Chapter 757
"Irrelevant?" Fang Zilan laughed out loud as if hearing something funny, and stopped after a while.

She laughed enough, and said seriously: "I stand up not only because it is difficult for a woman to stand up, but also because I am a woman, but also because I know that if I don't stand up today, one day I will change places and no one will stand up for me." Stand up. Everyone thinks that they can protect themselves by watching the fire from the other side, but they never thought that the direction of the wind will always change. Once the fire deviates from the original direction, no one knows where it will burn. As long as it is still there, there will always be The sun will burn on someone else. Maybe that person suffered innocently, or maybe they deserved it. What I want to do is to put out the fire before it burns to the next person."

What she said meant something, and everyone present could understand that since the case of Duke Ping was murdered, Fang Zitong was not the only one involved.Pei Poming, Ouyang Zirou, Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, Ouyang's family, and even Mo Han, who was revising the law in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, also changed the law of orphans and widows because Fang Zitong was suspected of killing her husband, but they were still criticized. Criticism.

Not to mention the Jingzhaoyin Mansion, which has gained a reputation for being ineffective in the rumors and rumors, and it has been difficult to raise its head for a long time.The good reputation of parents and officials in the capital, which had been earned with great difficulty over the years, was cast into dust overnight.

It was as if a butterfly in the south of the Yangtze River slightly shook its wings, and a huge storm was set off in the capital.No one knows who the next link in this chain reaction will fall on.

"Master Yue, why are you..." Xie Yanping who was on the side couldn't help saying, but there was an unconcealable astonishment in his eyes.

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but Fang Chongzheng suddenly remembered that in the palace that year, she said to him - I don't want these things to be looked at coldly, so that they will be silent.

Years passed in a blink of an eye, and she struggled in the officialdom, suffering from ruthlessness and bruises, but she still hadn't lost her original character.

In an instant, Fang Chongzheng felt that he might be able to tell her something.

"As I said just now, it's difficult for a woman to stand up." Fang Zilan didn't show any expression on her face, but her eyes were extremely firm, "So every time there is a problem and I need to judge who is right and who is wrong, I will always have no regrets." There is no reason to choose to trust and support the woman first, and then to distinguish carefully after the truth is found out. Otherwise, it may be difficult for the woman to survive until the day when the truth is revealed."

"But what if you believe it wrong?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, "If Second Miss Fang is really the murderer, do you still want to cover her up? I know that Second Miss Fang is suffering at Pei's house, but the victim was not the murderer. Reason, if everyone in the world acts according to what is right or wrong in their own minds, what is the use of the law? Isn’t the world going to be chaotic?”

"Second Miss Fang appears domineering, but she is actually determined." Fang Zilan said word by word: "She will never commit murder just because of her own difficulties."

"But..." Zhuge Yu wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan cut him off, "Since Second Miss Fang's sleeve arrow was not coated with poison, would Mr. Pei Poming, who bought the poison, be more suspicious? After all, Jing Zhao When Yin's house was searched, Second Miss Fang had been away from Pei's house for some time, anyone could hide poison in her dowry. Such tricks as framing the blame have been common for a long time."

Zhuge Yu pursed his lips, "If, as Lord Yue said, why didn't the Pei family clean up all the poisons from Lord Pei Poming, and put the whole case on Miss Fang, wouldn't it be better?"

"What does the Pei family think, how do I know?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "What's more, the investigation of the case should be handled by the Jingzhao Yin Mansion. What do you think, Mr. Zhuge?"

"Please rest assured, Lord Yue." Zhuge Yu cupped his hands and saluted, "I will definitely investigate this case to the bottom. No matter who the murderer is, I will make him pay the price."

Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "Since Mr. Zhuge said so, I will wait and see." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

"I haven't finished, Mr. Zuo is too impatient." Fang Zilan leaned over and coughed a few times, only to feel the pain all over his body, and squatted on the ground involuntarily.

Wei Subaru brought a glass of water to her hand, and said in a low voice, "Master Fang, you are here now, so you don't need to be in a hurry."

"It's okay..." Fang Zilan took a sip of water, calmed his breath, then stood up supported by Wei Subaru, and said word by word: "If the capital is chaotic, who will benefit? Mr. Zuo will never tell me that it is Di Rong." department?"

Wei Subaru heard her overtones, but he was dubious about her accusation against Miluo.Not to mention that Murong Qing, the eldest son of Zhongzheng, is now a hostage in Dajing, so he dare not act rashly.Let's say he is young, how can he have the courage to participate in such a plan?

Once the incident happened, Murong Qing would inevitably die, and his family members in Miluo Kingdom would be implicated.The Miluo royal family was afraid of his father, King Zhongzheng, but the suppression was not enough, and there was no reason to eradicate him completely. Didn’t he give the Miluo royal family a good reason by doing so?

The corners of Mr. Zuo's lips curled slightly, and he said unhurriedly: "This matter was planned by me. Now that it has been revealed, I can only let Mr. Fang say what he says. As long as Mr. Fang has evidence, please tell me your majesty. The king's question is, why bother to hold such an insignificant person like me?"

Fang Zilan's complexion turned pale, but there was a hint of sternness in her eyes, but before she could open her mouth, Mr. Zuo said leisurely: "Could it be that Mr. Fang has no evidence at all, so he wants to ask me for a little bit? It's a pity, although I am not What a hard bone, but as a Miluo person, there is absolutely no reason to build up a family and a country out of thin air."

"It seems that Mr. Zuo is determined not to speak?" Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, but Wei Subaru's subordinates reported that Murong Qing had come.

Murong Qing turned to Fang Zilan, frightened and angry, "You invited me here to meet Mr. Zuo? But what did he do wrong that you would put him here?"

"Your Majesty, don't get angry." Fang Zilan's body was very weak, and cold sweat broke out on his head, but he still held his posture and said: "Mr. Zuo has ulterior motives and intends to worsen the relationship between Dajing and Di Rong's department. I invite you to come, Just make it clear."

"Mr. Zuo is from Miluo, and I heard that he is still half a teacher." Fang Zilan clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves into fists, pretending to be calm and said lightly: "If you don't make it clear, others will think that he is a substitute. The son plotted?"

"Master Fang, what did you say?" Murong Qing suddenly took a step back, shook his head and said, "I...I didn't!"

He yelled the last word hoarsely, and as soon as he uttered it, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and fell straight to the ground, his eyes were blank, and he repeated in a low voice: "No... I didn't..."

(End of this chapter)

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