Chapter 655
Yin Quanzhang's expression was calm, and he talked eloquently, as if he had thought about this day for a long time, so that when it really came, he was extremely calm.

"Who are you talking about?" Fang Zilan's voice trembled, but she still asked.

"Su family, Zhuge family, Wei family, Ouyang family, Pei family, Dugu family, Huangfu family, Wang family..."

There used to be nine noble families, but now there are eight remaining families except Fang Zilan.However, when Yin Quanzhang reported them one by one, she felt cold all over her body, and her hands hidden in her sleeves couldn't stop shaking.

"Your Majesty went to the south of the Yangtze River to investigate the corruption case in person, and they have known about the private visits under the guise of disappearance." Yin Quanzhang had no expression on his face, "They don't want to get caught up in the fire, and they just hope that the case will end here. Tonight All the adults present here account for less than half of the officialdom in the south, and their official positions are not big or small, enough to calm things down."

Fang Zilan is like a fish jumping out of the water, feeling suffocated by everything around her.She clings to the railing tightly, panting heavily, as if this is the only way she can hold on.

"So, just now in the hall, you want me to disclose the three news of the transaction, is it for everyone to understand tonight?" Fang Zilan gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "Including Fang Lihui, including me..."

"Miss Fang, in the hearts of the world, you are a dead person. The person present tonight is the Qianjinfang Zhen family. With your ability, you can escape again." Yin Quanzhang interrupted Fang Zilan's words in a low voice, "As for Fang Lihui, He is very clear about what he is doing, and he died long ago to protect the hearts of the Fang family. For him, it is fulfillment."

"Don't be so self-righteous." Fang Zilan said with a serious expression, "What you thought was perfect is actually just for your own peace of mind. Tonight, you tricked the adults in the southern official circles to come here, have you ever asked them a little bit? Are they like you? Are you willing to die?"

"Although they don't know the real purpose of gathering here tonight, they all came for the three news about you, Miss Fang." Yin Quanzhang said persistently, "I don't care whether Qianjinfang is used by Ji Ningtian, or whether you are It's not Qianjinfang Zhen's, I just hope they die and understand, don't..."

"Don't want anything?" Fang Zilan suddenly intercepted Yin Quanzhang's words, "How can you decide whether they live or die?"

"Miss Fang, they are not innocent." Yin Quanzhang's voice became lower, and Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "So what? According to you, no one in the court is innocent, should they all deserve to die?"

Yin Quanzhang took a deep breath, "Miss Fang, even if you are not innocent, people are still classified into different classes. You said that King Rong An is my master, but today I can tell you that it is not so."

He paused, "All officials big and small in the southern officialdom have their own backers, but most of them are not King Rong An. All he can do is to balance all parties and maintain stability."

"You mean, it's not that Ji Ningtian wants to form an alliance with King Rong'an, but..." Fang Zilan suddenly realized, "King Rong'an also needs Ji Ningtian's help."

"Miss Fang, this is the end of my words. With your intelligence, you can always roughly see the whole picture of this situation." Yin Quanzhang sighed, "For the sake of acquaintance, I will advise you one last thing, turn your back and be right. You now Let's go, there's still time."

"In time?" Fang Zilan looked at Yin Quanzhang fixedly, and said coldly: "Master Yin, do you still have something to say?"

Yin Quanzhang's expression froze, and Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Thank you for complimenting me on my intelligence, of course I can't let it down. You drag me here to talk, isn't it just to buy time for the people in the Jiangnan camp?"

As she spoke, her voice became fiercer, "Let me ask you, after tonight, what will happen to General Zhou Lang in the southeast camp?"

"If you don't act without a symbol, you will die." Yin Quanzhang answered quickly, Fang Zilan suddenly had a fit, and reached out to grab his neck, "This is your real purpose, not only to cover up for the people behind you, but also Put Zhou Lang to death. From now on, just like the Jiangnan camp, the southeast camp can be manipulated in the palm of the hand.

"Zhou Lang...doesn't know current affairs..." Yin Quanzhang spat out these words with difficulty, "He will definitely die..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan saw the torches lit downstairs, she couldn't help but loosen her hands a little, and frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"As Zixiu, Miss Fang is not unfamiliar..." Yin Quanzhang coughed twice, raised the corners of his lips, and showed a sinister smile, "A fire is enough to cover up all the truth."

Fang Zilan was angry from the heart, and once again grabbed Yin Quanzhang's throat fiercely. The next moment a familiar voice sounded from behind her, "Yin Quanzhang, you are wrong. A fire can only cover up the truth for a while, but it cannot cover up the truth." long-standing malpractice."

The solemn and determined words made Fang Zilan's heart instantly settle down. She didn't look back, but still stared at Yin Quanzhang in front of her. As expected, she saw panic in his eyes.

"You are... King Xiang? No, Your Majesty!" Yin Quanzhang recognized Li Shengxuan, and watched him approach step by step, "Do you think that if the Zuiyue Tower is burned down tonight, their actions will never be noticed by others?" Do you know?"

"It's impossible, but it's not a loss." Yin Quanzhang suddenly laughed, "It's an honor to be buried in the sea of ​​fire with His Majesty."

"You deserve it?" Fang Zilan was like playing with a marionette, holding Yin Quanzhang's life in his hands, loose or tight.

Yin Quanzhang showed no fear, still raised the corners of his lips, and said with a smile: "I just didn't expect that His Majesty is a lover. Your Majesty shouldn't be here tonight."

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan looked sideways at Li Shengxuan who was standing beside her. The moment her eyes overlapped, she finally understood what Yin Quanzhang meant, but she couldn't react for a long time.

This time, Li Shengxuan really chose her.

"Yin Quanzhang, it's easy to ask God to send God away. Do you think that if you die, your backer will stop here?" Li Shengxuan said coolly: "After you die, what will happen to Hong Tai who was detained by them? What will happen to Hong He, have you thought about it?"

Yin Quanzhang was stunned, "They promised me that they wouldn't..."

"Nothing?" Li Shengxuan intercepted Yin Quanzhang's words, and said mercilessly: "It's not the first time you've done something for them. Others don't understand their methods, so don't you know?"

Yin Quanzhang opened his mouth and said angrily, "What about Your Majesty? Why did you step in when you knew it was a dead end?"

"Because I, like you, want someone to fight for." Li Shengxuan said, his eyes fell on Fang Zilan, "Since I am here tonight, I will never let her have an accident."

After he finished speaking, he took a step forward and stood by the railing, shouting loudly: "Where is Zhou Lang?"

 The tacit understanding and trust between Li Shengxuan and Fang Zilan can only be manifested when they are on the verge of life and death...

(End of this chapter)

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