Chapter 656
This is a chapter asking for leave~
I didn't even think that it has been continuously updated for more than 600 days, and I am very happy overall and have a sense of accomplishment.But occasionally I still want to stop for a day. When I don’t do anything and let go, I feel like I’m recharging.

The second volume is almost halfway through, and the subsequent stories will be more twists and turns. Simply put, no one can really get what they want.Even, when everyone is struggling, there may be more than the first volume.

A wicked person one moment will have kind thoughts in his heart the next moment, and a good person one second will hide his knife in his smile the next second.And how can Fang Zilan, who is standing by the abyss, ensure that she will not be swallowed by the darkness?

When will I be able to write pleasing and cool articles?Spread your hands...

Continue to update tomorrow, so stay tuned~
(End of this chapter)

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