Chapter 742
Fang Zilan snorted lightly, and said noncommittally: "The empress has lived in the palace for a long time, and the news is well-informed."

Fang Ziqin still had a faint smile on her face, and whispered softly: "Today you defeated Xiahou Yunzhao, and tomorrow the news will spread all over the world. In less than two years, a great family was wiped out, and two ministers were replaced. It broke the situation where the nine princes stand together. Do you think the empress dowager and other ministers will sit idly by and let you dominate alone?"

"Will Master Fang not be able to hear Master Fang's praise?" The indifferent tone of Mianli Zangzhen was undoubtedly Zhuge Yu.

He was dressed in a sky-blue loose costume, which made his whole body thinner.A red knot was wrapped around his waist, and the braided belt hung down obliquely. The silver bells on the end jingled as he moved, adding a bit of youthfulness to the originally deserted person.

"Master Zhuge, good morning." Wei Subaru didn't care about Zhuge Yu's attitude, and shifted his gaze to the person next to Zhuge Yu, "Master Zhuge, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Zhuge Yu turned sideways to pass, only then did Fang Zilan see the person beside him, with exquisite eyebrows and eyes carved out of the same mold as him, but with a more stretched and gentle appearance, presumably it must be his elder brother, Zhuge Ming.

Zhuge Ming cupped his hands and bowed to the two of them, "Lord Fang, Lord Wei are well."

"Your Majesty Zhuge, you don't need to be so polite." Fang Zilan quickly waved her hand, but Wei Subaru reached out to support Zhuge Ming's arm, "You're so out of touch?"

Zhuge Ming straightened his body, straightened his sleeves and said, "Master Wei is joking." The alienated and restrained attitude made Wei Subaru let go of his hand, and took the lead to walk up without further words.

Fang Zilan coughed lightly and changed her voice, "Speaking of which, why are all your costumes in blue and I am the only one in Zhenghong?"

Zhuge Yu's expression softened a bit, "What does Sister Lan think?"

Zhuge Ming, who was quietly listening to their conversation, had a flash of astonishment in his eyes. The title A Yu has always been called by the elders in the family.

Even in Zhuge's family, there are only a few people who can call this title.If others call, Ayu must be annoyed.

What's more, since Shan'er passed away, there is no woman in the world who can call her A Yu.But seeing the demeanor of the two of them now, they are very familiar with each other's address. Could it be that Ayu has a brother-in-law relationship with Zilan?

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he concealed them so well that they didn't notice them for a while.

"I think..." Fang Zilan deliberately prolonged the ending, "Ayu, you have a nice bell."

Several people present were taken aback, Zhuge Yu subconsciously tugged on the silver bell attached to the knot, "Sister Lan is talking about this?" Before he finished speaking, he heard a burst of clear and crisp sounds falling from the steps one after another down.

Fang Zilan bent down quickly to pick up the bell that fell from the steps, and asked tentatively, "Ah Yu, are all the knots on your belt slipknots?"

Before Zhuge Yu could answer, a voice came in, "It is indeed a slipknot."

Several people looked at the speaker at the same time, only to see Pei Xiaoze walking down the steps.He was dressed in a lotus blue costume, with warm eyebrows and eyes, making him look softer.The red tassels on the sleeves hang down, reflecting the faint redness of the silver bell in the palm, cool and gorgeous.

Zhuge Yu took the bell from Pei Xiaoze's hand, "Thank you, Mr. Pei."

Zhuge Ming glanced at the red knot that was untied around Zhuge Yu's waist, and then saluted Pei Xiaoze: "Your brother is not careful, please help me, Mr. Pei."

"Master Zhuge, why be polite." Pei Xiaoze walked to Zhuge Yu's side, pulled the knot around his waist, and with his fingers flying up and down, he had already restored the belt to its original shape.

Fang Zilan watched in a daze as Pei Xiaoze took the bell from her hand and weaved it into the knot, and said with emotion: "Master Pei is really ingenious."

After finishing the last knot, Pei Xiaoze breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's just that I have also drawn the role of Mr. Zhuge, and I wore the same costume."

Pei Xiaoze turned to Zhuge Yu and said, "The knots on this costume are slipknots. You should be more careful when you move, so as not to let the knots fall and tie you down."

"Zhuge Yu has been taught, thank you Lord Pei." Zhuge Yu spoke solemnly, and Zhuge Ming beside him also thanked him repeatedly.

After retying the knot on Zhuge Yu's body, and after exchanging pleasantries, they went to the palace together to pay their respects.

From the Qiankun Palace where Li Shengxuan lived, to the Empress Dowager's Yuzhang Palace, the Empress Dowager's Yugui Palace, and the Empress Fang Ziqin's Fengyi Palace in the harem, several people greeted each other and greeted each other.

Due to the festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve and the presence of many dignitaries and dignitaries, when they arrived at Yuzhang Palace and Yugui Palace, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager did not make things difficult for Fang Zilan, but deliberately ignored them and never asked questions.

But Fang Zilan was also happy to disappear from the crowd, and just had time to give her a chance to recognize someone.

"What I want to say is that if you want, the Fang family can help you." Fang Ziqin stood up and walked in front of her, "The heights are extremely cold, and your position of being below one person and above ten thousand people is precarious. Today, King Yucheng was pushed by the Empress Dowager to push you to the forefront, and tomorrow there will be other ministers joining hands to try to put you to death. If no one is behind you to support you, how far can you go alone?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer but asked instead, "How does the Empress know that King Yucheng has been instigated by the Empress Dowager?"

Fang Ziqin covered his face with a chuckle, "Aren't you also doubtful, why did King Yucheng come forward? When I went to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager today, King Yucheng happened to be there too. The Empress Dowager spoke highly of you and said You are much stronger than Xiahou Yunzhao, and you even told King Yucheng that you and him saved his life, so I want to recommend you as a reward in front of His Majesty."

Fang Ziqin paused, and continued, "King Yucheng is upright and simple, and he firmly believes in his grandmother, but he doesn't know that the empress dowager's actions are not helping you but harming you. The higher you climb, the lower you fall." The heavier you are, the more you are alone and have nothing to rely on? How deep is the pool in the Dajing Chaotang, and you have been in the northern border for a long time, but you can only see a glimpse of the leopard. There is no good person in the whole court. The bone-spitting ruthless horn won't last long with you alone."

"Since the empress is in a dangerous way, then you know that the Fang family is not easy to deal with. Or is the empress relying on the mountain of the Fang family for too long and confused? Thinking that everyone has something to rely on and is confident like you The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, and he smiled helplessly, "I am a person with nothing. Now that I have climbed up, I am not afraid of falling to pieces. I appreciate the empress's kindness, but since I have stood behind my majesty, then You don’t need anyone to support you.”

(End of this chapter)

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