Don't ask where people go

Chapter 719 Whereabouts

Chapter 719 Whereabouts
"Even if I go, it's just a formality, and it's okay if the days are all gathered together." Fang Zilan took the invitation from A Wan and put it away properly, "A Yu and I have a friendship, and Master Wei is here in Qi Luo Cheng has saved my life, and I promised to help with Zirou's matter, but I have to go to save face for her, and I can't shirk it."

"What about the Fang family?" A Wan looked a little uneasy, "The third lady of the Fang family said that she has the same name as you, but you know what's going on in your heart. Who knows what the Fang family's intentions are for making such a move?"

"No matter what the Fang family's intentions are, I will go." Fang Zilan looked tired, "There are some things that cannot be avoided. Only when I go, can I know what the Fang family is going to do."

A Wan's expression turned serious, "So you went to Fang's house to check on the third lady?"

Fang Zilan hummed, she didn't want A Wan to know too much, lest she would be discovered by the people in the ghost gate and cause trouble for A Wan, so she might as well let A Wan misunderstand her like this.

"Since you've made a decision, it's useless for me to say more." A Wan stood up and said, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early."

After A Wan left, Fang Zilan took out the document Xiao Xuaner gave her from her sleeve, and put it together with the one Xue Haoyu had sent earlier.

For some reason, she always felt that this matter was not easy. Even if the Ministry of Rituals did not deal with her, they did not dare to make a fuss about the year-end ceremony.After all, if something goes wrong, the official position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites will definitely be lost. Whether he can keep his wealth and life is another matter.

Could it be that the Ministry of Rites has decided that she will swallow her anger because the year-end ceremony is related to the fate of the country, and won't make trouble?
But the rabbit can bite people when it's in a hurry, the Ministry of Rites has been targeting her for more than a year, do you really think she has a good temper?
She stood in front of the leading man, with the plum sword in her hand on his neck, "I have been doing things all my life, and the most annoying thing is that someone is standing in the way. I killed all the people who got in the way before. If you are the same, I don't mind doing things in the future." Before Feiyuan, kill you first."

"You..." The man looked at the sword that was close at hand, his voice trembled involuntarily, "You are a disciple of Kunlun, how dare you..."

"How dare you?" Fang Zilan cut off the man's words, and smiled evilly, "There is no proof of death, who knows what I did?"

She leaned close to the man's ear, and said in a soft voice, "Do you think that the Kunlun disciples are well-known and decent, so they will accommodate you in every way? I won't."

After she finished speaking, she distanced herself from the man, and said loudly: "Tonight, everyone will spend the night in the ancestral hall of Taoyuan Village. After I count the number of people, there must be no mistakes."

"If there is one more person, I will kill one." Fang Zilan interrupted the man lightly, as if saying that the weather is good today, "If there is one less person, I will kill all of you. Do you hear me clearly?"

"How can it be compared!" Elder Zhuge suddenly interrupted him, his tone agitated, "He is a god of killing, if it is related to him, it will be a major event that will change the color of the mountains and rivers and turn the world upside down, don't you know?"

"I believe her." Fang Chongzheng met Zhuge Zhuge's eyes without any fear, "It's like believing in the god of death you talk about, trusting her."

Lord Zhuge stared blankly at the person in front of him, as if through him he saw Fang Chongzheng, a young man who stood in front of the old hall of the former court many years ago and spoke for King Pingnan, the general of Zhenbei.

Many years have passed, and everyone thought that the fierce tiger and lion who used to be full of blood had smoothed his temperament and become unpredictable, but they didn't know that he was still the same as before, only hiding his sharpness, not having no temperament.

If someone tried to tempt him, he would still not hesitate to show his minions, he was still a fierce tiger and lion, majestic and majestic, and he would not give an inch.


"Believe it?" Master Zhuge repeated the word, calmly said: "If I remember correctly, back then you believed, and all you got in return was continuous war."

Like a stone thrown into the sea, Master Zhuge's words that almost exposed the scars did not make Fang Chongzheng lose his temper. On the contrary, he smiled and asked, "So what?"

Master Zhuge's complexion changed slightly, he left a sentence to do it for himself, and walked away.

Fang Chongzheng looked at his back, and the smile on his face gradually faded.Back then, General Zhenbei, King Pingnan...

Everyone thought that he was defeated by Xia Yunzhao, and his generals were defeated one after another. In the end, he had no face to face him, and ended up committing suicide in the deep sea.

After hearing the news, the covetous Jin people rushed to the land. At the critical moment, an unknown general suddenly appeared from the Qi family in the northern border and guarded the northern border.If this is not the case, how can the Li family be able to sit firmly in the world?If the golden man's iron cavalry stepped on it, there would only be a scene of broken mountains and rivers.

Then the general of the Qi family died suddenly overnight before the Li family's imperial decree of reward arrived, and he only got a generous burial and a posthumous name.

Later, the Qi family declined, and the former unknown general was gradually forgotten.Zhenbei general Pingnan Wang was added the embellishment of the previous dynasty and became the hero in the storybook.The madam whose music is so famous in the world is no longer known. She ruined her face and entered the prime minister's mansion with a baby in her arms...

Fang Chongzheng slowly closed his eyes, letting the past reappear like a revolving lantern.The world knows, but one-sided.That being the case, why care?

Fang Zilan tried her best, "It's good." As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er walked in.

"Master Fang, I'm afraid it's too late for breakfast at this hour. I made some porridge, you can use some." Xiao Xuan'er said, and put the pastry in her hand on the table.

"Miss Lao Xiao." Fang Zilan took a piece of pastry casually, "Has Lao Cao had breakfast? If not, send him some. The festival is not short, so we can't go hungry."

"Deputy General Cao got up much earlier than you, so you should worry about yourself." A Wan made up the bed and made some sarcasm.

Fang Zilan was blocked by A Wan's words, so she focused on eating and drinking, and heard her say: "Mr. Wen will deliver the medicine later, you can leave after taking the medicine."

"Okay." Fang Zilan wiped her mouth, waited for Wen Ya to bring the medicine, after she took it, she went to the altar with Deputy General Cao.

When the two arrived, it was less than three quarters before the start of the ceremony, so they were relatively late among all the officials.

"Boss, you are at the front, so go ahead." Deputy Cao Fang Zilan said: "My position is at the back, just stand there and go."

Fang Zilan was still worried, "Did you remember everything I told you?"

"Remember." Vice-General Cao grinned and said, "Show more salutes and less talk, Boss, don't worry."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Fang Zilan said and walked forward, but before she got to her place, she heard a noise from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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