Chapter 755
"The world has been settled, and the world is flat, so Xiahou's family stayed behind in the old land of Baiyue, and Fang Zilan, the Duke of the Northern Kingdom, came to Beijing to succeed him and became the Duke of the Kingdom of Xianyue." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, talking about his experiences in the past few years, as if talking inconsequential people.

"Later, Miluo was defeated, and Fang Zilan, the Duke of Xianyue, became a dispensable person." She pursed her lips, "People should know how to advance and retreat, and then I should retire. Unfortunately..."

She paused for a long time before continuing: "Even if I regain my identity as Miss Fang, they still refuse to let me go. Mo Han died, Chu Bin passed away, and now only A Wan is left. I don't want to Awan, all lost."

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became, and it was almost inaudible at the back, but Li Shengxuan could still hear it clearly. Although she didn't say it clearly, she knew how to advance and retreat and pass on the throne to Li Qiyou...

Can he really survive a hundred years and hand Dajing into the hands of Li Qiyou?
Leaving aside that the current situation of collusion between officials and gangsters for corruption has not been fully clarified, it is impossible for him to let go of it. He said that the people in Beijing are floating, and Miluo is staring at it. Fang Zilan's appointment in the prosperous age?

But if he completely refuses and allows Fang Zilan to retreat into the mountains and fields, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him to appreciate the prosperous world he created?

Fang Zilan felt A Wan's gaze, and the poisoning hand paused involuntarily.She raised her eyes and looked over, trying to tell A Wan not to worry with her eyes, but it was of no avail.

How can you not worry about such a cruel situation?A Wan's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, and his heart fluctuated.

The so-called life-gambling means not dying until one of them drinks poisoned alcohol and loses his life, then the game is considered over.

Winning or losing a life bet depends entirely on luck, Fang Zilan is not sure of winning, is it true that Fang Lihui is not afraid of her being poisoned?

It stands to reason that Fang Lihui has dealt with Fang Zilan a lot. Even if he didn't recognize her as the Duke of Xianyue, he could at least recognize her as Miss Fang San from the Prime Minister's Mansion, his cousin.But he...

A Wan didn't dare to think about it, if Fang Lihui knew that the person in front of him was his cousin Fang Zilan, but still set up this fateful game, then he would be even more ruthless.

"Okay." Fang Zilan's voice pulled back Awan's thoughts, she looked over again, and saw that the ten glasses of wine were placed as before, as if nothing had happened.Rao, she couldn't recognize which cup was poisoned by Fang Zilan.

Fang Lihui casually pointed out five big and three rough guys, "You, go play a game with Zixiu."

The man showed hesitation, but due to Fang Lihui's coercion, he finally walked up, "Zixiu..."

"You choose first, or should I choose first?" Fang Zilan didn't even bother to exchange pleasantries, and asked straightforwardly as soon as she came.

"I..." The man was stunned for a while, and then said after a while: "Throw the dice, whoever has the most points will choose first."

Two dice fell from the sky at the same time, rolled on the table, and then stopped, both at six.

The man was sweating coldly on his forehead, "Another game?"

"No need." Fang Zilan raised his eyelids, his eyes were as cold as ice, making people unpredictable, "It's up to you, I won't pick."

"In that case, I..." the man said, and quickly took one of the ten glasses of wine, as if he was afraid that Fang Zilan would regret it, "I'll choose this first."

Fang Zilan raised her chin, signaling the man to drink the wine in his hand, but the man did not move for a long time.

"Why, are you afraid?" Fang Zilan deliberately dragged his voice: "Yes, as long as there is a one-fifth chance, you will die."

"You...I..." The man stammered, he couldn't speak clearly, and someone beside him couldn't help but said: "What are you afraid of, maybe..."

"Oh, I was wrong." Fang Zilan raised her voice, covering all the voices of the people around her, "Maybe it's one in ten, who knows if the poison I cast will be exactly the same as the original poisoned wine?" in the same cup."

Hearing that the man's hands trembled, and some of the wine in the glass spilled, Fang Zilan snorted coldly when he saw this, "In front of me, do you still want to play tricks?"

"I'm not..." As soon as the man opened his mouth, Fang Zilan grabbed his jaw and forced the wine into his mouth.

"Ahem..." The man coughed violently, his face was as pale as paper, "Toxic..."

Fang Zilan watched coldly, until after a while, the man's complexion improved, and he breathed a long breath, pleasantly surprised: "Not poisonous? That's great..."

Before he finished his excited words, Fang Zilan took a glass of wine and drank it down, "Okay, it's your turn again."

The man's expression froze, and he waited for a while, seeing that Fang Zilan was still standing in front of him, he reluctantly walked over, picked and picked out another glass of wine.

"I know you're chilled." Li Shengxuan looked down at Fang Zilan, who had red eyes, "But the Fang family needs you, and I...need you too. Stay in the capital, okay?"

"Your Majesty doesn't want to stay for me, but expects me to stay in the capital for you?" Fang Zilan raised her head to meet Li Shengxuan's gaze, and stopped talking before saying anything.

She never thought that there would be such a strong begging look in Li Shengxuan's eyes, like an abandoned puppy, the cautiousness of seeing its owner again, the fear of being left behind again.

Such worrying eyes are not suitable for Li Shengxuan, at least before this moment, Fang Zilan has always thought so, but now he is inexplicably shaken.

He was so shaken that he could only turn his head away and put on a blunt tone so as not to surrender.

"What is your Majesty doing?" Fang Zilan stared at a piece of washed white fabric on the quilt, as if to stare at a hole in it.

"Please." Li Shengxuan said without hesitation: "Please, stay in the capital for me."

Fang Zilan grabbed the quilt subconsciously, and said sharply: "You actually begged me to stay in the most beautiful cage in the world willingly for you, and you will never be free?"

"No." Li Shengxuan squatted down and looked at Fang Zilan, "I am the one in the cage. You only need to be outside the cage so that I can see you and persevere, that's enough."

Isn't this another form of prison?Fang Zilan turned her head away again, did not look into Li Shengxuan's eyes, and did not say this sentence.

It was only now that she discovered that Li Shengxuan and Ji Ningtian were actually the same kind of people in essence, they were both selfish and indifferent to the bottom of their hearts, and they were the most suitable people to be emperors.

It's just that the former is so conceited that he is almost magnanimous. He is willing to be a bull and horse for the world, and he also wants to let everything he sees be the prosperous world under his control.

And the latter, ruthless, unscrupulous, even if he is willing to lose the world, he also wants to go to the summit of no one above all, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain...

(End of this chapter)

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