Chapter 712
I never expected that the leave letter came so quickly...

It’s true that there will be a lot of things recently, and in the days when the coffee lasts, I can’t stay up late, and I’m adjusting my schedule~
Tomorrow is Monday again, and the workers need to recharge their batteries, the above.

Finally, back to the topic, I thought that I would be able to open the third volume in November, but the fact is that I was naive...I didn't expect that I would be free to play outside the outline...

Just to add a word, I try my best to make everyone less paper-like, but my ability is limited, and I may not be able to write well for everyone.

The only thing I ask of myself is to be curious.Even if it is very ordinary, as long as it is a person with a name, I have the desire to write a side story for it. If I am willing to tell the story of this person, it is a very good state.

As for keeping improving, writing everyone to my ideal level should take some time to hone.

I'm not greedy, as for the eldest daughter, just ask for perfection.I wrote all the ones I like, and leave the rest to the judges.

After all, people always have to try more in order to reap surprises and happiness.

At least for now, I am still coding happily, and I hope that the judges can also enjoy watching~
But out of rigor, I still have to say at the end, comedy is probably impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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