonight.

Fang Zilan looked down at the bid paper that fell on the ground. There was a gardenia flower seal in the lower right corner, which should be the mark of Yin Quanzhang's private room.In the previous two rounds of transactions, the buyer's bid paper also had the same mark.

Expected, also unexpected.She had thought that Yin Quanzhang would buy the three news with great wealth, but after reading the paperwork that Mingxiang gave her, she changed her mind.

It's true that Yin Quanzhang is rich, but he knows how to keep his money secret. It's really not his style to buy three news in such a high-profile way at the Fang Jiachun meeting.

Unless, there is someone else behind him.

 The three rounds of deals seem to have come to an end, but they seem to be on the verge of falling apart...

(End of this chapter)

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