Don't ask where people go

Chapter 709 The Past

Chapter 709 The Past
"Lord Fang." Ah Shi's eyes lit up when he saw her, he walked over and saluted, "Master Fang is well. Since you are here, why don't you come in while standing at the door?"

"I'm just here to get Chu Bin's body deed, and I'll leave after I get it." Fang Zilan was still standing there, and the light in Ah Shi's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Master Fang, is there something else you need to be busy with?"

Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, "It's not very busy."

Ah Shi raised the corners of his lips and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation. Fang Zilan followed him to the private room on the second floor.

In the afternoon, there were no guests in the Xunfang Building. In the quiet atmosphere, Fang Zilan's stomach groaned untimely. Ah Shi led the way and said, "Master Fang, will you have lunch in the future?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and saw that Ah Shi pushed open the door of a private room facing the street, and there was a table full of lunch on the table inside.

"This..." A look of surprise flashed across Fang Zilan's face, and Ah Shi explained: "I heard that His Majesty summoned Lord Fang to enter the palace early in the morning. I think it will be at least around noon if Lord Fang comes here. Mu Zhishi's breakfast is always late, and I'm afraid it will be the same today, so I ordered people to prepare it in advance."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "If I go back to the mansion first after leaving the palace, what if I come back later?"

Ah Shi opened his mouth, and swallowed back the "you won't" that he wanted to say.He knew that Fang Zilan acted resolutely, and would never let such a long night and dreamy thing be delayed without reason, but he also knew that it would be difficult for someone who required her to go to great lengths to fake her identity.He didn't want her to doubt him, so he simply didn't point it out, and changed his words: "That's okay, it's just a lunch, it's nothing."

Fang Zilan didn't say much, went straight in and sat down, picked up the chopsticks to taste, and stopped after a few mouthfuls, "Aye, how are you doing at Fang's house?"

Ah Shi was stunned for a while before saying, "It's pretty good."

"I heard the conversation between you and the mother in charge of the building just now." Fang Zilan gradually tightened her grip on the chopsticks, "I have heard that you are now the steward of Wanhualou, the Fang family..."

"Master Fang." Ah Shi interrupted her abruptly, his voice trembling, "Miss Lingyu is dead."

Ling Yu?Fang Zilan repeated the name secretly, only to feel that it sounded familiar, and then remembered that Xiao Xuan'er had told her that after Ah Shi took over Wanhualou, a girl hanged herself and her name was Lingyu.

At that time, there was a wave of turmoil. Xiao Xuan'er even asked her if she wanted to say hello to the Fang family and take care of Ah Shi.

She refused after hearing this, thinking in her mind that Ah Shi is the kind of bastard who would kill the girl, if she stretches her hand too far, it will easily cause Ah Shi trouble.If others mistakenly think that it is because of her that Ah can gain a foothold in Fang's family, it will be very hard in the future.

But seeing Ah Shi's appearance now, it seems that Ling Yu's death is indeed related to him...

Fang Zilan thought about this and took a deep breath, put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Aye, would you like to talk to me?"

After the crisp sound of chopsticks fell, it was the boy's dull voice tinged with astringency, "I just want to know what happened in Wanhualou seven years ago, and I never thought that it would cause Miss Lingyu to commit suicide."

"Seven years ago?" Fang Zilan thought for a while, but found that she had no memory of this time point.

"This is your idea." Fang Zilan rubbed the plum sword in his hand, "In my eyes, there is only the difference between the dead and the living."

"Miss Zixiu said so, but she should also know in her heart that what I said is true." The second leader said in a persuasive way: "How, Miss Zixiu is willing to join hands with us? From now on, there will be no rivals in the world..."

Seeing this, Fang Zilan's face darkened, and said, "What are you detaining him for?"

Fang Zilan glanced at Li Shengxuan, and said with a faint smile: "I don't care. But you, taking such a burden to Feiling Mountain, I'm afraid it will delay time."

"I..." Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to comfort Fang Zilan, but unexpectedly she turned her head away, thinking about something, and didn't notice him at all, so he also kept silent and watched the changes.

Fang Lihui on the side pondered for a moment, and said: "It just so happens that I have something to do, and I want to tell the eldest master personally. Since Miss Zixiu is going to Feiling Mountain with the second master, then I will go with you."

Fang Zilan followed the gaze of the second master, and was dazzled by the sun.She thought to herself that it's just after noon, and the daylight is just right, how could it be too late in his mouth?

"Miss Zixiu?" Seeing that Fang Zilan was silent, the second master couldn't help calling her.

"After an hour, we will meet here and set off." Fang Zilan said firmly, with an undeniable momentum in his tone.

The second master was stunned, and tried to dissuade him: "Miss Zixiu, Feiling Mountain is steep and steep, and the mountain road is difficult, we still..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Fang Zilan's plum sword resting on his neck, "Stop talking nonsense, I agree to go to Feiling Mountain with you, and I have already made a concession. If you push your nose again face, bargain with me, then I don't mind going back on my word."

She said the last sentence very strongly, which meant a warning, and the second leader heard it clearly, and quickly waved his hands and said: "Miss Zixiu misunderstood, I have absolutely no intention of that."

Fang Zilan didn't even bother to give another look, and left without looking back.After she returned to the guest room, the worried A Wan and the anxious Xia Houzhang surrounded her.

"You are back. Not long after you were invited by Mr. Fang this morning, Mr.... was taken away." Awan tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, and said, "How is it? Did you see Mr. Is it? Who took him away..."

She asked it all at once, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, crackling, crisp and loud, fast and dense.There was no time for Fang Zilan to respond, nor for Xia Houzhang to interrupt, so he had to pace back and forth in a hurry.

Fang Zilan reacted, "The second year of Fang Liren's succession as the head of the family was when Fang Lihui's Wanhua Building was first built, right?"

"Master Fang, have you ever heard of the Jiangnan Painting Boat Fire Case?" Ah Shi suddenly brought up an irrelevant old case, Fang Zilan was startled, and remembered.The flames soared into the sky, burning the entire river red.

It was more than seven years ago, when she came out of Hidden Sword Villa, she encountered this shocking case.

A fire not only killed several important state officials on the boat, but even the boats next to it were not spared. Countless gentry, wealthy businessmen were killed or injured.Later, it was found out that several kabuki on the boat hated the injustice of the world, so they set fire to vent their anger.

Although the fire was huge, the truth behind it was also obscured by the death of the murderer. However, after this case, the imperial court strictly managed the entertainment venues in various places, and there were layers of requirements from the beginning of their opening...

(End of this chapter)

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