Don't ask where people go

Chapter 766 Silver Armor

"Master Fang, just based on the words of the wolves outside Sanyuan Village and these children, you believe that there are barbarians with evil intentions to make trouble?" Qi Yuming confronted Fang Zilan without leaving any room.

Fang Zilan didn't care, "Qi Canjun thinks I'm too hasty?"

"Yes." With just one word, Qi Yuming said it firmly.

Fang Zilan's eyes darkened slightly, "If Qi Canjun had really been in the northern border for several years, had heard about the twelve barbarians' invasion of the Dajing border, and had seen with his own eyes the appearance of the Jin people raging in the northern desert, they shouldn't have said the word rashly today. .”

She said every word with a solemn and majestic voice, "During the hundreds of years from the previous dynasty to the present, there has never been a day of real peace in the northern border. Even if the Jin people are gone today, who can guarantee the peace in the desert?" Won't the barbarian remnants make a comeback?"

"Since I was ordered to garrison the northern border, I must protect one side and keep everyone safe. I know how many people sacrificed their lives for the northern border to have what it is today, so I dare not slack off in the slightest. The tigers and wolves are outside, and the defenders I don’t dare not think about it. I think Qi Canjun should have a better understanding of this point than I do.”

"Mr. Fang's words are reasonable, but they are too dangerous." Qi Yuming's voice was a little lower, "Given the prosperity of the capital, all sides are friendly neighbors. The barbarians in the north are not ignorant of current affairs, otherwise Zhong How could your lord ask the emperor for them to set up Sanyuan Village?"

"Qi Canjun believes the people in Sanyuan Village?" Fang Zilan asked back with a half-smile, which made Qi Yuming stunned for a moment, "Master Fang doesn't believe it?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, with a look of arrogance that looked down on everything, "I have always only believed in myself. As for other people, it depends on what they have done, whether they are worthy of my trust."

"How can Mr. Fang trust the people in Sanyuan Village?" Qi Yuming frowned slightly, but Fang Zilan just smiled, "Qi Canjun is going to protect the barbarians in Sanyuan Village?"

She deliberately added the word "barbarian", and even bit the accent, so how could Qi Yuming not understand what she meant.

Those who are not of my race must have a different heart, but this is the peace he has wanted to see since his father's generation. Even if there is only superficial peace, he can't just watch her ruin everything.

"So what if I'm the guarantor?" Qi Yuming agreed happily, and Fang Zilan felt an inexplicable determination in his words, which were obviously not sloppy at all.

She nodded slightly, "That's limited to one month. If there is no large-scale appearance of wolves within a month, and no one in Sanyuan Village is found to be related to the wolves, I will give up. But if there are still large-scale wolves If the group appears, I will thoroughly investigate the matter, and personally ask His Majesty to drive everyone in Sanyuan Village back to the desert, Qi Canjun, can you hear me clearly?"

Qi Yuming frowned again, "If there are still large-scale wolves appearing, but there is no evidence to prove that they are related to the people in Sanyuan Village, Master Fang also asks for an order to drive them away?"

Fang Zilan's voice was a bit cold, "I made it very clear. I would rather kill by mistake than let it go. This is my style. Everyone present today can be a witness. Fang Zilan will follow my words."

"Master Fang..." Qi Yuming was about to say something more when he was interrupted by Fang Zilan in a cold voice, "No wonder I didn't remind you, since I will be in charge of the affairs of the northern border from now on, it's better for Qi Canjun to get used to it as soon as possible."

Fang Zilan's sentence to kill chickens and monkeys was meant for everyone present.

"Regardless of the cause of these people's death, the lower officials invite Mr. Fang to come here, just because human life is at stake, so don't be negligent." Zhong Yao looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "My Dajing's law says that murder pays for life, that must be the case. "

Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "In that case, can Mr. Zhong find out the cause of death of these people?"

"The cause of death has been found out, but the murderer has not yet been found." Zhong Yao lowered his voice a little, "These people have all worked in Mr. Fang's house before, and Mr. Fang's consent is required if they want to investigate."

"Master Zhong will investigate if he wants to, and I will fully cooperate." Fang Zilan put on a talkative appearance, and Zhong Yao's expression changed almost imperceptibly.

Fang Zilan smiled cynically, "Master Zhong, is there anything else? I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do."

Zhong Yao got up and walked in front of Fang Zilan, and said in a low voice: "Forgive me for talking too much, Mr. Fang should confirm the identity of the deceased again."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows. She knew that Zhong Yao was never a mother-in-law, so she repeatedly asked her to confirm the identity of the deceased. Could there be something wrong with these corpses?

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan smiled, walked to the side of the corpses, leaned over and lifted off the white cloth covering one of the corpses.

The moment Fang Zilan leaned over, Zhong Yao walked to the other side of the corpse, blocking the sight of the people watching the excitement outside the hall.

However, Fang Zilan only lifted a corner, and the moment she saw it clearly, she couldn't help but gasped, and Awan even turned sideways and couldn't bear to look directly.

"I've met him before, Master Zhong, what else do you want to tell me?" Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to cover the white cloth tightly, stood up straight calmly, and looked at Zhong Yao steadfastly.

"Your Majesty will send off Mr. Fang respectfully." After Zhong Yao finished speaking, he made a gesture of invitation neither humble nor overbearing.

Fang Zilan didn't say anything, and left.

It's just that when he passed by Zhong Yao's side, the word "be careful" fell into her ears like this.

Fang Zilan didn't react at all, and left the court calmly under various eyes.

"Shangguan Min, Shangguan Min, what's your name?" Fang Zilan glanced at the silent young man who had been hiding behind Shangguan Min. The young man still lowered his head and said nothing.

Shangguan Min moved his body a little, blocked the people behind him more tightly, cupped his fists and saluted, "This is Shangguan Mian."

"It's him I'm asking, not you." Fang Zilan's expression turned a little cold, and she reached out with the scabbard in her hand to push Shangguan Min away with the hilt.

Fang Zilan's expression showed a trace of impatience, but Shangguanmin suddenly grasped the hilt of the sword, subconsciously drew out the long sword, and the tip of the sword hit Fang Zilan's throat, "You want to kill me?"

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, but she clearly showed disdain. Shangguan Min shook his head, "I can't kill you."

"I'm right in front of you now." She raised her hand as she said, and tapped the edge of the sword lightly with her slender fingers, "You only need to stab forward lightly and hard, and it will kill me."

Shangguan Min's hands trembled, and the tip of the sword drew a bloodstain on her neck.

She still stood there motionless, not even blinking.

All of a sudden, her five fingers suddenly tightened to hold the blade, and blood rolled down from her hand drop by drop.

She looked at Shangguanmin unconsciously, "If you want to kill me, this is your only chance."

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