Don't ask where people go

Chapter 658 Breakdown

Chapter 658 Breakdown
"Thank you, I'm sorry." Fang Zilan gave a hasty salute, and then left without looking back.

Cui Hai wanted to say something more, but Zhen Mier took a step ahead, "Hero Cui, the group downstairs is from the southeast camp, and the leader is General Zhou Lang, the leader. This is a court affair. After all, think it through.”

"Girl, what are you talking about?" Cui Hai was stunned for a moment, he never thought that what he did for Fang Zilan was actually a court affair, which obviously violated a big taboo in the world.

So cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he asked subconsciously: "Why is your Qianjinfang involved with the imperial court?"

"Qianjinfang originally wandered between the imperial court and the rivers and lakes." Zhen Mi'er said lightly, and then said calmly: "As for the news that Lan'er promised to tell you..."

When Cui Hai heard this, he didn't care too much, and asked impatiently, "Where is my senior brother?"

"Dead." The heavy words made Cui Hai unable to respond for a long time, before he said, "What did you say?"

Zhen Mier succinctly told Cui Hai about Fang Zilan's letter to her, but skipped the part about the Feiling bandit sending the human bones to Miluo, and changed it to the sinister Jianghu and people's schemes.

"I don't believe it..." Cui Hai shook his head like a rattle, "Senior brother is very skilled in martial arts, he won't be so easy..."

"The news about Qianjinfang's sale is never false." Zhen Mi'er interrupted Cui Hai's words without changing her expression, "Hero Cui, please be patient."

"You lied to me!" Cui Hai was emotional, and rushed straight to Zhen Mier, but unexpectedly she dodged in a flash, "Hero Cui, now that money and goods are worthless, if you want to mess around, I will never polite."

After she finished speaking, she tapped her toes lightly, and within a few vertical leaps, she disappeared without a trace, leaving only Cui Hai in place, listening to the "running into the water" one after another around her, but she was indifferent.

Ming Xiang, who was leading the horse outside the building, saw Zhen Mier coming out, and couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, "Miss Mier..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Zhen Mier stopped her, "Where is Lan'er, why did you stay here?"

"Master won't let me follow." Ming Xiang lowered her eyes, and there was an imperceptible sense of loss in her voice, "After I handed the plum sword to Master, she left quickly."

Zhen Mi'er's red lips hooked lightly, "Girl Mingxiang, you know Lan'er's temperament somewhat. She won't let you follow her, but you just follow her like a stalker. Can she drive you away?"

"Master said, if I dare to follow, I will break my leg." Mingxiang was so angry that Zhen Mier chuckled, "Lan'er is scaring you, she is reluctant to break your leg .”

Ming Xiang pursed her lips, "Miss Mier, let's now..."

She didn't continue, Zhen Mier interjected: "Forget it, Lan'er must have gone to Jiangnan Daying, and it's too late for us to catch up now, why don't we go to Feiling Mountain for her to make sure Miss Awan is safe and sound."

"But..." Mingxiang opened her mouth, and Zhen Mier smiled even wider, "Did you go to Feiling Mountain with Lan'er?"

Ming Xiang nodded, and Zhen Mier looked at her rather amusedly, "How can such a clever girl lose her mind when she encounters Lan'er? With me here, where can't she go?"

Ming Xiang hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then Uncle Wan knows that you, Miss Mier..."

"You're not very young, so you have a lot to worry about." Zhen Mier smiled and shook her head, "He's already on his way."

"What..." A look of shock flashed in Mingxiang's eyes, and Zhen Mier casually took the reins from her hand, "Aren't you leaving?"

Seeing that Zhen Mier was about to leave, Ming Xiang couldn't help tugging at her sleeves, and said in her ear, "What about Zuiyue Tower? There are still many adults in the building, they..."

She hesitated to speak, Zhen Mier held back her smile, and said to her in a low voice: "Your Majesty, General Zhou Lang of the Southeast Camp, and Young Master Fang Jia Lihui are all here, why should we worry?"

"Your Majesty today..." Ming Xiang exclaimed, and Zhen Mier quickly covered her mouth, "Lan'er doesn't want too many people to know, but after tonight, I can't hide it."

At this time, Fang Zilan rushed to Jiangnan Daying non-stop, his mind was in a mess, and he was thinking about this matter.

She didn't know how much Li Shengxuan had found out now, but it was not a good thing to expose his identity almost out of necessity.If the person from the ghost gate is lurking secretly, he can take advantage of the chaos and make a move at this time, and it is unknown if he is killed.

After all, when he left Beijing, Ji Ningtian ordered Wen Ya to give Awan the poison to kill Li Shengxuan.With his suspicion and distrust of her and Awan, he will definitely send other people.

Although there are no more Hades in the Ghost Sect, there are still a few killers who can be used. Moreover, the Hong brothers and sisters and the gangsters under them have no clear position.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, and loosened his hand holding the rein of the horse, as if he would turn the horse's head around the next moment, or return to Zuiyue Tower, or go to Feiling Mountain.

However, Yin Quanzhang's words before falling from the building were still in her ears. She wanted to believe in Li Shengxuan, Zhou Lang and Fang Lihui, not to mention that Ah Shi was alone in the Jiangnan camp and needed her more than anyone else.

She has lost enough people, Ah Shi can't do anything else.

As if making up his mind, Fang Zilan whipped his horse and rushed to the Jiangnan camp when the sky was dim, and sneaked in quietly.

She originally wanted to hold Li Shengxuan's gold medal and rush straight into the Jiangnan camp, but after thinking about it, if the people in the camp deliberately deceived her, it would be difficult for her to find Ah Shi.You might as well find out where Ah Shi is first, and then use Li Shengxuan's gold medal, it won't be too late.

After making up her mind, Fang Zilan searched around the camp for a long time, only to see Ah Shi in a tent with disheveled clothes and bruises all over her body.

"This kid is worthy of being the top card in the capital, and he tastes good." The naked vulgar words made Fang Zilan's breathing stagnate, and he turned his back and squatted in the bushes in the corner, his tightly clenched hands trembling.

Li Shengxuan's gold medal made imprints on her palm, but she didn't realize it, she couldn't hold anything else but regret.

Again she was late.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Zilan's injured leg couldn't hold on, and she almost fell over. Fortunately, her body reacted quickly and supported the ground in time, so that she wouldn't make a sound and draw people over.

At this moment, there was no one else in the tent, so Fang Zilan plucked up her courage, and slipped in lightly, but when she met Ah Shi, whose arms and legs were chained and her back was turned to her, she was speechless.

It seems that all languages ​​are pale and powerless.

As if hearing the movement behind him, Ah Shi turned his head slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "You're here."

 This is probably the legendary killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred...

(End of this chapter)

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