Chapter 670
Fang Zilan passed the soldiers and looked in the direction of the camp gate.Not a moment later, the Second Master brought someone to kill her, looked down at her from above, and said in a deep voice, "It was you who killed my Brother Yao?"

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan was taken aback for a moment, but she never expected that things would develop like this.

Is the second boss crazy?In front of everyone in the Jiangnan camp, it was confirmed that Yao Wu had colluded with bandits and bandits.And because of Yao Wu's reckless killing to the Jiangnan camp, where should the soldiers of Dajing be placed?It's just looking for death...

"I'm asking you something!" The second leader pointed a spear at Fang Zilan, she looked up without any fear, "I killed Yao Wu, and he colluded with bandits and bandits, so he couldn't escape death."

"Master Zhuge, is there anything else?" Xia Houzhang's voice suddenly sounded, and Zhuge Yu realized that because of Fang Zilan's solemn oath, everyone was speechless and retreated, so he also left.

"Fang Zilan." Li Shengxuan's voice left Fang Zilan behind, she turned around and stood still, looked at him and said, "I don't know what orders your majesty has?"

After Xia Houzhang also withdrew, Li Shengxuan spoke again: "Are you unwilling to marry Yu Chengwang, or are you unwilling to marry someone else?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "When my mother passed away, I swore not to marry. I was young and no one cared, but this vow has been made, and all the gods and Buddhas are witnesses, so I can't renounce it."

"However, your oath just now is to be faithful to me." Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him firmly, and said word by word: "What if I go back on my word?"

Fang Zilan met Li Shengxuan's gaze directly, without backing down, "Your Majesty will not."

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, only to see the person in front of him curl his lips, "Only in this way can I be the sword in His Majesty's hand and fight for Dajing forever."

Li Shengxuan's lips were drawn into a straight line, he knew that what she said was right, she was the sharpest sword in the world, her cold light frightened all directions, and she should not be monopolized by any one person.

However, at some point, he had already made up his mind and wanted this sword to be his private possession.

"Fang Zilan, I want you to be in my hands forever and become a sword that belongs only to me." Li Shengxuan's eyes were complicated, and his voice became a little more earnest, "Are you willing?"

At a certain moment, Fang Zilan really wanted to agree without hesitation, but she knew that even if she had the sincerity, it was not her original intention.She came to this world by accident, so she should not promise anyone forever.

But it was also at this moment that she obeyed her heart and gently said yes.

A smile escaped from the corner of Li Shengxuan's lips, as if his entire heart was filled in an instant.This is enough, as long as she is always by his side, what does it matter about a clean reputation, how can it be worth anything to her?

Perhaps it was because Li Shengxuan's gaze was too hot, Fang Zilan gradually lowered her eyes, "If His Majesty is fine, I..."

"I have something to do." Li Shengxuan quickly cut off her words, walked back to the table as if thinking of something, and found a memorial, "This is for a chief secretary named Wu Sheng in the government office. It was handed over, saying that you want to revise the laws of Dajing, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "The laws of Dajing are quite strict for widows and widows, and some regulations are really unreasonable, so I hope Your Majesty will follow suit."

"I can announce the revision of the law, but how to revise it will be discussed in the long term." Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully: "I have read the memorial, and this Master Wu really has a good view and some insights. I want to transfer him to Pei Poming's subordinates to participate in the revision of the law."

"Master Pei Poming?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Isn't he serving in the Imperial Academy? How could..."

She didn't go on, Li Shengxuan explained: "Although you managed the matter of General Cao's marriage to the daughter of the Bai family successfully, you couldn't stop the courtiers from discussing in secret. It just so happened that I saw your memorial at that time, and I was about to marry you." When the law was revised, Duke Juan recommended Pei Poming."

Fang Zilan hesitated to speak, but Li Shengxuan comforted him: "I understand your concerns, but Pei Poming has been in the Imperial Academy for many years. Although he has been mediocre and ineffective, he has never made any mistakes. In addition, I have to give you more or less help when Duke Ping speaks. He has a face."

"These matters are decided by His Majesty, so you don't need to talk to me." Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, and Li Shengxuan smiled helplessly, "Since the marriage between the Pei family and the Fang family, the relationship between the poor family has eased. Don't worry, Pei Poming It won't do anything to Master Wu."

Fang Zilan said softly: "I have always been at ease with your Majesty's decision. It's just that Director Wu is too straightforward, and I'm afraid he will inevitably offend Mr. Pei."

"I have also heard that he is the disciple of Mr. Su Heng?" Li Shengxuan asked, and Fang Zilan's eyes flashed with surprise, and finally he just nodded.

"Yes." Qiu Shui nodded and said, "Madam, I asked someone to make some food again, how about using it?"

The tight string was loosened, and Fang Ziqin felt really hungry. After using it briefly, he continued to guard Fang Zilan until the next day when the sky was bright, a maid came to report that the Majesty had come.

As soon as Li Shengxuan entered the hall, he saw Fang Ziqin's haggard face, and the question that almost blurted out came to his lips, and was replaced by another sentence, "Did the queen stay up all night?"

Fang Ziqin lowered her eyes and remained silent for a while before saying, "Lan'er woke up last night, the situation should be stable."

"That's good." Li Shengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and Fang Ziqin looked carefully at the person in front of him, only to see that the bloodshot eyes in his eyes had not disappeared, and he had never slept peacefully in recent days.

The news of Fang Zilan entering the palace to plead guilty quickly spread throughout the capital, and naturally reached the ears of Hong'an Pavilion Ji Ningtian, who was holding a section of plum branch tightly in his hand, with a gloomy expression.

Wu Qing's hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched into fists, "Mo Han is undoubtedly her cousin, and Xiao Xuan'er is from Qianjinfang, and the masters behind Qianjinfang are Wan Jun and Zhen Mier."

"Lie to me." Ji Ningtian suddenly laughed out loud, with a ferocious expression on his face, "So, she already knows?"

Wu Qing remained silent, and after a while she said: "This subordinate asked Wen Ya that her amnesia is true. As for why she met Mo Han, I am afraid that only Mo Bin and his wife know."

"What's a mere Mo Han?" Ji Ningtian looked at Wu Qing, and said viciously: "Both Wan Jun and Zhen Mier are still alive, and everyone who knows the truth is there, how do you want me to feel at ease?"

Wu Qing lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, "I really didn't expect the King of the Wheel to be so bold, to dare to steal the other nine palaces behind his back..."

"Bold?" Ji Ningtian interrupted her with a cold voice, "He is the son of Chu Xiang, a servant of the Pingnan Palace, why dare not for the sake of the master? It was Chu Xiang, if he hadn't been threatened back then, how could he be obedient? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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