Don't ask where people go

Chapter 735 Stranded

Chapter 735 Stranded
"If, as A Wan said, it is Princess Erya who gave Fang Zilan the medicine, but there is no response, then there are only two possibilities." Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully: "Or Princess Erya has no effect on the medicine she gave herself. The purpose achieved is well known, and there will be no accidents. Or maybe the Duke of Yue has not heard any news, and Princess Erya dare not act rashly, so she simply pretends to be innocent."

"Your Majesty, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Miss Awan pointed her sword at Princess Erya." Xia Houzhang said cautiously: "What's more, Miss Awan entered the post house with the badge of Lord Yue... ..."

"A Wan chose to plead guilty with the quickest reaction, and let Cao Hong take her into custody, which is enough to see that she wants to disassociate herself from the Duke of Yue." Li Shengxuan calmly said: "Someone set up a trap, so it's not just about breaking the law." Awan is so simple."

"The Duke of Yue..." Xia Houzhang looked serious, and Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, "What has Wen Ya been doing lately?"

"Something happened to Mr. Wen's family. He rushed back to deal with it. He might not be able to return to the capital for a while." Xia Houzhang asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, do you want to invite another imperial doctor?"

"Go find a serious imperial doctor and ask him to go quietly to the Duke of Yue's mansion." Li Shengxuan said as he took out a gold medal and handed it to Xia Houzhang, "Take my gold medal and report anything directly. Don't tell anyone else."

Xia Houzhang was stunned for a moment, took the gold medal with both hands, and solemnly accepted it.However, after he quietly entered the Duke's Mansion with the imperial doctor, he saw Fang Zilan sitting in the hall, drinking tea leisurely.

Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, Your Highness, are you sick?Confused……"

As she spoke, she reached out to touch Li Qiyou's forehead, wanting to confirm whether he had a fever and talking nonsense, but he held the other free hand together, "I'm not sick, and I'm not confused .”

"Your Highness, do you know that if I agree with you..." Fang Zilan collected her expression and said seriously: "After tonight, the world is so big, but there will be no place for you and me."

"So what?" Li Qiyou's voice became more eager, "We can find a remote place to live in seclusion..."

"Remote places?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Under the whole world, could it be the king's land? Where does His Highness think we can escape?"

Li Qiyou was stunned for a moment, then Fang Zilan continued, "Besides, the prince has a family, if he elopes with me, where will the two princesses be?
"I..." Li Qiyou opened his mouth, and without waiting to defend himself, he heard Fang Zilan continue: "Today, the prince can completely ignore the two concubines for me. In the future, he can also give up for someone else. I."

"I won't!" Li Qiyou couldn't help but bring Fang Zilan into his arms, "Except for you, I won't..."

"Your Highness, you are King Yucheng of Dajing. And I am the third lady of Fang's family." Fang Zilan turned cold and pushed Li Qiyou away, "People like us are destined to be involuntary. Even if you don't want to bear the glory and reputation of the Li family, I can't turn my back on the Fang family."

After she finished speaking, she straightened her sleeves and said resolutely: "Your Highness, please leave."

Li Qiyou still had no intention of going, stood on the spot silently, after a while, Fang Zilan was impatient, dragged him to the door, but when he opened the door, he saw Murong Qing.

Fang Zilan was not surprised. After all, with her eyes and ears, she heard someone outside the door just now, so she didn't forcefully push Li Qiyou out.

But for some reason, the people outside the door had no intention of leaving, so she didn't care about face, so she simply let people see that she and Li Qiyou did have an affair, and when the news spread to Prince Zhongzheng's mansion, she might as well take a look at them Reaction.

"Mu Churui doesn't believe in the Yin-Yang family. He will only use me as a puppet and use the destiny prophecy to rule out dissidents." The high priest heard his own voice, which was extremely heavy, but he was more sober than ever, "As long as he is the lord, Tao With your Yin Jian in front, the Yin-Yang family is struggling to survive."

She clenched her fists tightly, gnashing her teeth every single word, "I don't want to suffer through the long winter days, and finally watch the Yin Yang family disappear into ashes one day."

Fang Zilan remained silent, her eyes fell on the honeysuckle in her hand, honeysuckle...

But who doesn't know that with a knife on Renzi's head, if it doesn't hurt others, it will hurt yourself.How easy is it to survive the severe winter?
"I don't ask for understanding." Before the high priest finished speaking, a silver light flashed on his sleeve, and a dagger was already on Fang Zilan's neck, "But Fang Zilan, if you dare to reveal half a word, I will spell it with you!" The fish will die and the net will be broken."

"Fight?" Fang Zilan didn't even frown, "What will the high priest fight with me? The Yinyang family and the Fang family are equally matched in Miluo and Dajing. What can we fight?"

Murong Qing's eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them, and finally fell on Li Qiyou, "His Royal Highness King Yucheng, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"I invited Your Highness to come down." Fang Zilan looked calm, "Why, does your son think there is something wrong?"

"Ayu, you..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by a stern voice as soon as she opened her mouth, "Where did this girl come from to be so rude?"

"Miss Fang San, you and I have a marriage contract, please respect yourself." When Murong Qing said this, he was serious, with a sense of maturity.

"Master Fang, you..." Xia Houzhang was stunned for a moment, and then he lost his expression, "Master Fang, A Wan, the medical girl in your house, was detained by General Cao Hong for intending to assassinate Princess Erya, and she is now imprisoned in Jingzhaoyin. His Majesty worried that Mr. Fang would not be used to not having a medical lady to take care of him, so he ordered me to bring the imperial doctor here for Mr. Fang to send."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, but his face was still calm, "Thank you for your concern, but the imperial doctor is unnecessary. Except for Awan, I am not used to others."

Xia Houzhang bowed and said: "Since Mr. Fang said so, then I will not force it. I will take the imperial doctor back and report back."

"Lord Xiahou, wait a minute." Fang Zilan called Xia Houzhang to stop, and asked, "May I ask Lord Xiahou, how is Awan doing now?"

"Lord Fang, please don't worry." Xia Houzhang replied: "Your Majesty has ordered Sir Xie, until the truth is found out, no one can touch a single hair of Awan, and the same mistakes must not be repeated."

"I understand." Fang Zilan nodded, "For the matter of A Wan, I ask Master Xiahou to thank His Majesty for me."

Xia Houzhang nodded and said: "Lord Fang is serious." Then he left with the imperial doctor.

Fang Zilan watched their backs disappear from sight, as if she had lost all her strength, she leaned against the table, panting heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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