Chapter 764
"Your Majesty wants to allow women to be officials?" Fang Zilan lowered her voice, Li Shengxuan nodded and said, "That's right, since it's a reform of the bureaucracy, it must be reformed thoroughly. Why not?"

"It's not impossible." Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "I just dare to ask Your Majesty, is Master Zhuge really wanting to win a place for the girl, or is he using the name to distract the family's hostility towards the poor family?"

Li Shengxuan stared fixedly at the person in front of him, sighing secretly in his heart for her sensitivity, but also felt unspeakably sad for her trying to judge people's hearts with the greatest malice.

He asked word by word, almost questioning: "No matter what Zhuge Yu's purpose is, opening up women to serve as officials in the court has opened up a way for women in the world, isn't it good?"

"Good, not good." Fang Zilan met his gaze without backing down, "Someone once told me that under the circumstances that the system is not perfect and there are no guarantees, changing the situation rashly will only lead to chaos."

"Fang Zilan, you are also a woman." Li Shengxuan frowned slightly, "I thought you would not object."

"If there is no worry about this move, I will not object." Fang Zilan's face was solemn, and he argued hard, "Zi Rou is a daughter of a family, full of talents, and it is difficult to enter the court and become an official, let alone other women in the world? It is a good thing to be an official, but how to ensure that they are as stable as men, and will not be criticized and killed by others, has Master Zhuge considered it?"

Li Shengxuan was silent, and Fang Zilan continued, "If you haven't thought about it, then you just want to lure the newcomer into the game and disrupt the original situation. But if you can't check and balance, it's meaningless to attract the newcomer."

When she talked about Xinzi and the situation, she deliberately emphasized her tone. Li Shengxuan could hear it clearly. She was telling him clearly that not all Xinzi can achieve the effect of check and balance after chaos. One.

"I understand what you mean, and I will consider this matter again." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan's face turning pale, and couldn't bear to say: "You are injured, so it is not appropriate to bother your mind and mind. I have nothing to do here, you can go back."

"You are quite perceptive." Li Shengxuan's lips curled up slightly, "But others may not, this post is enough to deceive laymen."

"It may be enough to deceive a layman, but it is not enough to deceive Fang's family." Fang Zilan said helplessly: "Can't you find someone to imitate it?"

"The Fang family's gold-sprinkling posts are all specially made by a special person, and it's hard to find one." Li Shengxuan shrugged innocently, "It's me, I don't have that much skill."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath. Perhaps she has always regarded Li Shengxuan as a god and Buddha in the temple worshiped by everyone. He is so powerful and omnipotent that when he hears these words now, he just finds it inconceivable, as if the person in front of him is an impostor. dummy.

Li Shengxuan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Fang Zilan, and asked involuntarily, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I'm confirming." Fang Zilan tightly held the invitation, "Are you Li Shengxuan?"

"Fang Zilan, you are bold!" Xia Houzhang, who had been guarding the door all along, finally couldn't help but interjected, "How dare you name?"

He deliberately lowered his voice, he looked like an angry puffer fish, holding his cheeks but he didn't dare to attack at will, Fang Zilan was so happy to see it, he wanted to tease him, wanting to see what it would be like when the puffer fish exploded.

Li Shengxuan had a panoramic view of Fang Zilan's thoughts, and changed his voice first: "It's okay, I'm just an ordinary person now, and I still have to rely on Miss Fang to support me."

"Me?" Fang Zilan pointed at herself and laughed dumbfounded, "Something to remind you?"

"Ms. Fang's body as a businessman is much better than that of me, a poor commoner." Li Shengxuan looked natural, and Fang Zilan's hand holding the invitation became more and more forceful, and it seemed that the next moment the invitation would be smashed to pieces.

"Miss Fang, please be merciful." Li Shengxuan said solemnly, "It took me a lot of effort to get this invitation, if it is destroyed..."

"So what if it's ruined?" Fang Zilan tore up the invitation without any scruples, "I will find another invitation to the Spring Festival, the real Fang family's invitation."

Li Shengxuan chuckled, "Well, I'm sorry."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this servant has just now seen clearly that Lord Fang's injuries were indeed caused by the torture tools of the previous dynasty." The servant knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

Li Shengxuan didn't speak, Xia Houzhang asked, "What proof?"

The servant said with lingering fear: "Returning to my lord, in order to serve as a warning during the previous court, there are patterns and patterns engraved on the instruments of torture. When you are tortured, the patterns will be printed on the wound, and it will take at least three days to disappear. Master Fang's wound , the imprint is the pattern of the nine-petal chrysanthemum, which was unique to the Ji family in the previous dynasty, and the slaves will never admit it wrong."

It was said that Li Shengxuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists. When he put on the cloak for Fang Zilan, he saw those injuries with his own eyes, and there were indeed patterns on them.He may not be able to identify the specific ones, but he can count the nine petals clearly.

Hearing this, Xia Houzhang couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, Duke Yue was punished after he assassinated King Yu Ning. The wound was still a nine-petal chrysanthemum, which was a unique pattern of the former royal family. Coupled with Master Zhuge's verification, she has something to do with the ghost gate." Correlation. All the evidence is strung together, and King Yuning is undoubtedly the master of the ghost gate."

"I know." Li Shengxuan's reaction was very flat, Xia Houzhang was taken aback, "Since your Majesty knows, why did you allow King Yuning to marry Princess Wuqing? There is also the Duke of Yue, we can't stay anymore..."

"I heard that the punishments in the previous dynasty were severe, and those instruments of torture..." Li Shengxuan interrupted Xia Houzhang's words suddenly, but after a long pause, he asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Master Fang is probably a military commander, and his health is better than others, so he seems to be acting as usual." The servant said cautiously: "If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will not be able to get out of bed for a few days."

Li Shengxuan pursed his lips, and said without anger, "This is not what I asked you."

The servant shivered for a moment, "Of course it was extremely painful. When the slave passed by the torture room in the front court when I was young, the screams of the tortured people could be heard endlessly. When they were carried out..."

"Enough." Li Shengxuan intercepted the servant's words, Xia Houzhang hurriedly asked the servant to retreat, "Your Majesty..."

"I want to be alone." Li Shengxuan had no expression on his face, but Xia Houzhang felt inexplicably gloomy, but he still boldly asked: "Then the Duke of Yue..."

"If you're worried, just go and have a look." Li Shengxuan regretted it as soon as he said that.There was a thought clamoring in his heart all the time, Fang Zilan couldn't stay.

However, under this thought, intertwined was the complex emotions of failing to protect her well and hurting her time and time again.

(End of this chapter)

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