Chapter 669
"According to what you said, Mr. Wang didn't treat Xue Haoyu harshly." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "But Xue Haoyu didn't work well in the Ministry of Rites, but used some unscrupulous means to try to replace Mr. Wang. This Does it make sense?"

"People's hearts are unpredictable." Xiao Xuan'er's expression was gloomy, "What's more, what others see is mostly good on the surface."

Fang Zilan looked over, "Is there something else hidden?"

"It's not a secret." Xiao Xuan'er said in a low voice: "It's just that there are two more things, which I mentioned for Master Fang's reference. First, when Master Xue was in Beijing, although he was impeccable as an official, he treated others Strictness can be harsh. Second, currently, in the Ministry of Rites, there are only two adults from poor families, one is Lord Xue, and the other is this secretary."

Fang Zilan had listened carefully to her words, and felt a little hesitant, "If we want to pursue it, according to Lord Wang's words, Lord Xue must bear the brunt of it and cannot escape, and the document is written in black and white by the secretary, so naturally he will inevitably be implicated." .”

Xiao Xuan'er pursed her lips, "The new officials from the Ministry of Rites a few years ago have not yet arrived."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned involuntarily, and was about to say something when the butler came in a hurry, "Master Fang, Mr. Wang returned again, saying that he forgot to ask for the two documents about the ranking of the year-end ceremony." gone."

This matter was planned by him, and there are three layers of situation. The first layer is that Wen Ya and A Wan were affected by the rumors, and they were demoted from the imperial hospital and were not allowed to practice medicine. In this way, Fang Zilan's injury can only be delayed indefinitely. A poisonous attack... Even if there are other doctors who are rejuvenated, the possibility of treatment is very small.

The second level is to use rumors to force Fang Ziqin to replace all the adults in the Taiyuan Hospital so that he can arrange staff.

As for the third layer, it is through the hands of Yu Shitai that Fang Ziqin is questioned as the middle palace, but he has no ability to restrain him, causing rumors to spread and people panic.

However, Fang Ziqin didn't give him a chance, and broke through his plan layer by layer, telling him clearly that it was difficult for him to intervene in the old hospital, and he would never even think about it in the future.

After all, the Tai Hospital is related to the safety of the entire royal family. If something goes wrong, the government and the people will be overthrown, and the world will be in turmoil.

Looking at the overall situation like this, grasping the most opportune time, and giving a fatal blow, not everyone can do it.


Ji Ningtian looked at Wen Ya, who was silent. Originally, with him, the magistrate of the imperial hospital, others were irrelevant, but he didn't know when he became less obedient, so he had to put other people in.

"Young Master..." Wu Qing hesitated to speak, Ji Ningtian glanced at her, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Wu Qing pursed her lips, and finally set her sights on Wen Ya, "Mr. Wen, how is her injury? Is it really all right?"

Wen Ya tightly clenched the hands hidden in his sleeves, "Yes, it's really not a serious problem, it's all skin trauma."

Ji Ningtian listened to his ears, but didn't react, he just waved his hand, signaling them all to back off.

Wu Qing and Wen Ya walked out of Hong'an Pavilion for a long distance before whispering: "Mr. Wen, what you said is true..."

"Wu Qing." Wen Ya interrupted Wu Qing, and said in a deep voice: "If everyone in the world thinks that A Wan and I are using sorcery, do you think we will survive?"

Wu Qing's expression froze, and she subconsciously argued: "My lord won't..."

As soon as she said the words, she regretted a little, won't the young master abandon Wen Ya and A Wan?The bones of King Hades of the Ten Halls of the Ghost Gate were found by the court not long ago, and they were all abandoned, let alone others?

But once he admits that everyone is a pawn in the master's hands that can be discarded at any time, he will be unstoppable in fear.

After all, she is also one of these pawns.

"It seems that you already know the answer." Wen Ya looked at the pale-faced Wu Qing, "If that's the case, I will cherish it."

Cong Rong looked at the two people under the tree from a distance. Although she couldn't hear what they said, she could feel that it was not a good thing to say from the dull atmosphere. After all, she had come to this point.

According to Ji Ningtian's temperament, he would rather be feared by the world than admired by the world. How far is it to leave everyone?
Fang Zilan was taken aback by her own thoughts, and only then did she realize that maybe Li Shengxuan had this intention to train Li Qiyou as his heir...

Fang Zilan frowned even tighter, "What does he want those two documents for?"

"Master Wang said that those two documents are physical evidence, and he will hand them over to the Ministry of Punishment together." The housekeeper said cautiously: "He also said that he was afraid of disturbing Mr. Fang back and forth, so he asked me to pass on a message."

"My lord Wang really has a heart." Fang Zilan's expression darkened, "You go and tell your lord Wang, and say that since this matter is going to be reported to the Ministry of Punishment, it will inevitably go to the imperial court. I will put the two documents in the report, Submit it to His Majesty. Don't bother him."

The butler answered yes, turned and left.

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Xue Haoyu is not innocent in this matter, but Mr. Wang may not be innocent either. The key is who is the secretary listening to."

"One side is the boss, and the other side is the son-in-law." Xiao Xuan'er hesitated for a moment, "The document..."

"Unless we can find another wrong document." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Otherwise, it's hard for me to believe that it was an unintentional mistake."

Xiao Xuan'er remained silent, Fang Zilan looked tired, "Forget it, since Mr. Wang wants to report this matter to the Ministry of Punishment, it will take a while to deal with it. Let's wait and see what happens."

However, what Fang Zilan didn't expect was that after Wang Quanrui left her house that day, he went directly to the Ministry of Punishment.

The Ministry of Punishment acted very quickly, and brought Xue Haoyu and the secretary over there that night.On the second day, news spread that the secretary committed suicide in prison without waiting for arraignment.

When Fang Zilan heard the news, she was so shocked that she couldn't stand still.The secretary is dead, this matter is a death case, Xue Haoyu can't turn over no matter what he says.It's Wang Quanrui...

"Lord Fang!" Xiao Xuan'er hurriedly stepped forward to support her, but she subconsciously pushed her away, "Hurry up and prepare a pen and paper for me, I want to write a letter to His Majesty."

"Okay." Xiao Xuan'er walked out quickly, and bumped into Cong Rong who came in with the medicine. She apologized repeatedly, but Cong Rong hurriedly waved her hands and told her to leave first.

Fang Zilan glanced at the mess and said, "Miss Cong, you should find someone to come in and clean it up."

"No, I'll do it." Cong Rong said, "I have to talk to Miss Awan first." She said and ran out in a hurry.

Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, and after Xiao Xuan'er brought the pen and paper, she contemplated for a long time, and finally wrote a note to intercede for Xue Haoyu.

The sufferer begged for mercy, Li Shengxuan would sell her face no matter what, at least Xue Haoyu's life could be saved.

 Happy Eleven!

(End of this chapter)

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