Chapter 751
The servant girl nodded, bowed and said, "Please take care of me." After saying that, she left.

Fang Zilan walked to the porch beside the house and sat on the railing.But Fang Zitong heard that there was no movement outside, so he went to the window to have a look.

The moonlight was hazy and the stars were dim, and Fang Zilan's white fox fur cloak was particularly conspicuous in the dark night. She was half leaning on the railing, but at this time she suddenly looked towards the window for some reason.

Fang Zitong felt guilty for no reason, even though the windows were closed, she always felt that Fang Zilan had seen her through through the window paper.

So she simply turned her back, didn't look at the people outside, walked back to the bed and lay down, stared at the bed curtain above her head for a while, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Maybe it was because she knew that Fang Zilan was outside, or maybe it was because the past few days were too long and exhausted, Fang Zitong stopped tossing and turning, and soon fell asleep.

At first, when she threatened to tear her skin apart, Wei Subaru thought it was extremely ridiculous, but she was already prepared, and said her plan calmly——

If Wei Subaru still refuses to agree, she will tell Zhuge Yu about it, and attach the body of the woman who was killed in the basement of Xunfang Building that night.

Based on what she knew about Zhuge Yu, there was no need for her to do anything at that time, and he would deal with Wei Subaru himself, and he would never stop dying.

Everyone knows the truth that both sides will suffer, let alone Wei Subaru.As long as he still has feelings for Zhuge Shan in his heart, he can't do anything to harm Zhuge Shan's family.But he would not allow Zhuge Yu to torture him, so he compromised.

Everything was expected, Wei Subaru was reluctant, but finally came.Although the words are stingy, they are enough to support Mrs. Ouyang, that's enough.

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, everything went well, but she didn't feel relieved.

Perhaps it was because she didn't understand until just now that Wei Subaru's compromise was not because he thought it was troublesome, nor was it because he was afraid of confronting Zhuge Yu, but because he was reluctant.He cared more about the Zhuge family than losing his reputation or fighting openly and secretly.Zhuge Shan's death was an injury to them, they suffered it once, and they shouldn't suffer it a second time.

Zhuge's family may not be unaware of the absurd things that Wei Subaru did behind his back, but Zhuge Yu certainly did not.He is the future head of the Zhuge family, and he is destined to stand in the light instead of being caged in the haze.There are some things that he doesn't need to know in his life.

Or maybe it was because she didn't realize until just now that she was indeed an unscrupulous person, and it was not the first time she did it, nor would it be the last time she did it.As long as it can achieve her goal, she will use it no matter how good or bad it is.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Fang Lihui rubbed the handle of the folding fan with his fingers, and his voice was a little bit astringent, "I have dealt with bandits and bandits for several years, and I know their temperament. It is inevitable to suffer, but I lost my life , but not at all.”

"I'll go with my cousin." Fang Zilan said without hesitation: "I promised my cousin Liren to take good care of you, so I can't break my promise and lose weight."

"Sister Lan, even if you want to be a hero, don't pick this kind of time." Fang Lihui laughed dumbly, "Bandits and bandits are different from people in the Jianghu. They are ruthless, cruel and cruel. You can talk about profit with them, and talk about right and wrong with them." Wrong, but absolutely impossible.”

Fang Zilan said with a sharp expression: "From the plague pirates to the invasion of Miluo, it is rare for the southern regions to be safe and secure. After all, the country is peaceful and the people are safe. How can we allow bandits and bandits to make trouble again?"

"Do you know who is behind the bandits? It's important officials from various states, generals in the army, or even..." Fang Lihui deliberately lowered his voice, and said, "The family of the princes, relatives of the emperor."

His last sentence was so emphatic that even Fang Zilan was shocked.

"It's not that I intend to intimidate." Fang Lihui said quietly: "It's just that the previous dynasty has suffered a lot of evils. Under the so-called prosperous age, it is already full of devastation. The prosperity of the capital can't cover up the poverty of the world, and your majesty's iron fist can't stop the flames of war in the four realms."

"The accumulated evils of the previous dynasty are not a reason." Fang Zilan said solemnly: "I know that a prosperous age cannot be achieved overnight, and it must take years of painstaking efforts. Even if it is difficult and dangerous, it must not be done."

"Get rid of the evils of the previous dynasty and punish the forces of all parties..." Fang Lihui looked down at the folding fan in his hand, hesitantly said: "Our Majesty, can we really do it?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan's expression was calm and firm, "But I know he is acting, it's better than doing nothing."

"Really?" Fang Lihui raised his head and looked at Fang Zilan again, as if he wanted to see something on her face, but he couldn't see anything.

Fang Zilan heard that there was no movement in the house, so she closed her eyes and rested her mind, thinking about everything that happened in the Pei family.

According to what Dong Xue said, Fang Zitong shot and wounded Pei Juanqing with a sleeve arrow for the purpose of self-defense. Although what she saw with her own eyes was only a scratch, Pei Yuqing died. The most suspicious weapon must have been tampered with. Maybe it was poisoned.

The key question is, who poisoned the Xiujian?What is that man's purpose?
Seeing the behavior of the Pei family in the daytime, it is clear that they want to kill Fang Zitong unjustly, then the real reason for Pei Gongqing's death will be covered up.

From this point of view, the person behind it either made Fang Zitong his own scapegoat, or used Pei Juanqing's death to put Fang Zitong to death, thereby dragging the entire Fang family into trouble.

No matter what the reason is, this person hates Pei Juanqing very much, and Fang Zitong and Fang's family have no good intentions.The Pei family should be the latter, if the former...

Even if she hated her so much, she would not kill Pei Gongqing easily for the sake of family glory.

After all, no matter how poor the Pei family was, they knew very well in their hearts that once Pei Juanqing died, no one would be able to hold up the lintel, and it would be a matter of time before the Pei family collapsed.

But if it wasn't for the Pei family, who would it be?

Fang Zilan frowned, feeling like falling into a fog, everything around her was confusing and confusing, and she couldn't grasp anything.

In a daze, she vaguely heard Fang Zitong's voice, and opened her eyes again, and it was dawn.

"You're awake." Fang Zitong held the brocade quilt in his hand, looking coy and in a dilemma.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan wanted to say something, but she sneezed. Hearing the sound, Fang Zitong's eyes flashed with panic, "Are you catching a cold?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan sneezed again before she finished speaking.

So Fang Zitong wrapped the brocade quilt tightly around her body without hesitation, and said aggressively: "Master Yue is an important minister in the capital, if something goes wrong, I can't bear it."

Fang Zilan subconsciously pulled the quilt on her body, but not only did she not pull it off, but her whole body looked chubby, like a dumpling.She pulled her hand out and said helplessly, "Second Miss Fang, I'm not so weak."

(End of this chapter)

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