Chapter 765
"Little girl, you can see that you are living too lightly, so you can say such a thing." The doctor stroked his beard and said solemnly: "Although everyone's fate is different, as long as you are a human, you have the right to live." Even if you are going to die, you should be decent. As a doctor, this is my duty."

"You speak lightly." Fang Zilan said coldly: "It's better to be done with it than to struggle in pain. As a doctor, if you really can't save it, why not send it away for the last time?"

"It seems that the little girl has also passed through." The doctor thought deeply, "Since this is the case, you can struggle in pain, so why do you want to prevent others from surviving? You must know that human life is at stake, and the word life and death is far from being as simple as just saying it .”

He paused, and seeing Fang Zilan remained silent, he continued: "Have you ever heard of the Southeast Plague? At that time, everyone thought it was hopeless, but in the end they were saved. Plague is like this, let alone poisoning? One possibility is also worth a try.”

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and only at this moment did she see clearly the fear in her heart.

It turned out that she never thought that she could win the ghost gate.

Whether it is poison or the world, as long as Ji Ningtian waved his hand, he could disrupt the situation, but she was chasing behind, exhausted, but it was difficult to change.

I don't know how many times, she has seen people with lofty ideals die or retreat, and even she herself is dragging along.

Fang Zilan secretly smiled wryly, and as time passed, she got used to it.So she could think of ways to solve the plague, but she sat and waited to die from the poison.

It was only because she felt that there was no cure from the very beginning, including herself, she always felt that one day she would give up her life, so she was not afraid of death, and went all the way until now...

"The little girl seems to have figured it out?" The doctor waved his hand, "If you figure it out, go get the medicine quickly, don't waste your time."

Fang Zilan nodded numbly, turned around and was about to leave, the doctor shouted behind her: "Be careful with the prescription, don't damage it..."

It was only then that Fang Zilan noticed the prescription tightly held in her hand, a thin piece of paper, which was full of marks from her pinching, and even the words on it looked crooked.

An exceptionally ordinary handwriting, written on almost rough straw paper, carries the hope of saving lives.

It turns out that as long as something light and flimsy is entrusted with people's hearts, it can sometimes be so heavy.

Fang Zilan turned her head and waved to the doctor, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and I won't miss your medicine."

"Okay." The doctor responded, took a long breath, and walked into the room quickly again.

A Wan, who was standing by the door, saw this scene in his eyes, his eyes were moist, and then he chased after him without looking back, "Wait a minute!"

Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, and A Wan ran out of breath, but still asked aggressively: "Did you never believe that I can keep you alive?"

"I..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, and Awan snorted heavily, "I knew it. If you don't believe me, I'll make a bet with you."

"What bet?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, but Awan said resolutely: "Just bet that I can keep at least one person in Taoyuan Village alive."

Fang Zilan was silent for a while before saying: "I believe in you."

"What do you think?" Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, and Awan nodded and said, "I think it's worth a try. The gentleman you talked to just now can write such a prescription, he must be a good doctor with excellent medical skills, wait I'll go find him and discuss it."

"Okay, then I'll go grab the medicine first." Fang Zilan took back the prescription and was about to leave, but A Wan gave her another prescription, "There's still this, I'm sorry."

"It turns out that Qianjinfang really doesn't know about this?" Mr. Liu couldn't help interjecting, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, "Why did Mr. Liu say that?"

"Mr. Liu, back then my father spent a lot of money asking Qianjinfang to buy news, but the money was returned intact, which means that Qianjinfang definitely didn't know about it. Do you still think it's fake?" Huo Chun'er replied impatiently, Mr. Liu Hesitating, "I didn't mean that..."

"Huo Xia, what exactly do you want to say?" Fang Zilan interrupted Mr. Liu, because it was about the wheel runner Wang Chubin, and it was difficult for her to be completely calm.

"Many people disappeared during that siege, including the senior disciple of the Huo family of Daomen, the senior brother who is about to inherit my father's mantle, all disappeared." Huo Chun'er lowered her voice, and said, "That's why my father paid a lot of money to ask Qianjinfang, Unexpectedly, Qianjinfang could not give an answer."

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy. Since Chu Bin's disappearance, Qianjinfang has been tracking him down. There is no news, and he has never reported the disappearance to her in detail.

Now after hearing what Huo Chun'er said, she realized that not only Chu Bin was missing, but also many sect disciples.In this way, it is not impossible that there may be some forces that she does not know about secretly.

However, what kind of dark quagmire is a force that can't even be found in Qianjinfang?With her alone, even if she found it, it would be very difficult to get out of it unscathed.

But... Mo Han is dead, if Chu Bin...

Fang Zilan didn't dare to think about it, she accepted the fact that she couldn't protect everyone around her, but if they didn't even know whether they were alive or dead, what's the point of being so unclear?
"Miss Zhen, are you listening?" Huo Chun'er stretched out her hand and waved in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, she recovered, "What?"

"I said." Huo Chun'er deliberately prolonged the ending, and her voice rose a bit, "A few days ago, my father finally found out where they last appeared."

"Where is it?" Fang Zilan held Huo Chun'er's wrist, she was a little at a loss and said: "On the way to Suzhou Mansion, not far from Zuiyue Tower."

Fang Zilan only heard a cry, and walked over quickly, before knocking on the door to ask, she heard a burst of very light footsteps.She looked back and saw Zheng Yan standing outside the courtyard from a distance.

"Why did you come here?" Fang Zilan ignored the movement in the house, turned around and opened the door for Zheng Yan, "Could it be that the road to Shi County has been cleared?"

Zheng Yan nodded, "Master Zhuge asked me to ask you, do you want to go with him?"

"I'm going, but..." Fang Zilan paused, "Wait for me, I'll take the sword, and I'll go with you."

In the house, Awan was feeding Xia'er medicine, and seeing Fang Zilan come back in a hurry, he asked casually, "But someone died in the village head's family?"

"It should be." Fang Zilan took the plum sword, and Awan's expression turned serious, "Where are you going?"

"Shi County." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Awan, you stay here. If I never come back, you can go back to the capital with Zhuge Yu, there is no need to wait."

A Wan didn't speak, and watched Fang Zilan's figure disappear before her eyes, feeling very uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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