Don't ask where people go

Chapter 717 The Covenant

Chapter 717 The Covenant
Fang Zilan continued, "It is often much easier to destroy something than to achieve it. The prince should be very clear, right? Since I am a member of the ghost gate, there is always a way to destroy the relationship between the ghost gate and the prince, and even It is not difficult to make the ghost gate and the prince grudge against each other. Now I am on the bright side with the prince, and I will explain the pros and cons of it clearly, so that the prince will not know who to hate in the future."

King Rong An stared at her blankly, as if he was looking at a lunatic. After a while, he closed his eyes and asked, "How can you keep Mo's family prosperous and safe?"

"Of course I can't." Fang Zilan said confidently, "If a family wants to be prosperous and peaceful for a long time, it must be strong internally. How can it rely on an outsider? In other words, the Mo family has gone through this catastrophe, and it is Mo Binxing, the helm of the family. I made a mistake, and this mistake happened to be taken advantage of by the prince. Otherwise, if Mo Bin sent troops outside Mushan Pass or asked General Xiahou for help, would the prince still have something to do?"

King Rong An's heart tightened, but his face remained calm, "Since Mr. Fang thinks that the family's prosperity and long-term safety cannot depend on outsiders, why did you negotiate such a condition with me?"

"No matter how powerful a family is, it can't stand the conspiracy with ulterior motives all the time, so what I have to do is to cut off the root cause of the conspiracy." Fang Zilan's tone suddenly became colder, "The lord must know the root cause."

King Rong'an looked at the person in front of him thoughtfully, his expression gradually turned sharp, "Master Fang has made everything clear, so you don't leave any room for it, are you really afraid that I will hold grudges against you?"

"Remember the grudge?" Fang Zilan laughed suddenly, "The lord has done so many things worthy of being hated, I am afraid that many people will bear the grudge day and night, has the lord ever been afraid?"

"You..." King Rong An's face was as cold as ice, and Fang Zilan interrupted him just as he was about to say something, "Of course I'm not afraid. What's more, the purpose of my trip is to make the prince remember me."

"Thank you Miss Awan for letting me know." Zhuge Yu nodded slightly and said, "Master Fang has already left the city, Miss Awan won't accompany her?"

"How does Mr. Zhuge know..." A Wan suddenly stopped speaking, biting her lips tightly.

Seeing this, Zhuge Yu said calmly: "Your Majesty has already told me. Mushanguan is high and the road is far away. Sister Lan's trip may not be easy, so it is better for Miss Awan to follow her."

"I also want to go with Master Fang." A Wan dejectedly said, "But she won't let me follow."

Zhuge Yu smiled slightly, "I have a way to get Sister Lan to agree to Miss Awan to follow."

A Wan raised her head abruptly, and looked at him expectantly, "Master Zhuge really has a solution?"

"I have something to ask Miss Awan to bring to Sister Lan." Zhuge Yu held back his smile, with a serious expression on his face, "These words are confidential, and I can only feel at ease if I entrust them to Miss Awan. I wonder if Miss Awan is willing?"

"I am willing!" A Wan nodded emphatically, "Young Master Zhuge, but it doesn't matter."

"The matter in the southeast, I'm afraid it's not a rebellion. I'm afraid there are pirates who sneaked into Mushan Pass and controlled Mo Bin." Zhuge Yu's face showed faint worry, "If it's really pirates, please ask Sister Lan to talk about it." General Xiahou's help will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"I don't understand." A Wan asked puzzledly: "Although Mushan Pass is the border between Dajing and Baiyue, it is not an important place near the sea after all. Why would there be pirates mixed in?"

"The Zhuge family is still investigating the cause of this matter, but I think the current news is credible. If it weren't for the pirates, General Xiahou would not have found out that something was wrong so quickly. After all, when Xiahou's family was in Baiyue, many Fight." Zhuge Yu folded his hands in front of him, and said in a tense voice: "I will enter the palace later to present this news to His Majesty, and I hope Miss Awan will also tell Sister Lan for me, and ask her to take care of everything. Be careful."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhuge, I will definitely take your words with you." Awan's eyes became firmer, "As for Mr. Fang's trip, I ask Mr. Zhuge to help cover it up."

Zhuge Yu cupped his hands and saluted, "Miss Awan, don't worry, Zhuge Yu will live up to the trust."

Seeing that he agreed, Awan immediately left Zhuge's house without stopping, and chased Fang Zilan and Vice General Cao out of the city.She chased him non-stop for a whole half a day, and finally saw the two people who were staying at the inn when it was dark.

Fang Zilan frowned when she saw A Wan: "Why are you here? I didn't ask you to stay at the house, you..."

"Master Zhuge asked me to come." Awan interrupted her eagerly.

"Hush." ​​Fang Zilan pulled A Wan violently, pressed her fingers on her lips, and made a silent movement.

Deputy General Cao understood, and quickly checked his surroundings to make sure that there was no one around.Only then did she let go and said, "What does Ah Yu want you to tell me?"

Awan deliberately lowered his voice, "Young Master Zhuge wants me to tell you that the southeast incident is probably not a rebellion. There may be pirates who sneaked into Mushan Pass and took control of Mo Bin. He also said that if they are really pirates, Please also persuade General Xiahou to help, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

She paused as she spoke, "Your lord, feel free to hold grudges against me. The ugly words are up front. If your lord can't beat me to ashes, you can only wait for me to collect the debt."

She spoke every word very harshly, but the expression on her face was very indifferent, with only a little coldness.However, the black and white pupils were full of undisguised cruel killing intent.

King Rong An couldn't help being shocked. He has been in the southeast for many years, and he has always been used to domineering. There are many people who dare not speak out. Occasionally, they will see one or two who refuse to submit. Even though they speak loudly, most of them are not tough, and they would rather die than surrender.I didn't expect that Fang Zilan was like this, so bold and blatantly threatening him...

No, she is not a threat.

King Rong An suddenly had an inexplicable fear in his heart. For some reason, he was very sure that if he couldn't crush Fang Zilan, Fang Zilan would definitely make him die.

"How?" Fang Zilan leisurely took the remaining paper on the table, and said softly, "Have you thought about it clearly, my lord?"

King Rong An stared fixedly at the person in front of him, and said in a deep voice for a long while: "Master Fang's two conditions, this king has agreed. From then on, this king and Lord Fang will never communicate with each other."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "If we meet again, either you will die or I will live." After she finished speaking, she stood up, and with a wave of her hand, all the paper in her palm turned into pieces, floating down from the air and scattered all over the ground.

She left without looking back, and King Rong An looked at her back with a gloomy look in his eyes.He originally wanted her not to get out of the epidemic area alive, but who knew that not only did she come out alive, but she also had an extra body of glory, which made him unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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