Don't ask where people go

Chapter 653 Private Chat

Chapter 653 Private Chat
"Master Yin, I'm sorry." Fang Zilan's clear voice fell in the ears of everyone present, like cold mountain spring water, which shocked people.

She took out the last note from the black box, then handed the black box to the shopkeeper at the side, and unfolded the note herself, held it up like she was just now, and presented it in front of everyone.

"Miss Zhen, the three rounds of transactions have been concluded, and you said it yourself." Yin Quanzhang stepped out, stood in front of the private room, and said without anger: "I heard that Qianjinfang promises a thousand pieces of gold, and never breaks promises. Miss Zhen Are you going to break the rules?"

Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "Master Yin, if you insist on this, the three rounds of transactions tonight will be forfeited. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Yin Quanzhang raised the corners of his lips, showing a sneering smile, "Miss Zhen thought that there were other people present, so they dared to buy your news?"

Fang Zilan raised her head and looked at Yin Quanzhang fixedly, as if she wanted to see something, but she didn't.

For some reason, she always felt that the Yin Quanzhang in front of her was completely different from the Yin Quanzhang she had seen before.If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would even feel that one of them was an impostor.

However, she knew it wasn't.She has been in the ghost gate for many years, and she is used to seeing all kinds of disguises, even human skin masks that are delicate enough to be faked, she has seen many of them.Therefore, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get through under her nose.

What's more, Yin Quanzhang is the magistrate of Suzhou, and there are not a few people who have met him. It is impossible for him to let others put his face on his face and show off so much at the Fangjiachun meeting...

"It seems that Miss Zhen also has something she can't figure out." Yin Quanzhang chuckled and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, "In that case, let's move on."

Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, but in the end her inner curiosity prevailed. She wanted to know the truth, which meant risk.

How can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den?She is willing to take corresponding risks for the truth, no matter what it is.

Fang Lihui took a step forward, trying to stop Fang Zilan, but she avoided her indiscriminately, leaving him a reassuring look, and left with Yin Quanzhang without looking back.

"All distinguished guests, please be calm and don't be impatient." Fang Lihui took a deep breath and said, "The transaction is not over yet, please stay where you are, and don't move around at random, so as not to cause any trouble."

He meant something, and the guests hidden in the private room were surprisingly calm, silent, as if acquiescing.But this strange silence made him a little uneasy.

I don't know if Fang Zilan's invitation to enter the urn will be effective?Or, Yin Quanzhang had already seen through and fell into his trap?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Fang Lihui's mind, and he couldn't restrain his panic.However, at this time, Fang Zilan, who walked up one flight of stairs with Yin Quanzhang, and stepped on the last step, was not much better than him.

There are dark clouds all over tonight, covering the moon and stars, and there is no light at all.Fang Zilan stood by the railing on the roof, calmed down, and stroked her injured leg with her hands.

"Miss Fang, your legs are injured, why are you so reluctant?" Holding a candle, Yin Quanzhang slowly walked to Fang Zilan's side.The candle in his hand fluctuated, as if it would be swallowed by darkness at any moment.

Fang Zilan didn't see clearly through the candlelight, but felt that her heart was also covered with a layer of dust.Yin Quanzhang actually called her Miss Fang, and knew about her leg injury?
Regardless of how well she concealed her leg injury, no one noticed it when she visited the mountain, but now she was spotted by this seemingly frail state official.Let's just say her Fang Zilan's identity is impossible to find out easily...

"Miss Fang, you don't have to look at me like that." Yin Quanzhang curled his lips, and his already round face looked softer, "I know far more than you imagine."

"You..." Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves clenched into fists, "What do you know, and what do you want to do?"

She asked straightforwardly, without any cover, but she couldn't hide the bewilderment in her eyes.The situation in front of her was something she had never thought of before, and it was completely unexpected.

"Are you Zixiu, the third lady of the Fang family—Fang Zilan, or..." Yin Quanzhang paused for a moment, his voice much softer, "Mr. Xianyue."

Fang Zilan was shocked, "How would you know..."

"In Miss Fang's second kit, the exchange condition written is Hongtai." Yin Quanzhang smiled and said helplessly: "You are so trustworthy, if I could have known you earlier, maybe I wouldn't have... ..."

"What are you talking about?" Fang Zilan interrupted Yin Quanzhang's words with a trembling voice. He smiled and said in a low voice: "Miss Fang, don't worry, I have never mentioned your identity to anyone else. It is Honghe ,do not know either."

When he mentioned Honghe, the tenderness in his eyes made Fang Zilan react quickly, "Above Feiling Mountain, Honghe and the second master sang together, it was just a play, Hongtai was not detained by you at all..."

"Miss Fang, are you and Fang Lihui only allowed to play tricks to deceive Hong He, and I am not allowed to play tricks to deceive you?" The candlelight lit up Yin Quanzhang's eyes, revealing a cunning that did not match his age, like a young man after a successful prank. pleasure.

However, after only a moment, his eyes dimmed, "However, you are only half right. Hong Tai was indeed detained, but it wasn't me."

Fang Zilan's brain was running fast, but it was difficult to digest what Yin Quanzhang said, "You mean, you and Honghe lied to me to save Hongtai? Then what happened tonight's deal, why did you bid for this Three messages? Could it be that someone asked you to do this..."

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became, and it was almost inaudible at the back, but Yin Quanzhang still listened patiently until she stopped, and then said: "Miss Fang's layout this time is considered exquisite, but compared with the net they weaved , but nothing."

"They?" Fang Zilan caught the word keenly, but Yin Quanzhang didn't seem to hear it, and said to himself: "You ordered Lin Jian, the head of the escort, to transport the token of Qianjinfang from Suzhou to Jiang'an, spreading rumors all the way, claiming that I was with several people. Your Excellency has committed many crimes, and Jiangnan's officialdom will soon be reshuffled."

He paused, then continued: "Afterwards, you ordered Cui Hai, a disciple of the Huo family of the Daomen, to encourage Mr. Liu to expose your identity as Zixiu, and stabbed your worship of the mountain into the rivers and lakes, and led bandits and bandits into the game together with the people in the rivers and lakes." , not only muddy the water, but also forced out the real Qianjinfang Zhen family. Besides..."

He took a deep breath and said, "Use General Zhou Lang to make a knife out of the Southeast Camp."

 Private chat found that the other party knew everything——

  Fang Zilan: I am in a panic right now...

  Yin Quanzhang: Don’t panic, I’m not your enemy~
(End of this chapter)

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