Don't ask where people go

Chapter 734 Falling

Chapter 734 Falling
"Wen Ya, you don't need to lie to me." Fang Zilan calmed down and said, "I'm afraid there is no third person in the world who knows what I want to ask except you and King Zhuanlun. Otherwise, what I saw today would not be It's you."

Wen Ya didn't speak, but Fang Zilan's lips curled up, and her tone became more and more determined, "Young Master has always hated someone to threaten you with his life. If he knew the reason, he would definitely arrest me, how could he let me see you?"

Wen Ya was still silent, and Fang Zilan's smile had a hint of evil, "Or, do you want me to tell the young master about this, and he will ask you to explain the reason?"

"When did you learn how to pretend to be a fox?" Wen Ya's expression became lighter, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "I just learned it."

Since Wen Ya was willing to speak, he didn't bother to chat with her, and said straight to the point: "Turning Wheel King also has Gu. You are the main Gu, and he is the secondary Gu."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan asked suspiciously, "Why is Gu still divided into master and deputy?"

"It's the master and deputy, but to put it bluntly, he is your sacrifice." Wen Ya's thin lips curled into a cold smile, "Otherwise, why are you number one in the world and he can only be at the end of the ten halls? You wouldn't Do you think your talent is different from ordinary people?"

"Awan, even if you plucked all the flowers in my yard, your master still has to be punished, why bother?" Fang Zilan sighed a long time, Awan sniffled and said stiffly, "I am willing. "

Fang Zilan responded perfunctorily, "That's fine, you can grab it. Remember to calculate the money with the housekeeper after you grab it, and make it up for the accountant tomorrow, and ask someone to buy a new one to replace it."

"You..." A Wan turned around and stared over with red eyes, "You still want to count money with me?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "The flowers in this courtyard were all prepared with the help of King Yucheng when he moved to the mansion. They are very expensive. Even if it's just for the sake of appearance, I have to offer it well."

"For?" A Wan snorted, "When you planted chrysanthemums before, didn't you just pull them out? I didn't see how much you treasured these flowers."

This serious rhetoric not only smoothed the situation for Xie Yan, but also blocked Di Rong's envoy, making him think that this was indeed a normal procedure, so he said politely: "My lord is serious. This is the one who rescued Princess Erya today." Your general, right? Thank you general for saving your life."

He bowed after saying that, Cao Hong was flattered, and hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Just so that my lord doesn't have to do this."

A few people were waiting outside the hall, while Xie Yanping inside the hall kept saluting all the time, "Your Majesty, if Miss Awan's words are true, I'm afraid Lord Yue..." Before he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan greeted Xia Hou. winked.

"I will send someone to investigate this matter carefully. After you go back, take a good look at Gu Awan. Don't let things like Ouyang Zirou and Fang Zitong happen again." Li Shengxuan ordered, and Xie Yanping nodded in response: "Your Majesty understands, please rest assured .”

Li Shengxuan waved his hand to signal that Xie Yanping could step back, but he still stood on the spot, hesitatingly said: "Your Majesty, the southeast camp is about to be reorganized, and it coincides with the Di Rong mission in Beijing. At this juncture, if something happens to Mr. I'm afraid that the people of Miluo may not be able to keep themselves safe."

He paused as he spoke, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to strictly guard Zhongzheng Shizi's residence?"

"No need." Li Shengxuan said in a low voice: "It's never my fault to coerce young children. The Miluo people can send the loyal son, but I will not use the loyal son as a shield to intersect with them. No matter what the neighbors are, Dajing has never fear."

Xie Yanping was stunned for a moment, this was the first time he felt the bloodiness and confidence of their emperor so directly.He has no doubt that one day, if it is absolutely necessary, when everyone uses the loyal son as a shield to fight against Mi Luoxu and the snake, their emperor has already protected the people of his family and country.

"I understand." Xie Yanping felt inexplicably relieved when he heard his own voice, as if a boulder had suddenly fallen from his chest, and he was indescribably happy.

A Wan pouted and said nothing, Fang Zilan took a petal from her hand, "If you are really worried about your master, you might as well go and visit her."

"I have no face to see Master." A Wan lowered her head, "I was the one who helped you lie, and I was the one who didn't intercede for Master. I really don't deserve to be Master's apprentice..."

"Awan, you don't need to blame yourself." Fang Zilan said quietly: "You are doing it for self-protection, and your master is also doing it for self-protection, it's no different. Your master has lied to you so much, does he have the face to see you? "

"What are you talking about, he is my master!" A Wan retorted anxiously, Fang Zilan smiled, "He is your master, but he didn't do what a master should do."

"You are by my side now. He knows that if something happens, you will be implicated, but he chooses to hide you." Fang Zilan said indifferently: "As a teacher, it's fine if you don't protect your own apprentices. How can you have your own disciples?" The reason why the apprentice pushed into the fire pit?"

Awan tilted her head, half understanding, and said, "You mean Master should at least inform me in advance?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, "If this matter only involves him, he will have nothing to say as an outsider anyway. But since you may be implicated, you should have the right to know."

Fang Zilan's voice was a little trembling, "So what is added to the plum blossom soup is..."

"His blood." Wen Ya said, "It would be great to use his blood to support the Gu in your body. Since he is willing, why should I stop it?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said, "Did he know about this all along?"

Wen Ya said helplessly: "He entered the ghost gate with you, saying that you are his master. Why do you think?"

"Master?" Fang Zilan repeated the word, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "What about plum blossom soup? Why plum blossom soup?"

"He said you love to eat." Wen Ya couldn't bear it, "but he didn't know that when your mother was killed, you were eating a bowl of plum blossom soup, and the blood fell into it and you were frightened. When it comes to plum blossom soup, you will instinctively feel sick."

Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "He doesn't know, how could you know?"

Wen Ya didn't dare to look at her, turned his head and said softly: "When you planted the poison just now, you were a little delirious. In order to stabilize the poison on your body, and because you couldn't smell blood when you were young, I gave it to him. This method."

"Add his blood to the food?" Fang Zilan couldn't help interjecting, Wen Ya nodded slightly, "Yes, all he could think of at the time was that you love plum blossom soup, but you spit out bowl after bowl, It caused him to shed a lot of blood in vain. And he is very stubborn, never allowing others to touch your food, insisting on doing it himself."

(End of this chapter)

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