Don't ask where people go

Chapter 722 Goodbye

Chapter 722 Goodbye
Not long after Fang Zilan was seated, the Di Rong mission arrived.Princess Erya and her extra maid followed behind the envoy. They all lowered their brows and looked down, and covered their faces with light veils, so they couldn't see their true faces clearly.

After the Dirong delegation saw the ceremony, some courtiers were very curious about Princess Erya. In whispers, it was a concubine of Yucheng King Li Qiyou who came out of the siege and said: "Sister Erya comes from our Dirong Wu family, and is proficient in divination. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to see you today?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan looked calmly at Princess Yucheng, who was also from Di Rong, and then his eyes fell on Li Qiyou. His face was calm, as if he was not surprised by his princess's proposal.

However, before Fang Zilan could think about it, Princess Erya bowed to Li Shengxuan, and after getting permission, she walked towards her, "Master Fang, please."

Fang Zilan was stunned. Could it be that Princess Erya wanted to divination for her?
In the blink of an eye, several thoughts flashed through my mind.If Princess Erya colluded with the ghost gate and revealed her identity as Zixiu, or the background of the third lady of Xiangfu, or even the former princess...

No matter which one it is, it is enough to cause an uproar.

But what Fang Zilan didn't expect was that Princess Erya looked at her fixedly, and said word by word: "Master Fang, you didn't belong here originally, even though the body is the same, the person is different."

There was a loud bang, and Fang Zilan's pale face was reflected in the thunder and lightning. Why did Princess Erya know?

What she said was all speculation based on the situation along the way up the mountain.The corpses of bandits and bandits scattered here and there, and the corpses of soldiers scattered everywhere, can show that they have fought, but the scale is not large.

Presumably, bandits took advantage of the terrain and killed Zhou Lang's soldiers left on Feiling Mountain one by one.However, the soldiers of the southeast camp were trained by Zhou Lang, and they were no more idiots than the Jiangnan camp, so the two sides fought to the death, and no one could get anything.

It is not difficult to guess based on facts. Fang Zilan can guess seven or eight points, and of course Li Shengxuan can too.He was speechless for a long time, but the doubts in his heart were getting bigger and bigger, as if the clouds were shrouded and never dispersed.

"Whether your Majesty believes it or not, this is the truth." Fang Zilan said lightly, but Li Shengxuan's expression turned cold, "Then the second head of Feiling Mountain led his troops to Jiangnan camp, so what?"

Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched tightly into fists, her face remained calm, "Your Majesty thinks that the Second Master left because of me?"

Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan condescendingly, and said in a deep voice, "Isn't it?" His voice was deep and deep, revealing an indescribable sense of oppression.

Fang Zilan stood up, flicked his sleeves and said, "If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, everything I say will be useless."

"Fang Zilan, who are you?" Li Shengxuan took a step forward and asked almost forcefully, "Why are there so many people protecting you, and so many people wanting your life?"

Fang Zilan's eyes turned red, but she didn't say a word.How should she tell Li Shengxuan that the original owner of her body was the daughter of former Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang and Mrs. Qin Ji?And how to tell Li Shengxuan that she is a person who does not belong to this world at all?

"You..." Seeing Fang Zilan's tears, Li Shengxuan couldn't help but feel soft-hearted. He was about to raise his hand to wipe her tears, but he heard the sound of swords fighting behind him.

It was too late and then quickly, a dagger came straight towards Li Shengxuan's vest, he saw Fang Zilan's expression changed, he exclaimed "be careful", and was pushed hard by her, and changed direction with her.

The moment the dagger pierced Fang Zilan's body, she stared at Li Shengxuan intently, tears rolled down her eyes, her lips curled up slightly, but it was already reluctant, "Fortunately..."

"Fang Zilan!" Li Shengxuan supported Fang Zilan's waist with one hand, drew his sword with the other and went straight to the owner of the dagger, Meile, with a swift and ruthless strike, which took her life in an instant.

Meile's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.Even Fang Zilan was shocked.She knew that Li Shengxuan was good at the army, and Xia Hou Yunzhao personally taught him his martial arts, but she never thought that his martial arts would be so good.

Clean and neat, no less than the Ten Temple Hades of the ghost gate.Even more than that.

Before she finished speaking, there was a burst of whispered discussions around her.Some people scoffed, thinking that Princess Erya was playing tricks, some people were noncommittal, and watched with the mentality of watching the excitement, and more people were curious. After all, she became the Duke of Yue in Dajing overnight. She was promoted quickly and had a mysterious background. Astonishing.

Therefore, if someone can expose her identity, it doesn't matter whether that person is Di Rongwu or someone else.The important thing is who Fang Zilan is.

As soon as Princess Erya opened her mouth, she was stopped by someone, "In any case, Mr. Fang is the Duke of Yue in Dajing. This is a fact that will not change."

Hearing the words, everyone's eyes fell on Zhuge Yu who had spoken, and he stood up slowly, bowed his hands and said, "Zhuge Yu dared to speak nonsense, and I ask Princess Erya to forgive me."

"Your Majesty Zhuge speaks too seriously." Emissary Di Rong hurriedly saluted and was about to invite Princess Erya to sit down beside him, but he saw her staring at Zhuge Yu with a sad expression, "My lord, although you have a bright future There is no limit, but the relatives are shallow and long-term, please mourn."

The almost nonsensical sentence made everyone present stunned. Could it be that Zhuge's family will be like Pei's or Ouyang's family in the near future, leaving Zhuge Yu alone to support them?

Fang Zilan didn't wait to think about it, she wanted to stand up for Zhuge Yu, but before she could speak, Wei Subaru said in a cold voice: "Princess Erya's gossip to confuse people, what is her intention?"

Princess Erya repeated the word, with a look of confusion on her face, "I'm just telling the truth, why do you want to..."

She stopped in the middle of her words, stared at Wei Subaru in a daze, and mumbled, "You are..."

Wei Subaru snorted coldly and said nothing, Zhuge Yu rarely put on a serious face, Fang Zilan didn't say a word, but there seemed to be more murderous intent on his body.

Seeing this, Di Rongzheng fell to his knees with a plop, and pleaded guilty to Li Shengxuan: "Your Majesty, Princess Erya was born in the Wu family and is proficient in divination. When we were in Di Rong's department, I was used to speaking bluntly and quickly. Now I see you all It is inevitable that the nobleman of Dajing has offended me, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive him for his crime of disrespect."

Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, and said without anger: "Dajing respects Buddhism and Taoism. Even if I have heard of Di Rongwu's divination technique, I may not believe it. However, if Princess Erya wants to stay in Dajing in the future, she must speak carefully." Proceed with caution, don't make mistakes."

"Your Majesty said so." Di Rong was giving Princess Erya a wink as he spoke, but she was unmoved and looked at Li Shengxuan without hesitation, "Your Majesty..."

(End of this chapter)

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