Chapter 752
The hall was silent at once, and after a while Madam Hu sighed and said: "Master, Miss Lan's stubborn temper is exactly the same as her mother's, so you can tell her."

"Okay." Mo Bin replied heavily, with a more depressed expression, "Your first question is about this jade pendant. Being proud of the spring breeze, I spent a lot of money to buy a jade mine in Persia. Only a very small number of old people from the previous dynasty know that this is not a spring breeze."

"Fang Chongzheng bought the jade mine for two reasons. One is that Fang's business reputation has attracted the world's envy, and Fang Chongzheng himself has been in the officialdom. Changed to vote for Emperor Tai'an. Later, when the dynasty changed, he held a high position as a prime minister. Such a relationship is enough to make people make a big fuss. He knew that the tree would attract wind, and he was afraid that Emperor Tai'an would be suspicious of him, so he made such a wasteful move to dispel Emperor Tai'an's suspicion of him. suspicion."

"Secondly, he was trying to cover up his family's ugliness. At that time, his clan brother snatched Miss Qin Xuan into the mansion, and all kinds of humiliation aroused the Gusu Qin family's hatred. The Gusu Qin family has always wanted to rescue Miss Qin Xuan, and they have made many inquiries. However, due to the great business of the Fang family, they still don't know where Miss Qin Xuan is hiding. After several twists and turns and no results, the relationship with the Fang family has become bigger and bigger."

Mo Bin paused, then sighed softly and said, "Although the dynasty has changed, the Gusu Qin family is still a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River, and its influence is still there. If they catch the handle, whether it is a shopping mall or a court, the Fang family will be able to control everything." must be hit."

Fang Zilan suddenly understood something, grabbed Mo Bin's pause to drink tea and asked: "The handle is this pair of jade pendants?"

As she spoke, she raised the jade pendant in her hand, and the double walls became more warm and charming against the light.

"What's the use of being afraid? The way to survive is not given by others." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and her voice was a little cold. "Since there are tigers and wolves in all directions, you can either kill tigers or wolves, and you can always fight for a way to survive."

A Wan smiled self-deprecatingly, "Slaughtering tigers and wolves, can I do it?"

"Why not?" Fang Zilan asked back, with an almost natural tone, showing unspeakable ambition.

"Awan, from the moment we walked out of the ghost gate and stood under the sun, we were destined to fight." She sat up straight and said in a solemn voice: "Fighting the enemy, fighting with the same kind, fighting openly and secretly, with bones and blood, Fang into mountains and rivers."

A Wan seemed to understand, "It's all fighting, how is it different from us in the ghost gate?"

"With the sun shining, you can be more upright." Fang Zilan said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Fighting in the ghost gate is for self-protection. Fighting here is for fighting for. I am now talking about the same power. Isn't that how it came about? ?”

"You still have to fight for the right to speak?" A Wan rested her chin on her hand and said thoughtfully, "It's too tiring to live under the sun, why don't you go back to hell."

Fang Zilan leaned in front of her and asked, "Would little Awan prefer to shrink back in this life and live in a ghost gate without seeing the sun, rather than risking his life to stand under the sun and take a good look at the mountains and rivers in the world? "

A Wan couldn't help being stunned, and blurted out without thinking: "Isn't my life bet on you?"

"That's right." Fang Zilan suddenly laughed, "If that's the case, then it's up to you, you can only follow me to choose."

A Wan glared at her, and said unhappily: "Why did I fall for you?"

"It's too late for you to regret..." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll go and open the door." A Wan stood up, and Fang Zilan also got off the bed, tidying up her clothes.

A Wan looked at the anxious looking person at the door, and wondered, "Young Master Zhuge, why is it you?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice, and then walked to the door, "Ayu, why are you here?"

Zhuge Yu unfolded his folded sleeves and spread out his overlapping palms. Only then did Fang Zilan see a gold medal in his palm, "This is..."

"Your Majesty has an order to summon the Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan, to return to the capital as soon as possible without any mistakes." Every time Zhuge Yu said a word, his voice sank, "Lord Fang, please accept the gold medal."

Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, but finally took the gold medal, "I'm going back to the capital right now. But Ah Yu..."

"Sister Lan, if Your Majesty asks, if you tell the truth, there may still be a glimmer of life." Zhuge Yu raised his eyes to the surprised-looking person in front of him, and said in a low voice, "General Xiahou's hand letter was personally escorted by the younger generation. Enter Beijing. Master Fang, please do it yourself."

Mo Bin nodded, "That's right. This pair of jade pendants originally belonged to the Gusu Qin Clan. The Gusu Qin Clan bought it from a Persian merchant at a high price, so this jade pendant cannot be seen in Dajing. Fang Chongzheng knew this For the jade pendant to and fro in the hands of Princess Pingnan and Miss Qin Xuan, the officials and noble ladies of the former dynasty, if you are not careful, it will cause people to talk about it and bring endless disasters."

"Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to get rid of such treasures, so Fang Chongzheng simply did not do anything else. He found the Persian businessman who originally traded with the Qin family in Gusu, and bought the jade mine that produced the pair of rough jade pendants. Then he ordered people to quarry and polish them for Each of the next generation of the Fang family made a jade pendant that was exactly the same. As for the inscription on the jade pendant, Fang Chongzheng presumably did it for the sake of saying that the jade pendant belonged to his Fang family."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan already had an idea in her heart. If what Mo Bin said was true, Fang Chongzheng might not be her biological father.As for the mother she has identified all along, I'm afraid it may not be the Miss Qin Xuan that Mo Bin said.

But since Fang Chongzheng bought the entire jade mine, how did Mo Bin and his wife recognize her background with this jade pendant?

As if she knew what she was thinking, Mrs. Hu added: "Although Fang Chongzheng bought the entire jade mine, it is strange to say that the only rough stone sold to the Qin family in the jade mine was lotus root. Smokey ash jade. Even if the other rough stones have a smoky purple color, they are also greenish green. The lotus root purple smoky ash jade pendant in Miss Lan's hand is the same in all the world, so she will never admit it wrong."

Fang Zilan looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and recalled Fang Yuhan's jade pendant that he had seen before. Although it was carved with the same texture and texture, his jade pendant only had a touch of purple floating on the top, and a faint cyan color underneath.

Seeing that she was silent, Mo Bin continued: "Your second question is about what kind of person your father is. If it wasn't that he hid it in front of you very well, or someone deliberately lied to you, I will answer you no matter what. I also wouldn't believe that Fang Chongbai would be such a good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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