Don't ask where people go

Chapter 763 Restraint

Chapter 763 Restraint
"Empress, have you ever thought about it?" Wen Ya took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If he knew that the third lady survived this experience, would she still save her life, would he do anything?"

"He won't." Fang Ziqin said firmly: "In the future, with the Fang family around, I won't give anyone a chance to hurt her."

"Since the Empress has ordered." Wen Ya saluted respectfully, "Then I will do as I wish."

"There is Mr. Lao Wen." Fang Ziqin raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation. Seeing Wen Ya striding in, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly sat down while supporting the Feng seat.

Palace ladies kept coming in and out, and soon Li Shengxuan also brought the imperial doctor over. Fang Ziqin held up his strength to meet the ceremony, and then looked up, almost the entire imperial hospital came, standing in a mighty manner for half a hour temple.

"What did Mr. Wen say?" Li Shengxuan's voice was fairly steady, but the worry in his eyes had already fully exposed his emotions.

Fang Ziqin shook his head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Wen hasn't come out since he went in."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, he hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the inner hall, but was stopped by the imperial physician at the side, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there is too much blood smell inside..."

"It's not just Mr. Mo, the little doctor girl Awan next to Mr. Wen Ya, but also..." Master Liao Yuan raised the corners of his lips as he spoke, looked at Fang Ziqin and said, "You, and the Fang family behind you .”

Fang Ziqin looked relieved, and said with a smile: "It's not that I haven't thought about it, she just has a stubborn mouth, and she still has Fang's family in her heart. But..."

She stopped talking and looked at Master Yuan steadfastly, "Ah Jun, do you remember that I told you that she and I are not biological sisters."

When he heard the name A Jun, Master Liao Yuan unexpectedly did not resist, neither like the persistence of repeated corrections when confronting Li Shengxuan, nor the deafness of occasionally hearing others call Zhuge Jun.

It was because when Fang Ziqin called Ah Jun, he saw the bright and resolute young girl on her face, which was his first love.

"I remember." There was nostalgia in Master Liao Yuan's eyes, as if the fiery red cassock outside the spotless monk's robe was hot and sincere.

I remember every word you said.Even after so many years in Buddhism, I still haven't forgotten a single word.

Being stared at by such eyes, Fang Ziqin wanted to dodge for no reason, but he was firmly attracted like a demon, and couldn't look away for a long time.

Master Liaoyuan never showed any impatience, nor did he make a sound, until Fang Ziqin realized his gaffe, turned his head and whispered: "I lost my manners."

"No problem." Master Liao Yuan said warmly, "The tea is cold, I'll change it for you."

"Ah Jun." Fang Ziqin shouted suddenly, picked up the cup on the table first, and eagerly drank it down.

It seems like she is afraid of losing something, and it seems that she just feels that if this cup of tea is changed, it will no longer be the original one...

Just like them, there is no going back.

"Qin'er, I'm here." Master Liao Yuan watched Fang Ziqin put the teacup back on the table, but still held it tightly and refused to let go, he stretched out his hand involuntarily.

"Ah Jun, will you always be here?" Fang Ziqin was like a drowning man, seeing the only hope of saving his life.However, the distance was too far, and she couldn't see clearly whether this hope was a straw that could be broken at a snap, or a driftwood that could carry her ashore.

"Yes." After all, Master Liao Yuan failed to stretch out his hand, but stopped at the side of the table closer to Fang Ziqin, "Where you are, I will be there."

Fang Ziqin looked down at the two hands on the table, one crossed the middle, trying to get closer but couldn't expect a single cent, the other was holding the cup tightly, not daring to give it up, but greedy for the other's warmth.Just like the relationship between them, it is always out of reach.

She closed her eyes suddenly, and when she opened them again, she had calmed down a lot, "She knows her life experience."

Master Liao Yuan heard Fang Ziqin's backtracking, and followed her words and asked: "What is her background..."

"I can't say it." Fang Ziqin resolutely interrupted Master Yuan's questioning, "For the sake of the Fang family, I can't say it."

For the Fang family?Master Liao Yuan's face became a little more bitter, Fang Ziqin pursed his lips, and rubbed his fingers against the wall of the lamp, "Ah Jun, I'm sorry."

Master Liao Yuan opened his mouth, and without saying anything, Fang Ziqin said again: "Master Lio Yuan, thank you."

She stood up and left without looking back.Master Liao Yuan looked at her back, his heart was beating wildly, and the blood seemed to explode all over his body, but his reason told him that he shouldn't chase her out.

When Qiu Shui watched Fang Ziqin walk out, he breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped forward quickly, "Your Majesty..."

Li Shengxuan squinted at the imperial physician who was speaking, which made him shudder, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the Third Miss Fang inside is the empress's biological sister after all, it... is really inconvenient..."

He spoke hesitatingly, Li Shengxuan understood it.Fang Zilan, as the daughter of the prime minister, is an innocent girl. Now she is injured, and he has a doctor to treat her. Even though he is the lord of the world, he is also her brother-in-law. I'm afraid her reputation is unnecessary.

Seeing that Li Shengxuan had stopped, the imperial physician who was speaking hurriedly said: "I would like to share your majesty's worries and help Mr. Wen."

Li Shengxuan waved his hand, the imperial physician who spoke nodded in response, and the other imperial physician beside him also followed.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Ziqin remained silent, not because she was afraid of seeing blood, but when she thought of the girl who grew up in front of her eyes, lying lifelessly inside, her heart throbbed uncontrollably.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?No matter how alienated we are, seeing each other day and night for more than ten years, there is always love among them, not to mention...

Li Shengxuan spoke suddenly, pulling Fang Ziqin's thoughts back, and she responded, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

"Assassination in the middle palace, the chancellor's daughter was seriously injured. It's not auspicious." Li Shengxuan said without anger, "You follow my order and go to Baiye Temple to invite Master Yuan to perform a religious ceremony for the palace."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of Fengyi Palace, and the competent female officer who followed couldn't help but quickly walked a few steps, and came to her and asked Ying, saying: "This servant is going to deliver the decree on behalf of the empress."

"No need." Fang Ziqin said lightly: "Prepare the car, I will go in person."

"Do you have a way to heal her?" Fang Ziqin's voice was deep, and A Wan shook her head, then nodded again, "Nine days ago, I received a letter from Master, saying that it was urgently needed to save herb. He brought the herbal medicine back, and asked the Empress to try it with Master Rong and me."

(End of this chapter)

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