Chapter 718
"The Fang family..." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Ouyang Zirou laughed softly, "Master Fang thinks that the Fang family is so rich and invincible, is it too ostentatious?"

Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and remained silent as if tacitly, Ouyang Zi said softly: "Your Majesty personally promised, with the Empress as a guarantee, and the Ministry of Households guarding the gate, Fang's family name has become a great imperial merchant for the country and the people, which is not ostentatious. What's more If we talk about ostentation, it has to be the Huangfu family in the north and the Dugu family in the west. After receiving His Majesty's order, these two families quickly reorganized two armies and rushed over. That's really ostentatious."

Fang Zilan remained silent, and Su Yuexi continued, "When Emperor Ningshun came to the throne, my father Su Che left Beijing in the name of returning to his hometown, and went to the East China Sea to find the elixir of life. My father was an official for half his life. However, he was born under the influence of his family and firmly believed in the elixir of life overseas. He took my mother and my sisters to the southeast, but he never thought that he would encounter gangsters when passing by the Linjia Village."

"You don't know anything about this." The man pretended to be a secret on purpose, and said mysteriously: "I heard that Master Fang Zilan fell in love with Mo Han, the youngest son of the Mo family, and he made a name to join the book of the Mo family. What happened to the Mo family is really a disaster."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people sitting around suddenly fell silent, and all their eyes were on Fang Zilan. She took a sip of tea calmly, then looked at the man and said, "Mister, do you know who I am?"

The man looked blank, shook his head and said: "I have never heard of Miss's name before."

Fang Zilan smiled and reminded him, "This is Fangfu."

"I know." The man nodded, and only then did he realize that something was wrong. There are many dignitaries with the surname Fang in the capital, so he didn't investigate which Fang's mansion it was. In charge, could it be...

When he was panicked, Fang Zilan's voice came faintly, "I am the Fang Zilan in the story my husband told."

After she finished speaking, she saw the man kneeling in front of her tremblingly, "I don't know that you are Mrs. Fang, I just said something offensive, please forgive me."

"Sir, please get up." Fang Zilan raised her hand to signal him to get up, and he stood up tremblingly, bowing his body and dare not stand up straight.

"Sir, you told a good story." Fang Zilan calmed down and said, "But I have a question, and I ask you to clarify it, sir."

"Master Fang, please tell me." The man lowered his head, listening to her ask: "Mr. Cai just mentioned that the daughter of King Rong'an, Princess Rong'an, was helping to make medicine when he said that the doctor's daughter of Xiahou's family had rejuvenated and cured the plague. what happened?"

"This..." The man looked hesitant and did not dare to speak, Fang Zilan said without anger: "Sir, just tell the truth, I will not make things difficult for you."

As she spoke, her tone suddenly became fierce, and she gritted her teeth and said, "What's more, they used the money they plundered from my family to buy the post of head of the Lin Family Village from a small official under King Rong An. Bullying men and bullying women to do all kinds of evil! Poor father, who lived a clean life, how could he have thought that after his death, someone would use his money to buy officials and nobles, which is beyond conscience?"

Fang Zilan listened carefully to her words, and interjected softly, "Seven years ago, a small official under King Rong An was investigated by General Xiahou, which caused an uproar in the court. Is this related to you?"

"Master Fang is really powerful. You guessed right. I was the one who risked my life and ran out of Linjiacun and handed over the evidence to Miss Yan'er." Su Yuexi's eyes were weeping, "If it wasn't for Miss Yan'er's help, how could General Xiahou do this? Reaching out to King Rong An's jurisdiction? But I didn't expect that my sneaking would be discovered, and my sister would be beaten to death by them in order to protect me. At that time, she had just given birth to Heng'er for less than a month. ..."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Do you know Miss Yan'er?"

"Master Fang, you don't know that Qiluo City was besieged, and it was almost hanging outside. The Miluo people took the opportunity to extend the front to the north. If it weren't for the heroic general Dugu Ming, who stopped the Miluo people for a few days, when the reinforcements came, I'm afraid... ..." Ouyang Zirou didn't continue, Fang Zilan understood, "I may not be able to last so long in Qiluo City, right?"

Ouyang Zirou pursed her lips, but did not answer directly, "How can Little General Dugu Ming compare with Master Fang? He knows that he has reinforcements behind him, so he is confident, but Master Fang..."

She paused abruptly, then changed her voice almost abruptly, "There is still the land in the southeast, and I don't know why King Rong'an suddenly stood up to help resettle the refugees and solve the riot, so that the soldiers and horses of the southeast battalion can catch up in time. Come join us."

"I don't know why?" Fang Zilan repeated in a low voice, and Ouyang Zirou nodded, "Yes, but as His Majesty's uncle, it is common sense for King Rong An to put righteousness first."

Fang Zilan didn't answer, she knew in her heart what kind of person King Rong An was, and righteousness comes first?He doesn't deserve it at all.Among them, there must be hidden secrets.

Ouyang Zirou didn't notice the frost in her eyes, she still said to herself: "However, the most powerful one is Lord Wei. I heard from my father that His Majesty above the court said that before the imperial conquest, Both the main battle faction and the main peace faction are about to topple the golden roof of the main hall. The main battle faction thinks that Master Fang is not good for you to lose troops and lose the general to defend the city because of the looting of food. Ask for peace as soon as possible. Master Wei stepped forward at this time."

Ouyang Zirou said with longing, "Master Wei said, 'This battle between Dajing and Miluo is extremely dangerous. No matter who goes to the battle, there is no certainty. Master Fang is like this, so am I. Now Master Fang is still alive." Fighting for her life on the battlefield, but everyone in the hall is talking and criticizing behind her back, since everyone in the hall is resourceful and decisive, and is sure to retreat from the Miluo people, why not replace Master Fang, and ask who can?'”

She finished these words in one breath, and sighed: "Master Wei is so powerful. After he finished speaking, the whole room was silent. Afterwards, His Majesty said that since no one is sure, then he will personally conquer. The fate of Dajing depends on He decides."

The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, which was in line with Li Shengxuan's style.The Li Shengxuan she knew was never a weak and deceitful person.Therefore, she always firmly believed that this battle with Li Shengxuan was imperative.

"Your Majesty's personal expedition, Lord Wei is the vanguard, Young Master Zhuge is the military adviser, my brother and I escorted the military equipment, Lord Pei and Lord Wang escorted the food and grass, and it's here in a few days." He was a lot more proud, "With the power of Dajing, the recovery of the lost land is just around the corner. This time, the Miluo people must come to beg us to make peace."

(End of this chapter)

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