Chapter 721
"Occupy the world's business?" Ji Ningtian sneered, "Master Prime Minister, the other party's family is too confident."

"My words are somewhat believable, the prince's heart is like a mirror." Fang Chongzheng said in a low voice, "Jingzhao Yin's residence is investigating, and the Fang family has also drafted all the known witchcraft techniques into a document, which will be submitted tomorrow. "

tomorrow?Ji Ningtian's heart tightened, but his face remained calm, "Princess Erya's death involved the diplomatic relations between Dajing and Dirong, and the murder of Princess Rong'an even aroused the people in the southeast. Such an important case, the illusory Wu How can the art of Gu be explained clearly?"

"Whether it can be explained clearly is a matter between the Jingzhao Yin Mansion and the Fang family." Fang Chongzheng looked serious, "As for how to bear the consequences, I am afraid it is not a matter for one person and one family."

Ji Ningtian's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, "If that's the case, I'll wait and see."

Fang Chongzheng didn't say any more, got up to take his leave and left.Ji Ningtian looked at his back, the expression on his face gradually became ferocious.

Wu Qing walked in, Ji Ningtian saw her, his expression eased, "Is Wen Ya back?"

"According to the young master's order, he will be recalled after the incident in the capital." Wu Qing lowered her eyebrows and said obediently: "Calculating the time, it should be here tomorrow."

"After Wen Ya came back, I ordered him to check to see how much the Fang family knew about witchcraft." After Ji Ningtian finished speaking, Wu Qing hesitated and didn't respond for a while.

Seeing this, Ji Ningtian frowned slightly, and was about to ask why, when Wu Qing said: "My lord, Awan is still in prison..."

"So what?" Ji Ningtian interrupted Wu Qing's words impatiently, and snorted coldly, "Before the case is closed, no matter who it is, life or death is unknown. If Wen Ya doesn't want to watch A Wan die, then Go check it out."

Wu Qing nodded and saluted, then took the order and left, but her heart couldn't help beating.A Wan was led into the ghost gate by Wen Ya since he was a child, and the two of them are also brothers and sisters. If something really happened to A Wan...

She neither wanted to doubt Wen Ya's loyalty to Ji Ningtian and Guimen, nor did she dare to think how many people would be involved after Fang Zilan's death.

However, these are not things that a little pawn like her should think about.Her life is like an ant, death is not a pity, and she can't protect herself, how can she have the strength to control the life and death of other people, let alone the world?
It's just that when Wen Ya rushed back to Beijing, Fang's family had already submitted an explanation of the witchcraft technique, and Zhuge's family also reported Dirong Wu's movements in recent years in the form of secret reports.

Li Shengxuan originally separated all the members of the Di Rong mission and put them under house arrest in the post house, and immediately blocked the death scene of Princess Erya. Therefore, Xie Yanping, who had collected all kinds of news, quickly acted, clearly explaining Erya's death. After sorting out the death of the princess, he handed over the memorial to Qiankun Palace.

"If there hadn't been the general Zhenbei and King Pingnan back then, there wouldn't have been a wolf army, let alone Sun Hu." Sun Hu forced himself to stand up, "We've lived for so many years, it's enough for us."

He paused for a moment, his face full of relief, "Today, for Princess Wu Qing, even if I lose my life, I have to take a gamble."

Bet on her that she can walk out of the Jiangnan camp alive, and she will be safe and healthy in the future, and will not be disturbed by Ji Ningtian again.

Sun Hu didn't say the following words, but Fang Zilan could see it from his expression of looking at death without hesitation.

Although she and Sun Hu met only a few times, they were always coerced by each other, and there was no relationship between them.But at this moment, he led his troops to rush here, just to fight for a chance for her.

She had to accept this friendship, but she didn't want to accept it either.Because of her parents, Chu Xiang, Chu Bin and his son all died because of her. Hongtai Honghe fell into the grass and became a bandit. Now Sun Hu and the former wolf army will also die for her in the Jiangnan camp...

"Sun Hu!" As if out of control, Fang Zilan heard her own voice, "County Wu Qing, as the daughter of Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang and Mrs. Qin Ji, doesn't need anyone to do anything for her, she..."

I just hope that the old people who used to know my parents are alive...

In an instant, Fang Zilan realized that she couldn't speak.For a long time, she has been reluctant to admit her identity as the daughter of King Pingnan, General Zhenbei, and Mrs. Qin Ji, because she did not want to bear the burden.

She couldn't help but watch so many people live or die for her, but she was powerless, unable to do anything.

Maybe Ji Ningtian is right, the old people in the past are lonely ghosts who can't see the light, she shouldn't stand in the light and give them unattainable thoughts.

"I know." Sun Hu still raised the corners of his lips, and said with a slight smile: "We just follow our heart, today's actions are all voluntary, and have nothing to do with Princess Wu Qing, and there is absolutely no intention of coercion."

Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but she didn't make a sound. She couldn't hear a word of what the chief general and deputy generals were saying beside her.

However, in the next moment, thousands of arrows were fired, and she finally ignored it. She rushed into the rain of arrows with her sword, blocked Sun Hu, and shouted, "It's rare that the second master of Feiling Mountain sent him to the door on his own initiative, so he wants to capture him alive!" Interrogation is good. You want to shoot him indiscriminately, don't you have a ghost in your heart?"

"Are you injured?" When Fang Zilan reined in his horse and stopped, Wan Jun's figure arrived as expected. He took Ah Shi, and then supported her with one hand, "Mier is waiting for you on the mountain."

Fang Zilan ignored Wan Jun's words, avoided his hand without a trace, and asked, "You guys already knew, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Wan Jun sighed, and said softly, "Lan'er, now is not the time to talk about these things..."

"Then when is the right time?" Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and said, "Is it right when everyone dies because of me?"

However, Li Shengxuan wanted to protect him, so the guards of the Duke of Yue's mansion were not as strict as they seemed, so Wen Ya found an opportunity to sneak in, and met Mo Han who was restless.

After asking about the general situation, Wen Ya was basically able to deduce the cause and effect closely.

The matter is not complicated, but Di Rongwu used witchcraft to temporarily control Fang Zilan's mind, causing him to kill Princess Rong'an, and Princess Erya, who performed the technique, also died due to backlash. Killed.

But the trick is, for example, since the reception of the wind feast, Fang Zilan's attention has been attracted in full view, so that she came to the door in person, and then took the opportunity to entrain Gu insects in the herbs to make her swallow, and then aroused Awan's righteous indignation and was imprisoned. Human beings can always control her illness, and finally create a "coincidence" to make her meet Princess Rong'an...

The person who set up the situation is not only very clear about the temperament and behavior of all the people involved, but also understands Fang Zilan's physical condition, and even what kind of medicine A Wan will prescribe, and when the Gu poison will attack...

(End of this chapter)

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