Don't ask where people go

Chapter 710 Articles of Association

710 The Return
"Whether I wish it or not, I can't stop you." Fang Ziqin smiled self-deprecatingly, Fang Zilan turned her head away, "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Ziqin shook his head, "As long as you remember, the Fang family is always there, and as long as you speak, you will do your best."

"Okay, I remember." Fang Zilan nodded, Fang Ziqin didn't say anything more, and was about to leave when she heard her voice again, "Sister, I always wanted to have a place of my own. Then I can live for myself, but now I feel that it is just an extravagant wish."

Fang Ziqin looked at the person in front of him fixedly, and said after a long time: "At least you have fought for it and lived for yourself, which is already very good. In this world, most people cannot help themselves. A daughter of an aristocratic family must bear the glory of the family. , but so what? If you don’t want it, no one can force it.”

"The world changes like flowing water." Fang Zilan said softly: "How can we not force it?"

"Lan'er, if you leave here, I and even the Fang family can protect you from retreating." Fang Ziqin stretched out his hand to support Fang Zilan's shoulder, "I would like to leave a way out for you."

Back way?Fang Zilan looked up at Fang Ziqin with mixed emotions in her heart.Being honored as the queen also means that all the back roads are cut off, like a canary with its wings broken and locked in a cage. As long as the feathers are beautiful, blood and pain are not important.

It was Fang Ziqin who was like this, but he was willing to leave a way out for her.Compared to the back road that Li Shengxuan told her before, for some reason she was more willing to believe in Fang Ziqin.

Maybe it's because they are all women who walk on thin ice under this huge dynasty, or because they all struggled hard but couldn't escape their so-called fate, but even so, they still dared to fight against it...

Regardless of the reason, Fang Zilan suddenly felt relieved at this moment. She heard her own voice and said firmly word by word: "Sister, if I can come back safely this time, from now on, I will be your and the Fang family's partner." back road."

After saluting and paying respects, before the empress dowager and the empress dowagers made trouble, Fang Zilan pleaded guilty first, but what she said was not sincere. In conclusion, it was just that my nature was bohemian. Having met Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu, I feel a little bit sorry.

Fang Zilan's words didn't mention the marriage grant, the empress dowager was so angry that her teeth were itching, she was so confident, it was because the order of the marriage grant had not yet been issued, and there was still room for redress.

She didn't believe it anymore, even if Li Shengxuan was willing to save Fang Zilan's face and suppressed her orders, could Fang Zilan be allowed to corrupt public morals and disrupt the court's morals?
However, Li Shengxuan was unexpectedly calm, "Qiyou is a good boy, Duke Yue is also a minister of Humerus, but the two really have no fate. If that is the case, there is no need to force it."

"May I ask the Empress Dowager, have I violated the laws of Dajing?" Fang Zilan's tone was innocent. The Empress Dowager was stunned for a moment, and she said to herself: "I haven't violated the laws of Dajing, so how can I be considered a wrongdoer?"

"You..." The queen mother looked at Fang Zilan incredulously, she never expected that she could say such shameless words so naturally.Is the tacit moral restraint of the world actually regarded as nothing in her eyes?
"Of course, I know what the empress cares about. So I entered the palace this time to give everyone an explanation." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, knowing it in her heart.The Duke of Yue who cannot become Princess Yucheng, even if he is ruined, cannot become someone else's wife.

So she breathed a sigh of relief, knelt on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, my minister Fang Zilan swears here that she will not marry or have any children in this life. If you violate this oath, you will be dealt with by Your Majesty."

She took the oath ceremony, and everyone present was shocked.Li Shengxuan stared blankly at the person in front of him, with mixed emotions in his heart.Li Qiyou couldn't bear it, and quietly turned his head away.The two empresses looked at each other in blank dismay, both seeing the powerless unwillingness in each other's eyes.

Zhuge Yu clenched his fists tightly, and he felt relieved.Ever since my grandfather became suspicious of Fang Zilan, I didn't know what to investigate, and I worked hard every day, and the disease that was originally under control also recurred.Now that Fang Zilan makes this solemn oath, no matter what her identity and background, or what her purpose or plan is, it is only tied to her, as long as she...

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "When my mother passed away, I swore not to marry. I was young and no one cared, but this vow has been made, and all the gods and Buddhas are witnesses, so I can't renounce it."

"However, your oath just now is to be faithful to me." Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him firmly, and said word by word: "What if I go back on my word?"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion in the capital, from the New Year's Eve drama where people were killed, to the night when Xu You and his family ran into trouble, it seems that this is destined to be an uneven year, and now the emperor of Dajing is leaving the capital again...

Although no one said it out loud, what everyone thought in their hearts was that they hoped that Li Shengxuan would stay in Beijing and stabilize the situation. It's just that his ideas were too righteous, and once a decision was made, it was difficult to change it.

So all the censors at Yushitai heard the news and took the lead in writing a letter to persuade Li Shengxuan to stay in the capital. However, there was nothing to follow after submitting the papers. They were neither rejected nor accepted, and were all shelved.

Seeing that Yushitai, which was testing the waters, was cold, other officials of the court, big and small, did not dare to act rashly.

"What did you say, the empress dowager is going back to the palace?" Fang Zilan was so shocked that she almost couldn't hold the medicine bowl, but Awan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and held it up in time, so that the medicine bowl would not fall to the ground.

"This medicine is expensive, be careful!" A Wan flicked her red fingers, "It's true, the palace people have exploded, and there are some gossip outside, saying..."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice and leaned closer to Fang Zilan's ear, "Your Majesty will kiss Jiangnan this time, and I'm afraid he won't come back."

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold suddenly, "If your majesty doesn't come back, are you going to abdicate King Yucheng?"

"Hush!" A Wan quickly reached out to cover Fang Zilan's mouth, "It's good that you know, why do you have to say it? What if the wall has ears..."

"Who can hide it from my ears?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows with a half-smile, "Don't worry, Qiu Chan followed the Empress to chant scriptures and pray for blessings, and no one will come over."

"Even if there is such a day." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan's words in a deep voice, "I will not escape."

"But..." Awan hesitated to speak, and finally said: "As far as I know, Master Xie Yanping has been kneeling outside the palace city for a day, and it just snowed yesterday..."

(End of this chapter)

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