Chapter 690
Since Fang Zilan and Fang Ziqin talked about everything, it can be regarded as a matter of concern.While recuperating from her injuries, she was planning when to leave the palace and stay away from the right and wrong places in the capital.

However, before she could arrange it properly, Princess Dejia Li Qianning approached her first and asked her to see her off.

"Princess, are you confused?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "I have always had a rift with you, and I heard that His Royal Highness King Yucheng personally sent you off, you..."

"Brother Huang is Brother Huang, and you are you." Li Qianning said categorically, "You and I have mutual support, so I can't rest easy if you stay in the capital."

"The handle?" Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, "The princess refers to that tryst..."

"Shut up." Li Qianning sternly interrupted Fang Zilan's words, and she said helplessly, "Princess, since you have said everything is a clue, then I will keep my mouth shut and will not reveal a single word."

"The only thing worth trusting in this world is the dead." Li Qianning's expression turned cold, "Miss Fang San is reluctant to die, so you might as well accompany me through this journey. In the future, you will never see each other in Dajing and I will never see each other. ?”

good what good?Fang Zilan cursed angrily, but on second thought, the poison in her body was related to the high priest of Miluo. If she could take this opportunity to meet the high priest of Miluo, there might be some unexpected gains...

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement." Li Qianning came to the conclusion straightforwardly, with an irrefutable tone, which made Fang Zilan feel compelled to nod her head pretending to be wronged.

Either way, it's an opportunity to leave the palace.Fang Zilan comforted herself in this way, but she didn't know that after Li Qianning turned around and left Fengyi Palace, she showed a smile that was almost triumphant.

Ji Ningtian was right. Only when Fang Zilan disappeared forever could Li Qiyou's thoughts be broken.Her imperial brother shouldn't be tied down by anyone.

Thinking of this, Li Qianning tightly held the decree of marriage in her hands. Even if she married Miluo, she would not leave Fang Zilan here to make trouble.

Therefore, when the Miluo Mission left the capital, it was accompanied not only by Murong Qing, but also by Princess Dejia Li Qianning's send-off team.

On the tower, Zhuge Yu stood beside Li Shengxuan and said, "Your Majesty will let Murong Qing go back to the country?"

"For the time being." Li Shengxuan snorted coldly, "Under the public opinion, Miluo Kingdom Lord Mu Churui had no choice but to allow Murong Qing to return to the country to visit his relatives, but after he married Dejia, he would continue to return to Dajing as a hostage. "

"The Lord of Miluo will not let Prince Zhongzheng's mansion go." Zhuge Yu's voice was very soft, but Li Shengxuan didn't pay attention to his words, just fixedly looked at a thin figure below, and got into the carriage with the support of the people around him.

Zhuge Yu followed Li Shengxuan's line of sight, "Your Majesty finally agrees, let her see off the bride on behalf of the empress."

"Tell me, after she leaves, will she come back?" Li Shengxuan was lost, and Zhuge Yu was also silent.For some reason, he was looking forward to her return from the bottom of his heart, but he also hoped that she would never come back.

Fang Zilan seemed to have a feeling, she stood on the carriage and looked back, she couldn't see the people on the tower because she was too far away, but she knew that the person who was like the stars in the center of the crowd must be Li Shengxuan.

She suddenly remembered that before leaving, she handed Mei Jian to Fang Ziqin and asked her to give it to Li Shengxuan, but he returned it, saying that he wished her to put herself first.

Self-important?Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, got into the carriage without looking back, and embarked on the road to Miluo.

Along the way, Li Qiyou took good care of Fang Zilan a lot. Although Li Qianning was dissatisfied, but since she was ordered by the emperor to send her off on her behalf this time, she had a decent status, so it was not good to embarrass her, so she had to set fire to her. scattered elsewhere.

As for Mu Chuji, he acted like he was watching the excitement, flirting with Li Qianning from time to time, but was blocked by Li Qiyou, and he was still hugging left and right, flirting and happy.

On the contrary, it was Murong Qing, the little sick man with a white face all day long, who felt a little bit of sympathy with Fang Zilan, and even Meng Tingyang took a little more care of Fang Zilan. I will be humble.

Fang Zilan was afraid that she would not be able to avoid it. On the one hand, he was afraid that Murong Qing would recognize her as the Duke of Xianyue, Zixiu Fang Zilan, causing many unnecessary troubles.On the other hand, she really has sympathy for a child like Murong Qing who has a very good face but a very vicious heart, and she doesn't want to get involved.

Fortunately, the trip was smooth, and there was no trouble until the capital of Miluo, so Fang Zilan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who was also relieved was Li Qiyou. Originally, when Li Qianning asked her to accompany her to see off her relatives, he had been on guard, fearing that something might happen to her, but now it seems that his worries were unfounded.

Although Li Qianning's temperament was a bit domineering, but after all, she had no evil intentions, and it would not be the case that Fang Zilan would kill her.

But Fang Zilan doesn't think so. Now that the journey is so smooth, the journey back will not be easy.Even if Li Qianning had no bad intentions, Ji Ningtian would not let her go.

If you rashly ruin the in-laws of the two countries, if you don't do it well, you will get angry.Ji Ning's heart is like a bright mirror, so it's probably not too late to do it when she returns to the capital after her wedding.

"Miss Fang San?" Li Qiyou's voice pulled back Fang Zilan's thoughts, she looked tired, and saluted: "His Royal Highness, I am exhausted after a long journey. If you have anything to say, you might as well talk about it tomorrow." .”

After she finished speaking, she saluted again with the help of the maid beside her, but her figure was trembling, as if she would faint at any moment.

Not to mention Fang Zilan's intention to avoid suspicion, but with her weak appearance, Li Qiyou couldn't leave her to say anything, so he had to let her go to the post house to rest first.

However, Miluo has strict rules and regulations. If one enters the capital but does not visit the palace, it will be more or less easy to fall into the trap.

Li Qiyou was very thoughtful, and simply wrote a letter to apologize, saying that it is inappropriate to meet the lord of the country because he is full of travel and dust, and it will not be too late to meet again tomorrow when he is well-groomed.

When Mu Churui, the lord of Miluo Kingdom, received the letter, he showed no expression on his face, but the followers around him did not dare to show their airs. They didn't dare to go forward to pick it up until he dropped the letter.

"I heard that Aji didn't seduce Princess Dejia, but she is mediocre in appearance?" Mu Churui asked suddenly, and the attendant stopped in fright, "I heard that Princess Dejia is the number one beauty in Dajing..."

"Really?" Mu Churui's eyes darkened, "The number one beauty, but can't make A Ji fascinated?"

The entourage trembled and didn't dare to speak again, Mu Churui said to himself: "Aji, don't you like to see me treat your discarded things as treasures the most? Then why don't I show you the act?" ?”

 At this time, the people in Dajing still don't know what they will encounter in Miluo...

(End of this chapter)

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