Chapter 659
There was no surprise or embarrassment in Ah Shi's voice, just deathly calm.

Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, and after a while, she said, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

"You don't have to say sorry, it's my own choice." Ah Shi didn't look back, but chuckled as if laughing at himself, "Actually, that's what I used to do. If I hadn't met you, Sooner or later, you will always end up in this situation..."

"Ah Yes." As if out of control, Fang Zilan interrupted Ah Shi's words, "I dragged you down, you didn't have to..."

"No need?" Ah Shi looked back suddenly, with indescribable exhaustion in his clear eyes, "I am willing, even if I have to choose again, it will not make any difference."

"But..." Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly, hesitant to speak, "I don't want to..."

"You know that you are walking a road of no return, and the people around you will leave eventually." Ah Shi curled his lips, but he was indescribably cold, "Even if you don't want to, what can you do?"

Fang Zilan was like a child who did something wrong, she lowered her head, opened her mouth when she saw this, and held back a sentence after a long time, "At least, I'm still alive..."

"Who asked you to comfort me?" Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, mixed with whimpering, which made Ah Shi almost think he heard it wrong, "You...were crying?"

Fang Zilan neither admitted nor denied, but took a deep breath to calm down.Afterwards, he walked to Ah Shi's side, ignored his astonishment, pulled out the plum sword, and cut off the chain.

The crisp sound was neither light nor heavy, but it was enough to attract soldiers looking for camp. However, Fang Zilan ignored the noise outside the tent, returned the sword into its sheath neatly, and then took off her outer shirt and wrapped it around Ah Shi.

Ah Shi let Fang Zilan move, but the tips of his ears were stained red.He is not afraid of being seen like this, but he can't face people who can accept him like this, especially her.

"Can I still go?" Fang Zilan asked warmly, Ah Shi was silent for a moment, then shook his head, "You..."

"I won't leave you here alone again." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand, grabbed Ah Shi's arm, and carried him on her back involuntarily.When he got up, the curtain was lifted, and the soldiers in strong and sharp clothes were close at hand.

Fang Zilan stood with a sword in his hand, with a fierce expression on his face, "His Majesty's order, temporarily detain the main general and six lieutenants of the Jiangnan camp, and other soldiers are not allowed to move."

Before she finished speaking, there was a commotion among the soldiers outside the tent, but without waiting for them to say anything, she showed Li Shengxuan's gold medal, and said without anger: "Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed on the spot."

It was as if a stone stirred up a thousand waves, but Fang Zilan didn't care. She held a plum sword in her left hand and Li Shengxuan's gold medal in her right hand, and walked out of the camp slowly with Ah Shi on her back.

However, not long after Fang Zilan walked, she saw the chief general and six lieutenants of the Jiangnan camp coming towards her, all of them were vicious, as if they wanted to swallow her alive.

"Where did the little lady dare to falsely preach the imperial decree?" Before the people arrived, the words had arrived, and the contemptuous and loud voice of one of the lieutenants instantly spread throughout the entire camp.

Another sharp-eyed lieutenant next to him saw Ah Shi on Fang Zilan's back, and said with a sneer, "Could it be that this young man's friend came to the camp to steal someone?"

As soon as he said this, everyone around laughed loudly, with malicious smiles on their faces, and they didn't even cover it up.

Fang Zilan's face sank like water, and said in a cold voice: "In the past, the soldiers of the Duke of Wei captured the girls of good families for pleasure, and now you are holding the storekeepers of the merchants for fun. I heard that the soldiers of the Duke of Wei were skinned alive. As for you... "

She squinted her eyes, and deliberately dragged her voice: "But are you impatient?"

In an instant, the killing intent burst out from Fang Zilan's body, sweeping over the sky and covering the sky, causing everyone present to be silent.

After a long while, the general coughed twice, unable to hold back his face, but still insisted on reasoning: "Little lady, the person on your back is a young lady, not a shopkeeper..."

"Do you dare to confront me in front of His Majesty?" Fang Zilan said, stepping forward with overwhelming momentum, "Open your dog eyes and take a good look, what is this?"

Li Shengxuan's gold medal swaggered around in front of several generals in her hand, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was indeed the token of the Son of Heaven, and it could not be faked.

But the chief general and deputy generals of the first battalion were caught by a young lady of unknown origin and scolded Gouyan, so they couldn't swallow it.

Immediately, a lieutenant strode up to Fang Zilan, about to snatch the gold medal from Li Shengxuan in her hand, but unexpectedly, she slapped her with the hilt of the plum sword and stepped back several steps.

"Your Majesty's order, I will only pass it on once." Fang Zilan's voice was as cold as ice, "If anyone wants to disobey, you might as well give it a try."

After she finished speaking, the plum sword in her hand came out of its sheath, with a cold light, overflowing with dangerous and breathtaking brilliance, it was a silent deterrent.

"Who are you...?" The general's complexion was unkind, Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, "It's just an unknown person who delivered the order for His Majesty."

"A mere preacher dares to speak wild words..." Fang Zilan cut off the conversation as soon as the lieutenant next to him spoke, "Why, I said you don't know people with your dog's eyes, what's wrong?"

"You are the dog..." Fang Zilan snorted coldly as the other general said, "If you are capable, even if you are a dog, everyone will fight for it. If you are not capable, even if you are stewed into a pot of dog meat soup, you will have to fight for it." It's considered not enough taste."

As she spoke, she glanced at the lieutenant general who had just spoken in disgust, "It's disgusting to look at someone like you."

The deputy general was obviously enraged, and was about to rush up to fight Fang Zilan, but was stopped by the chief general, "Back off!"

Hearing that the deputy general retreated resentfully, Fang Zilan looked the chief general up and down, only to feel that he looked familiar, maybe he had seen him in the army before.

"My lady, even if you have your majesty's gold medal, you can't act recklessly in the Jiangnan camp." The general calmed down and said in a deep voice, "What's more, your majesty won't detain us in the camp for no reason..."

"It is indeed not without reason." Fang Zilan stopped the general's words, as if he was determined to carry out his reckless actions to the end, and said directly: "Someone in the camp colluded with bandits and bandits, but you, as the chief general, did not know it. It is already dereliction of duty. Why face to question me?"

"What are you talking about? It's impossible..." The chief general shook his head in disbelief, Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, "Are you really ignorant, or are you pretending to be ignorant? Colluding with bandits and bandits is a felony. Connivance and cover-up are also counted as crimes." partner."

The chief general's expression froze, and then he looked at the six lieutenants beside him, his eyes flicked back and forth between them, full of doubts, but he couldn't see any clues.

 Daily preaching in the camp——

  Fang Zilan: Cleaning up military discipline, I can do it well, if not, Wei Subaru can do it too...

  Chief and Deputy General of the Jiangnan Camp: No need!

(End of this chapter)

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