Don't ask where people go

Chapter 689 Answers

Chapter 689 Answers
Mu Chuji squinted his eyes, and speaking of it, the woman Li Qiyou was holding in his arms that day looked somewhat like Miss Fang San...

Thinking of this, Mu Chuji ordered his subordinates to say: "Go and find out who Miss Fang San is."

Mu Chuji in this room became suspicious of Fang Zilan, and Fang Ziqin in that room looked at the document in his hand with an indescribable expression.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Qiu Shui asked cautiously, but Fang Ziqin shook her head, "Go and invite Lan'er over, just say that I have something to ask her."

"Yes." Qiu Shui responded, and quickly found Fang Zilan, and then withdrew.

"Eldest sister looking for me?" Fang Zilan walked to the window, sat beside Fang Ziqin, and saw the document in her hand at a glance, "This is..."

"The Fang family's financial report." Fang Ziqin did not hide it, and displayed the document in front of Fang Zilan, "Your Majesty still has compassion."

Fang Zilan didn't read the document, but poured a cup of tea on her own, "I lost most of my life, if I can't make him show mercy, wouldn't it be a failure?"

"Sure enough." Fang Ziqin put down the Chinese book in his hand thoughtfully, looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, and said: "Lan'er, I can guess it, but you think your majesty can't? If he knows, all of this is true." The situation you set up, don't say that the Fang family can't escape death, even if it's you..."

"So what if I know?" Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Ziqin's words in a low voice, hooked his lips indifferently, "For a rock-solid person like him, if he doesn't turn around by himself, it will be useless for others to do anything."

She said and took a sip of tea, "Only if he sees my life hanging by a thread with his own eyes and remembers that scene forever, then the other family will not be wiped out."

"You want him, are you worried about gains and losses for you?" Fang Ziqin was stunned, but Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "I would like to, but it is absolutely impossible."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the teacup and drank it down, as if she had made up her mind, she said: "Sister, let me ask something presumptuous, if Master Liao Yuan is desperate to block the knife for you, he will almost die in front of you..."

"You know all about it?" Fang Ziqin's expression was calm, but there was a little more sadness in her eyes. She and Master Yuan, or Zhuge Jun, were destined to have nothing to do with each other.

"I heard..." Fang Zilan's voice lowered a little, and Fang Ziqin raised the corners of his lips, "Your Majesty is willing to tell you about others, why doesn't he want to tell you about him?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan asked subconsciously, and Fang Ziqin said meaningfully: "If you hadn't insisted on refusing back then, today's Queen of the Palace should be you."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, "Eldest sister, what... are you talking about?"

"His Royal Highness King Xiang proposed marriage to the Fang family back then, and you were the one who asked to marry." Fang Ziqin poured tea for Fang Zilan, and said slowly: "This marriage is a matter of God, if it fails, not only will the Fang family be in danger, Even His Royal Highness King Xiang can't protect himself."

She let out a long sigh, and said quietly: "I don't want to part with it, so I married you for you."

"Reluctance?" Fang Zilan repeated the word "side", always feeling that there was a deeper meaning in it.

"Yes, reluctant." Fang Ziqin nodded, with complicated expressions in his eyes, "At that time, Ah Jun was besieged by the Miluo people. When the news came out, everyone told me that he died in battle."

She said with a rough voice, "Before Ah Jun set out to fight, he made an agreement with me that after defeating the Miluo people this time, he would return to the capital to marry me. So after I heard the news, I wore the wedding dress I made by myself and stood In front of Yanming Lake."

"Sister, you..." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Ziqin incredulously, but saw her nod her head firmly and said: "At that moment, it was probably the only time in my life that I lived as Fang Ziqin."

Fang Zilan's voice trembled uncontrollably, but she continued to ask, "What happened next?"

"Later, His Highness King Xiang stopped me, who was looking for death, and proposed a deal." Fang Ziqin gently took Fang Zilan's hand holding the teacup, "I will marry him for you, and he will keep Fang's family alive for a hundred years. "

"Why..." Fang Zilan's eyes turned red, but Fang Ziqin smiled, "Maybe he is Ah Jun's best friend, maybe his father is alone, maybe you have sisterhood with me, I just can't bear it. only……"

She paused, "I thought a transaction was stronger than a relationship, but I never thought that I've come to this point in the end."

"Prosperity will decline, elder sister don't have to worry..." Fang Zilan stopped her words of comfort when Fang Ziqin said, "Lan'er, ask yourself, do you believe this statement? If you believe it, why do you still use it Put yourself in danger? Don't hesitate to risk your life to prevent His Majesty from continuing to investigate?"

Hearing that Fang Zilan's other hand hidden in the sleeve clenched into a fist, "Sister, the Fang family is not innocent, and the aristocratic family can't stand the investigation. If Your Majesty... If you are obsessed with obsession, sooner or later you will become an enemy of the world. ..."

"Stubborn?" Fang Ziqin cut off Fang Zilan's words noncommittally, "Your Majesty is not afraid, are you?"

"I..." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said, "I'm not afraid, it's just..."

She didn't go on, Fang Ziqin knew in her heart that she was worried that the aristocratic family would rise up and attack, the dynasty would change, the chaos would reappear, the capital would be troubled by internal and external troubles, and the four realms would be in constant flames...

Those who fight will have sharper intuition than ordinary people, and her anxiety can always be fulfilled.

Fang Ziqin has no doubts about this, but if things go on like this, how many years can the superficial peace last?

"The Fang family is not afraid of innovation." Fang Ziqin held Fang Zilan's hand tightly, seeming to appease, more like declaring, "One generation after another, if we want to move forward, change is imperative. Family members can lead by example, and are not afraid of being abandoned."

"But Eldest Sister, the Fang family was born as a merchant, caught between His Majesty and the aristocratic family, she is destined to be a pawn..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, "If an abandoned son can only be an abandoned son, the Fang family will never be able to stand up again."

"But Lan'er, how long will it last if you exchange your life for His Majesty's compassion?" Fang Ziqin's expression was gloomy, "He is the emperor of Dajing..."

"I know." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said softly: "I asked him, and I know the answer. Fortunately, I didn't marry him at the beginning, otherwise, now I can only see each other and hate each other."

Fang Ziqin couldn't help but soften his tone, "Lan'er, he chose you once, and gave the Fang family a chance to breathe, you..."

"I understand that he can't choose me all the time." Fang Zilan said coldly: "Children love each other, but it's the icing on the cake. Yes, it's good. If you don't, you don't have to force it."

Fang Ziqin let go of his hand and let out a long sigh of relief, "Now, you know my answer."

 Fang Zilan: I never expected that the root cause is me...

(End of this chapter)

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