Don't ask where people go

Chapter 756 Experience

Chapter 756 Experience
"Your Majesty..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but seeing Li Shengxuan wave his hand, he swallowed the rest of the words.

"I still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer." Li Shengxuan stood up, and Fang Zilan saluted, "Send off Your Majesty."

Not long after Li Shengxuan left, Fang Ziqin walked in, "Going to Yugui Palace to greet you today has been a lot of trouble. I think you are tired too, you might as well go to rest earlier."

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan still stood where she was, Fang Ziqin sat down on the main seat without forcing, Qiu Shui quickly cleaned up the tea set, replaced the tea cup, and poured a cup of tea for her.

"If I knew today, why bother?" Fang Ziqin shook the teacup in his hand lightly, letting the clear tea surface stir up waves, "You stayed after all."

"I didn't stay here for His Majesty." Fang Zilan sat back and said with downcast eyes: "At least not now."

"A lot of people doesn't mean it's reasonable." Fang Zilan's voice raised a bit, "Or are you afraid to argue with Master Wu?"

The aggressive method is always very effective, and the people standing on the left immediately became high-spirited and fought with Wu Sheng.

However, after several rounds, someone on the left hesitated for a moment, looked at Fang Zilan cautiously and said, "Master Fang, can we switch sides?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, took a meaningful look at the people behind them who were so angry that they jumped and scolded traitors, and said, "Of course."

So those people breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to stand on the right side, standing side by side with Wu Sheng.

Fang Zilan glanced at the left and right sides playfully, and said with a smile: "This is interesting, now there are the same number of people on the left and right sides."

The people standing on the left looked at it intently, and couldn't help being dumbfounded, their faces full of surprise.

"Master Yang." Fang Zilan said calmly, "It seems that you have to choose a side."

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Zhiqing's forehead, and Fang Zilan calmed down and said: "Time changes, and no one can sit on the fence forever."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall froze, and all their eyes were on Yang Zhiqing. He took the first step with difficulty and walked slowly to the right.

Everyone on the left side beat their chests and stamped their feet. Seeing this, Fang Zilan smiled, coughed softly and said loudly, "Quiet."

Everyone in the hall fell silent, Fang Zilan smiled, and said seriously: "Today's argument, winning or losing is not important, what is important is that I want you to understand three things. First, there are always people who have different views from yours in the world. You can neither kill them all, nor close your eyes. Anyone can be wrong or right. As the pillars of Dajing, the adults present here must distinguish right from wrong."

She paused as she spoke, and continued: "Secondly, no matter whether you are right or wrong, each of you must have a ruler in your heart, and you cannot cross that ruler at will because of what others say or do. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, it’s better to stop losses than to make mistakes again and again.”

"Thirdly, whether you are an official or a human being, you need to have empathy. You can't empathize with everyone, but you should consider others appropriately, and give convenience to others and give convenience to yourself. Even if this life is not smooth and smooth, you can still feel at ease."

After she finished speaking, she took a sip of tea and said earnestly: "Since you are officials in the government office, you know that the world is much bigger than the people in the capital. We are in charge of the affairs of the southeast. The people take it to heart. If we go higher in the future, we will benefit more people. We must not narrow our minds and vision because of the narrow and dangerous mountain climbing road.”

After hearing these words, everyone in the hall was shocked.Fang Zilan's ambiguous attitude and unpredictable temperament made them full of concerns about this argument.

As we all know, Fang Zilan hates people talking in private, they have broken a taboo today, who knows how she will toss people in different ways, unexpectedly, not only did she not punish them, but she even taught them a lesson.

Fang Zilan scanned everyone in the hall one by one, no matter what she thought, they more or less listened, as long as they could hear a word, it would be worth her effort.

Murong Qing suddenly opened his eyes, eyes full of resentment were facing Zi Lan's meaningful gaze above him, he gritted his teeth but couldn't say a word of rejection.

He had heard this many times since he was a child.Yes, he is the son of Prince Zhongzheng, the son of Miluo God of War, how could he not be able to do it?

Reading and calligraphy, horseback riding and archery, in the eyes of the world, he should be omnipotent.But in fact, he is a sick and weak child who can't even lift a sword.

If it wasn't for that damned prophecy, how could he have gotten to where he is today?
"Your Majesty." Mr. Zuo's voice sounded deep and unexpectedly calm, "You are Miluo's noble and loyal son, and you are a man of destiny. You still have a long way to go, and I am destined to die here. "

"Sir..." Murong Qing raised his head and looked at the righteous man who was firmly tied to the torture rack. He was like a statue, standing in his heart from beginning to end, propping up a sky for himself.

"Today I'm a boudoir woman trapped in a high wall, and I know it's meaningless." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Ziqin's words, which made her startled for a while, before saying: "You don't remember ?"

"Remember what?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and said while thinking: "I have an impression of the marriage contract, but I don't remember much about the specific circumstances."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember." Fang Ziqin said in a low voice: "It's all in the past, and it's useless to remember, but it will only increase your troubles."

"Increasing troubles?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words, always feeling that Fang Ziqin meant something, and before asking further questions, she heard her start another topic: "When you are walking around in the palace, if you meet De Jia Princess, avoid it if you can, if you really can't avoid it, try not to conflict with her."

Fang Zilan showed a look of inquiry, Fang Ziqin met her gaze, and said bluntly: "Although Princess Dejia's temper has been spoiled by pampering, she is the only princess of Emperor Ningshun, the empress dowager's beloved daughter, and the sister of King Yucheng. Even His Majesty will give her a little favor."

"Since the eldest sister has ordered, then I should obey." Fang Zilan collected her expression, but Fang Ziqin said again: "However, if Princess Dejia bullies you recklessly, you don't have to bear it, even if you fight back .No matter what happens, I will support you."

Fang Ziqin hesitated to speak, "You always like to ask for trouble, and the one who bullies you the most is probably yourself."

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, she didn't say a word, she just looked at Fang Zilan with a smile on her face, until her scalp tingled and she lost the battle, "Elder Sister is right."

(End of this chapter)

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