Chapter 660
Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and her eyes fell on Yao Wu, "Vice General Yao, the Lord doesn't know, so you don't know, do you?"

"Of course I don't know." Yao Wu quickly denied it, but seeing the chief general and other lieutenants looking at him in unison, he couldn't help but feel guilty and said, "What do you see me doing? I didn't collude with bandits... "

"Really?" Fang Zilan hooked her lips and smiled, and said coldly: "But Lord Yin Quanzhang didn't say that."

"What did you say? Master Yin Quanzhang, the magistrate of Suzhou..." Yao Wu was stunned for a moment, then changed his expression imperceptibly, "What did Lord Yin tell you?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan wanted to cover up, "It's just that I was lucky enough to meet Mrs. Yin, and we had a good conversation as soon as we saw each other, so I talked a little bit more. Coincidentally, Mrs. Yin has the same surname as the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain, and she also has another person with the same surname as Feilingshan. The brother of the bandit leader with the same name..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yao Wu interrupted Fang Zilan's words abruptly, and said sharply: "How precious is Mrs. Yin's wife, how can you talk about it at will?"

"Vice General Yao, what are you in a hurry for? What I said is true, but..." Fang Zilan deliberately dragged out her voice, and said, "There are so many coincidences in this world, what if it's just a coincidence..."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Yao Wu couldn't hold back, and interrupted Fang Zilan's words again, but saw that her smile was even wider, and she didn't want to say anything more.

Only then did Yao Wu realize that he was provoked by Fang Zilan's few words. When he was secretly annoyed, he saw the suspicious eyes of the chief general and five other lieutenants beside him.

"It's not me, how could I collude with the bandits..." Yao Wu wanted to defend himself, but he became more and more black, and was blocked back impatiently by the general, "That's enough, my lady hasn't said anything yet, you shut up."

Yao Wu resentfully replied yes, then took half a step back and remained silent.

Fang Zilan saw that the general wanted to protect her, so she made a fuss about it.Presumably, even if the chief general did not collude with bandits, this kind of protection may be intentional or unintentional, providing advantages for Yao Wu and other deputy generals.

Thinking of this, she didn't know why an unknown fire in her chest was burning more and more intensely. Originally, if everything went well, she just had to delay the time, play it by ear, and take Ah Shi away.

But now, she has changed her mind.

Since the mob in front of her dared to bully Ah Shi, she would make them pay the price.What about Jiangnan Daying?She is not to be offended either.

"All the generals should know the prefect of Suzhou—Yin Quanzhang, Lord Yin." Fang Zilan brought the topic back again, and said: "Now Lord Yin is in the Zuiyue Tower, explaining the truth to His Majesty."

In order to observe everyone's reaction, she spoke every word very slowly. Unsurprisingly, she saw Yao Wu's face darken, and the other lieutenant next to him even turned pale.

So she continued on her own, "I heard that Mr. Yin was in order to save the lives of the people, so he clearly explained the collusion with bandits and bandits. Presumably, with his confession, other people with bandits Those who are in collusion with bandits will definitely not be able to escape..."

"My lady, do you mean that Lord Yin colluded with bandits and bandits and was discovered by His Majesty?" The pale-faced general asked hesitantly, Fang Zilan nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty is going on a tour in disguise this time. The only thing I need to do is to find out why my soldiers in Dajing fought repeatedly and failed repeatedly when fighting bandits and rogues."

"Isn't it because of the insidiousness and cunning of bandits..." Fang Zilan stopped the deputy general as soon as he opened his mouth, "Really? You might as well tell His Majesty what you said before the trial, and read His Majesty's letter." I don't believe it."

The deputy general's complexion became even paler, and he said forcefully: "Your Majesty has also fought against bandits and bandits, so he can understand our difficulties..."

"Difficulties?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "No matter what kind of difficulties, they should not be an excuse to collude with bandits."

"I didn't..." The deputy general waved his hand hastily, but Fang Zilan was unmoved, but looked at the general and said, "General, is this the deputy general you brought out?"

The chief general's face turned blue and white, and he gave the lieutenant a hard look, then coughed twice, and said without anger: "My lady, I never like to go around in circles, so I told you straight. You can doubt The lieutenants beside me, but if you want to convict them, you need to have evidence, otherwise..."

"I have evidence." A weak but firm voice sounded from behind Fang Zilan.Not too big or too small, but enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

Yao Wu's face suddenly changed, "What are you, worthy of speaking in front of our general, it's like dirtying our general's ears..."

The plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand pointed directly at Yao Wu, pressed it against his throat, and cut off his words, "The unworthy person is you. Just then the general said, I want you to shut up. If you don't understand, I don't mind." Cut off your tongue to share the general's worries."

She drew the sword so fast that everyone present was dumbfounded. Yao Wu under the sword tip was even more terrified, "How dare you..."

"I have nothing to dare." Fang Zilan smiled contemptuously, with an arrogant expression: "It's you, Lieutenant General Yao. Do you dare to let Ah Shi tell the evidence in public?"

"Why don't I dare..." Although Yao Wu was stubborn, he was thinking about who Ah Shi had met in the camp these days and what he knew.

Fang Zilan gave Yao Wu a sideways look with a half-smile, pretending to be kind and said: "Vice General Yao, just speak up, why are you shaking all the time, could it be that you are sick?"

Just as Yao Wu was about to say something, the chief general said first: "Lady, let's take our time. You put away the sword first, and it won't be too late if you have any evidence."

"Take your time?" Fang Zilan's eyes flashed a hint of teasing, but she still compromised in consideration of Ah Shi who was on her back: "Okay, since the general has spoken, I'd rather obey orders than be respectful. It's just..."

As she spoke, she slowly moved the sword away two inches, "Where's the military doctor? First heal Ah Shi, and then we'll talk about the evidence."

Hearing the words, the lieutenants on the side were more or less reluctant, but only the chief general agreed after a moment of pondering: "Okay, just follow what the lady said."

Fang Zilan walked into the main tent with Ah Shi on his back, and soon the military doctor arrived. After treating Ah Shi's wounds briefly, he went to fetch medicine and decoct it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ah Shi leaned into Fang Zilan's ear and said, "In the underground cabinet of Yao Wu's camp, there are letters about his collusion with the bandits, and the other lieutenants should be the same."

"Don't worry..." Before Fang Zilan's words of comfort came out, Ah Shi said: "Besides, there are letters with other adults. Once they are exposed..."

 Today's Jiangnan camp is united - each side protects

(End of this chapter)

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