Don't ask where people go

Chapter 743 Boundaries

Chapter 743 Boundaries
Early the next morning, before Pei Juanqing woke up, people from Jingzhao Yin's residence had already boarded the door of Pei's house.Fang Zilan's attitude is strong, and Xu Youtong, the Yin of Jingzhao Mansion, is not easy to shirk, and his actions are extremely agile.

After Fang Zitong knew the intention of the people from Jingzhao Yin's mansion, he decided to hand over those people under Pei Poming. As for Pei Poming himself, because Mrs. Pei was looking for death and life, he cried until he fell unconscious, woke up and fainted, tossing back and forth After a while, and Pei Poming's wife threatened and begged, in order to avoid making things worse, she didn't hand him over.

The people from Jingzhao Yin's Mansion didn't stay long, after all, the person who got it was already ready to do business, so they sold a favor from Pei's family and didn't make it difficult.

Fang Zitong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief as he saw people away, and asked Dong Xue beside him, "What is Pei Poming doing now?"

"It's still the same, throwing things and swearing at people. No one in the courtyard dared to go except his wife." Dongxue hesitated for a moment, "However, I just heard Taohong say that he asked Lianniang to go there."

"Lian Niang in Pei Xiaoze's room, what does Pei Poming want her for?" Fang Zitong frowned slightly, Dong Xue shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just heard that this is not the first time."

"Pei Xiaoze went to the household department?" Fang Zitong looked gloomy, Dongxue replied yes, and then whispered: "Miss..."

"Don't worry about it. What's the matter in Pei Xiaoze's room, what do I have to do with it?" Fang Zitong interrupted her impatiently, "Let's go and see how the old lady is doing."

The people sent by the Jingzhaoyin Mansion to Pei's house came back soon, Xu Youtong looked at Fang Zilan who was sitting beside him drinking tea leisurely, and felt an indescribable sense of oppression, he said bravely, "Lord Fang... "

"Master Xu, don't worry about me." Fang Zilan put the teacup on the table casually, and wrote lightly: "It's not the first time I've attended the interrogation of Master Xu, so I won't add to the confusion."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan opened the bag and took out one of the flower cakes. Sure enough, as Ah Shi said, there was a bright red plum blossom imprint on the cake, which was exquisite and beautiful.

Seeing this, A Wan and Ming Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, but they heard the leader say: "This flower cake is quite weird, I can't listen to your one-sided opinion."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a soldier took Ah Shi away, "Since the flower cake was made by this young master and has nothing to do with the two of you, let them go."

Fang Zilan stared blankly at Ah Shi being detained, but Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang were released back. It was too late to react. Where are the shadows of the soldiers?
"Ada, Aher, you follow me." Fang Zilan's voice was frosty, and Awan and Mingxiang were all excited, before they had time to say anything, she said again: "Awan, Mingxiang, you two don't have to follow me." Come."

Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang followed Fang Zilan into her room, and just after closing the door and window, she heard her cold voice: "Tell me, what the hell are you doing?"

As she spoke, her sharp eyes swept over the two of them one by one, but they were silent, which made her snort coldly, "You don't want to say, let me tell. The commander just now knew your identities, and you Complicity puts on a good show, doesn't it?"

The answer to Fang Zilan was still silent. She seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

After a while, Li Shengxuan said slowly, "When did you see it?"

"Not to mention that the people from Jiangnan Daying came too fast. We just settled down yesterday, and today we went to search the door. Regardless of the weird behavior of the leader holding on to the flower cake, it is said that the leader is very purposeful. I have been eyeing the two of you from the beginning, but then I made it far-fetched and released you two, but arrested Ah Shi." Fang Zilan paused, with a sneering smile on his lips, "But anyone who grows up People with eyes and brains can't fail to see."

"I..." Xiahou Zhangfu was cut off by Fang Zilan as soon as he opened his mouth, "If neither of you can comply with my two conditions for entering the game, then please do it yourself."

"We have no intention..." Li Shengxuan tried to defend, but was interrupted by Fang Zilan, "If there is no sincerity, what you say now is like an excuse."

"So, it's me that you can't trust?" Fang Zilan couldn't help interrupting Li Shengxuan again, he was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's not that I can't trust you, it's just that I don't want you to get too involved and put yourself in danger. This is my selfishness."

However, after Fang Zilan finished listening, she seemed to casually say: "People from the Pei family once captured the girl in my house before. What kind of punishment was given to the person in charge?"

"Exile." Xu Youtong answered, Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I remembered, I heard that the person in charge died on the way to exile, what a pity."

She talked about life and death in a very calm tone, "Speaking of which, among you, who is the person in charge?" She glanced at the several people kneeling on the ground one by one, and they shook their heads desperately. One dares to admit it.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan slightly raised the corners of her lips, "Since this is the case, we can only treat them equally. Master Xu, what do you think?"

Just as Xu Youtong was about to say something was wrong, Fang Zilan continued on his own, "Too much has been delayed today, I'm impatient, so I'll stop here."

After she said that, she stood up, "Master Xu, these people are all sentenced to exile, and the family members are guilty of the same crime, do you hear clearly?"

"Lord Fang, wait a minute." Xu Youtong stood in front of Fang Zilan, "It's not as bad as my family, they..."

"Even the envoys are unwilling to confess, how do you know their family members are innocent?" Fang Zilan raised her hand and signaled: "Master Xu, you are blocking my way."

Xu Youtong grimaced, "Lord Fang, even at the risk of offending you, I have to say something."

"Master Xu, do you think you can snatch someone from me?" Fang Zilan smiled even wider, "The person who was sentenced to exile died on the road before, and I haven't asked Master Xu to hold him accountable, have I? "

"Master Fang, you..." Xu Youtong's eyes flashed with astonishment, and Fang Zilan smiled cruelly, "I never like someone to escape responsibility by dying."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Youtong away, "Death is always the easiest and most cowardly thing, but living is the most difficult. Especially for guilty people, living is far more painful than dying."

"But..." Xu Youtong wanted to argue, but Fang Zilan held back his smile and said, "But since Mr. Xu has spoken, I still want to give you some face. But, you should not regret it."

regret?Xu Youtong was stunned for a moment, but before she could figure out what Fang Zilan meant, she saw what she had explained to Zheng Yan who was beside her, and then sat in his place, taking his place, "Now, I will take over."

(End of this chapter)

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