Don't ask where people go

Chapter 713 Goodbye

Chapter 713 Goodbye
Fang Zilan held a bow in her left hand and an arrow in her right hand. Although the arrow was not strung, there was a dangerous aura in her hand.

Everyone surrounded Fang Zilan and dared not go forward. Chen Xu clutched his shoulders and climbed up in embarrassment. Just as he was about to stand up, Fang Zilan's feathered arrow was aimed at him again. He was so scared that he fell back to his seat again, his buttocks touching the ground. There was an intimate contact firmly, and he let out another scream when he fell.

It was as if a pot had exploded in the camp at that time, but before everyone was united in the same hatred, they attacked together, and saw that Fang Zilan mentioned another lieutenant general, the one who sang with Yao Wu before, and was so guilty that his face turned pale.

"Miss Zhen, what are you... what are you doing..." The deputy general's voice was trembling, and he finally stammered out the question, but was choked speechless by Fang Zilan's words, "Honestly tell me, are you Like Yao Wu, colluded with bandits?"

The deputy general opened his mouth, and the word "I" stuck in his mouth, and he couldn't say anything for a long while.

Fang Zilan impatiently raised the plum sword in his hand, and before it fell, the lieutenant said anxiously: "You have no proof, do you want to ignore human life?"

"If everyone wastes time like you, and there are so many people in Jiangnan Daying, I will have to interrogate until the year of the monkey." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "I would rather kill by mistake than release by mistake. I am impatient, so naturally The sword is the most trouble-free."

The deputy general couldn't help shrinking his neck, summoned up his courage and said, "It's useless if I confess, you can't live, and I can't..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a cold arrow coming straight at him, but unexpectedly Fang Zilan moved faster, and as soon as he raised the sword in his hand, he shot back the cold arrow intact.

Hearing a scream, a soldier not far away fell down in response. Seeing this, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Up and down the Jiangnan camp, who taught the rules, how dare you shoot an arrow at the general?"

The position of the deputy general was just in front of the main general, even the main general was still in fear, "Miss Zhen, this..."

"That's all." Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that I'm here, I'll be a good person to the end, clean up military discipline for the general, and teach me what the rules are."

The general was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Miss Zhen, even if you have your majesty's gold medal, you can't..."

"General, I want to help you, so you don't want to dismantle me." Fang Zilan interrupted the general's words unceremoniously, and said to the deputy general: "It will start with you."

"I..." The lieutenant hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan pinched the back of his neck, as if holding a little chicken, "Tell me, should I confess honestly, or should I serve you with severe punishment?"

Every word she said seemed to be casual, but she revealed an indescribable force and force, which made the general hardly have a chance to breathe and could only confess honestly.

"Last night, someone from Feiling Mountain sent a letter, saying that whoever comes to the Jiangnan camp today will be detained and killed without mercy." , or someone who claims to be His Majesty..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "Who sent the letter in Feiling Mountain?"

"I don't know." The deputy general waved his hand, "These messages are usually sent by Brother Yao..." He changed his words abruptly in the middle of the sentence, "It's Yao Wu, people from Feiling Mountain always look for He, I'm just an errand, I don't know anything."

"Whether it is the mastermind or the accomplice, collusion is a serious crime." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "It is rare for you to have the opportunity to fight for a lighter punishment, so think clearly. If you cheat, you will be punished immediately."

The deputy general pursed his lips, "I really don't know, but I heard from Yao Wu that it seems to be the second master of Feiling Mountain."

"Are you sure?" Fang Zilan's face was as deep as water. If it was Feiling Mountain's second in command, then Hong He and Yin Quanzhang were willing to be abandoned, and they even went so far as to marry Hongtai and put her together.

"I'm not sure. I've seen people coming from Feiling Mountain before, but the people who came last night were different from before, and they looked very strange." The deputy general recalled, "You look younger, and the people who come here are very different from each other. , not like ordinary bandits."

Fang Zilan has a calculation in her heart, it seems that it is not what she thought, Hong He and Yin Quanzhang may not be of the same mind, someone behind the scenes used the name of Fei Lingshan to target her and Li Shengxuan.

There are many people who wish them to die in the south of the Yangtze River, and Ji Ningtian is probably the most urgent among them, could it be...

"Miss Zhen?" The deputy general waved his hand in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, pulling her back from her thoughts, "That's all I know, I've already told you, see if you can..."

"No." Fang Zilan said decisively: "You clearly still have something to hide, so why should I let you go?"

The lieutenant general suddenly changed his expression, "I only know that the man is here, and I don't know what he said specifically."

When Li Shengxuan arrived, he just heard Chen Xu's second scream.He sized him up a bit, and seeing that the person was not missing arms or legs, not only was he angry, but he could also yell out in such an angry way, he thought Fang Zilan really gave him face.

Seeing Li Shengxuan coming, the censors who were onlookers questioned Fang Zilan before Su Yun could speak first, "Master Yue, what are you doing?"

"I haven't practiced for a long time, and my hands are a little raw." Fang Zilan said, taking the bow and arrow lightly, with an arrogant expression and tone that was almost provocative.

"Your Excellency Yue..." The censors were stunned, choked for a while by her appearance, but Su Yun said, "Your Excellency Yue is a person who fights on the battlefield. It's too poor an excuse."

He exposed Fang Zilan mercilessly, but saw her smile and said: "If the world is not peaceful, who would be willing to fight on the battlefield? Master Su, are you willing?"

The question was straightforward and cold, Su Yun pursed his lips, "I..." He didn't dare to answer, but he didn't want to see his colleagues around him suffer for nothing, but he heard Fang Zilan's word for word when he spoke:

"It is not my wish to fight on the battlefield, but it is also my ability to be under one person and over ten thousand people. I can't be criticized just because I am a woman. The civil and military wives and concubines of the Manchu Dynasty are in groups. I have never seen a royal Shi Canzuo wrote a book, how come I have more papers than the number of people in the house? I just want to guard the Yue State Duke's house, and it turns out that I have lost my virtue. If I really let others manipulate me and obey me, It won't be Fang Zilan today."

Her voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone present to hear clearly.The incomparably fierce words and expressions are all showing to everyone——

She is the Duke of Yue in Dajing, and she is Fang Zilan.She is a real person with everything she defends, and she is definitely not a name in their memorials or rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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