Don't ask where people go

Chapter 711 Goodbye

Chapter 711 Goodbye
The two got off their horses in a hurry, and the woman shouted "Brother Xu" and rushed over quickly, pushing away the crowd and squeezed into the middle.

Fang Zilan followed the woman and walked to the middle under the push of the crowd, only to see a man covered in blood, surrounded by the crowd and beaten non-stop, presumably it was Brother Xu that the woman was talking about.

The woman threw herself on the man, took him two solid sticks, and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

"Stop!" Fang Zilan stood beside the two of them, blocked the sticks that were about to fall, and used his strength to disperse the crowd a little, and said loudly: "Stop!"

She held the plum sword in front of her body, and said with a stern expression: "Beyond the capital, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, it is really courageous to gather people to kill people."

"Where did the woman come from? She cares a lot."

"Mind your own business, who killed someone?"

"You're talking nonsense, you're spitting blood!"

Everyone said what they said, but due to Fang Zilan's coercion, they didn't dare to step forward, and just waved the sticks in their hands to demonstrate.

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and casually took out the badge of the Duke from his bosom, "Fang Zilan, the Duke of Dajingyue Kingdom, is here, who would dare to make a mistake?"

"Duke Yue, Master Fang?"

"Is it Lord Fang who defeated the Miluo people?"

"Stop talking nonsense, the one who defeated the Miluo people is obviously the emperor..."

The momentum of the crowd gradually weakened, but their words still reached the ears of Murong Qing who followed him sparsely.Sitting in the carriage, he told Meng Tingyang to wait and see what happened, and not to act rashly.

"Which one of you is the leader? Stand up and answer." Fang Zilan's eyes swept over everyone one by one, and one of them stood up, "If Master Fang returns, it's me." The man who spoke was about 30 years old, with the appearance of a farmer.

Fang Zilan said without anger: "Who is this person lying on the ground? Why did you beat him?"

"This is a monk from Longyan Temple with the name Jiran." The man said indignantly, "As a monk, Jiran doesn't respect the Buddha, shouldn't he be beaten?"

Fang Zilan went through the laws of Dajing she knew in her mind. It did mention that it is a crime for monks to disrespect the Buddha, but she couldn't remember exactly what it was, so she had to bite the bullet and ask: "Why don't you respect the law?" ?”

The man gritted his teeth and said: "Ji Ran has an affair with this little girl Qiao Nian, so she insists on going back to vulgarity, which is simply disrespectful to the Buddha."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Even if Jiran is guilty of disrespecting the Buddha, you should send him to the government office, how can you lynch him?"

The man opened his mouth and didn't speak, but Qiao Nian, who had been hit twice, opened his mouth, "Lord Fang, that's not the case. Brother Xu's mother is seriously ill, and he has long wanted to return to the vulgar, but the abbot of Longyan Temple is not Yun, also told the people who came to offer incense that brother Xu was disrespectful to the Buddha. Before the abbot locked brother Xu in the temple, he was released on purpose today, and forced brother Xu to swear in front of everyone that he would not return to vulgarity. Brother Xu refused, so he Being beaten like this..."

With a still air like a gossamer, he said intermittently: "Nian Nian, I... I'm fine..."

Ouyang Zirou looked at his gloomy expression, smiled and said: "It seems that General Huangfu has understood. If I marry to the northern region, even if I earn money in the future, I have to report to the Ministry of Industry, and then the Ministry of Industry will verify that it is correct. Afterwards, I will ask His Majesty for approval before it can be produced and promoted to the army. The delay in this process can range from a few months to a few years. However, if I am in the capital, with the help of the Ouyang family, I can shorten a lot of time Day. The day before the matter of armaments, there will be a little more opportunity. General Huangfu is more aware of this truth than I am."

Huangfu Xin didn't speak, and said after a while: "Miss Ouyang is determined, I admire it very much. But, will the Ouyang family really lend you their strength?"

"How about borrowing strength, so what if not borrowing it?" Ouyang Zirou smiled even more, "Your Majesty knows the Lord, as long as I stay in the capital for a day, I will always find a way. But if I go to the northern border, I am afraid that I will be beyond my reach, and I will be powerless."

"If you go to the northern border, you will not be alone." Huangfu Xin's eyes were burning, "I am your help, and the Huangfu family is your backer."

"It's not that I can't trust General Huangfu, it's just that how can a big family put one person first?" Ouyang Zirou's expression faded a little, but the expression in his eyes became more determined, "The mountain will fall, but everyone will run away. In this world , I am the only one who can really make the decision for me.”

After she finished speaking, she gave another salute, "Ouyang Zirou is here, please General Huangfu Xin to cancel the engagement. If there are any consequences, I am willing to bear it all, and will not drag the general down in the slightest."

I don't know how long it took, Ouyang Zirou felt that the arm she raised was a little stiff, and finally saw Huangfu Xin standing up, bowed to her and said: "Miss Ouyang, don't worry, I will handle the marriage contract myself. From now on, I will marry Miss Ouyang as a man and a woman, and we will have nothing to do with each other."

"Me too." Ouyang Zirou swept away the gloom, showing joy, "General Huangfu has something to help in the future, just ask, I will definitely not refuse."

"It's a deal." Huangfuxin stretched out his hand, and Ouyang Zirou put it on without hesitation.The moment the palms hit each other, the fireworks exploded outside the window, extremely gorgeous.

"It's so beautiful!" Ouyang Zirou subconsciously turned her head to look over, and then walked quickly to the window.Huangfu Xin walked to her side and couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the capital is prosperous.

Hearing this, Qiao Nian yelled loudly, and coughed violently after the yelling, Fang Zilan leaned over to relieve her, and listened to her: "After the current Majesty ascended the throne, he abolished the law that monks cannot return to lay life, how can Brother Xu not Still vulgar?"

When Fang Zilan heard this, he completely understood.The abbot of Longyan Temple knew that it was not against the law for monks to return to lay life, but he didn't want to let Jiran return to lay life, so he instigated the people to drive Jiran to a dead end.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan turned his head to look at the Longyan Temple behind him, strode over, stood at the gate of the temple and said loudly: "Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, is here, please come out and see the abbot of your temple."

There was no reaction in the temple, Fang Zilan unceremoniously drew his sword out of its sheath, and put the sword on the threshold, "Fang Zilan didn't want the murderous people in your temple to be contaminated. But if the abbot insists on not coming out to see him, I can only invite you to the temple."

After she finished speaking, she heard a rustling sound, and the abbot in snow-white robes stepped out and said "Amitabha".

Fang Zilan bowed politely, "I heard that Master Jiran is a monk of your monastery. I don't know why Master allowed Master Jiran to be beaten in front of the temple gate?"

The abbot didn't speak, but looked down at the plum sword on the threshold. Fang Zilan put his hand on the hilt of the sword, without any intention of taking it away, "Master, please answer."

(End of this chapter)

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