Chapter 744
The charcoal fire in the imperial study room was as hot as ever, and the room was as warm as a spring day, which made Fang Zilan relax her tense nerves before she had time to check the wounds on her body.

In addition to the fact that her palm was cut by the blade when she grabbed the sword just now, her forearm and leg were also cut in several places by the sword, but the wound was covered by her red dress and was not conspicuous.In addition to the dark sky, no one noticed that she was injured.

While Fang Zilan was checking the wound, Li Shengxuan came in.She quickly pulled up her sleeves to cover the wound, but when she was about to stand up and salute, he grabbed her wrist, "Is the injury serious?"

There was a hint of eagerness in his gentle voice, which made her a little dazed, and she shook her head quickly and said, "It's nothing, it's just a minor injury."

Li Shengxuan didn't believe Fang Zilan's words, he couldn't help but pull away her sleeves, "Let me have a look."

She broke free from his shackles suddenly, put down her sleeves, took a step back and stood still: "Whether a man or a woman kiss each other, what is your Majesty doing?"

Li Shengxuan's hands froze in mid-air, he was at a loss and said dumbly: "I... saw it on the tower, you are seriously injured."

Fang Zilan looked at him with some amusement, the corners of her lips curled slightly, "Your Majesty cares about me?"

At first, when she was young, she followed her mother to light the ever-burning lanterns in the temple, and an old monk asked her mother, "Mrs. Qin, do you have a wish when you light the lanterns?"

The mother didn't answer, but just took out a piece of yellowed paper from her purse, and handed it to the old monk with great care, "This is his only wish in this life, and it is also my wish, master."

She leaned forward on tiptoe and saw that the old monk opened the paper. She could only recognize the first two words on it, so she hesitated and read out, "Shanhe?"

"Yonggu." Mother patted her head and said softly: "Lan'er, you are good at studying, don't touch the sword, or you will avoid disaster."

Suddenly the dream changed, under the dim candlelight, a woman held her hand, and she asked timidly, "Aunt Zhen, where is this?"

The woman she called Aunt Zhen stared at her steadfastly, making her feel apprehensive. After an unknown amount of time, she asked, "Does Xiaolan like my Tian'er?"

She didn't answer, and the woman continued on her own, "Xiao Lan, Tian'er is your only destiny. The queen of Tian'er can only be you, do you know? You can only love him and protect him in your life. Understand?"

The woman was talking, with an expression on her face that was almost crazy. She seemed to be afraid to shake off the woman's hand, but she was too small and lacked strength, so she was pulled even tighter by the woman. She shouted "No", but Nobody paid any attention to her.

Then the dream changed again, and the apricot blossoms were raining south of the Yangtze River. She held up an oil-paper umbrella and said to the trembling and huddled children around her, "From today onwards, I, Zixiu, will protect you. , I will pay back ten."

"Sister Xiu!" The child's cries continued, but it was another scene.

Frowning, she took out a pack of golden plum blossoms from her bosom, and threw it over casually, "Take it for yourself, don't bother me."

Another lazy voice sounded, "How can you coax a child like this?"

"Saving you was just a momentary kindness at the beginning. If one day I get tired and bored, I might kill you all." She raised her eyebrows, her expression loose and indifferent.

"Kill, kill. Anyway, you saved your life. Every day you live in these years is earned." The man seemed to come over with a medicine bottle, and untied her belt without any explanation.

She raised her head, but no matter what, she couldn't see the speaker's face clearly, she could only hear the voice whispering, "Why is this brat raised by Xiahou's family so ruthless? He almost saw his bones."

"So what if I'm ruthless, I'll kill them all?" She said with a trace of regret in her expression, "It's a pity that Xia Houyan didn't come, I originally wanted to see what the most powerful knife of the Xiahou family looked like. "

"If you come, you have to die by your sword. It's better not to come." The speaker was not angry, and she asked, "Why must he be the one who died?"

"Spell ruthless to kill?" The speaker lowered his voice a little, "Zixiu, I've never seen anyone more ruthless than you. Are you trying to destroy yourself?"

She didn't answer, but changed the voice, "Make three more golden plum blossoms for me. Come and get them after I kill those three people."

"Zixiu, that's Xiahou's family. If you fall into their hands, you won't do well." The speaker seemed anxious, but she didn't care. "I'll do it when you order, this is the rule."

"Then if your young master wants your life one day, what will you do?" The speaker's tone of hatred made her laugh out loud.

She wrote lightly: "If he really wants it, then give it to him."

She calmly opened the distance between the two, and said with a smile, "I will know what Your Majesty wants me to know."

"That's all." Li Shengxuan sighed helplessly, "Tired and you were injured, it's my oversight. But the New Year's drama has a lot to do with it. Although the people in charge are King Yucheng and the Ministry of Rites, standing behind them are the Empress Dowager and various officials in the court. Those who are in power. The princes and dignitaries of the families who participated in the show, I can't touch them for the time being, so I can only wrong you."

Fang Zilan froze for a moment, then asked, "Your Majesty invited me here just to say this?"

She regretted it only after she finished speaking, but Li Shengxuan nodded without any reaction, and asked instead: "Otherwise? What do you think I'm going to tell you?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan shook her head, "I just think it would be best if His Majesty is willing to make the decision for me and give me justice. Relying on confidence, His Majesty will not stand up for me."

She paused as she spoke, her face lightened a little, with her inherent coldness and rebelliousness, "If this happens again in the future, Your Majesty can't do anything for me and don't need to tell me. After all, I am , I am used to being alone, and I never need others to do something for me. I can solve my own affairs by myself."

"You..." Li Shengxuan was so choked by her that he couldn't speak for a moment, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "I just..."

He opened his mouth, and the worried words that followed were finally swallowed by him.

Powerless worry is nothing but hypocrisy.

Fang Zilan waited for a long time, but seeing that he had no more to say, she couldn't help asking, "Just what?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, even she herself found it funny. What was she expecting?

Li Shengxuan remained silent, and she said to herself: "Your Majesty, do you still remember Xia Houyan? Back in the Wind River Valley, when His Majesty's old department died in peace, I understood that His Majesty couldn't help himself. Even if it was the case with Xiahou's family, what's more?" Let alone me?"

(End of this chapter)

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