Don't ask where people go

Chapter 867 Drowning

At first, A Wan didn't understand what was going on, until after she left the palace, she followed her master into the Hong'an Pavilion, and she had some guesses in her heart. It seemed that Ji Ningtian's health was in trouble, and the master had to come. .

However, she did not expect to see Huang Fulin in Hong'an Pavilion.

When she and her master arrived, Ji Ningtian was meeting guests, and Wu Qing asked them to wait for a while outside Hong'an Pavilion.Standing outside the door, she couldn't help getting closer, when she heard a familiar voice coming from the pavilion.

Huangfulin stood in front of Ji Ningtian with a terrified expression, "My lord, I really didn't know that Fang Zilan was Zixiu. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to embarrass her even if I had ten guts, let alone frame her..."

With a cold expression, Ji Ningtian interrupted Huangfulin's chatter impatiently, "I didn't intend to let you know Zixiu's identity, after all, she is the target of all eyes, and you are my secret plan to hide your strength and bide your time. People from the same camp have a conflict of interest..."

He suddenly stopped, snorted softly, and continued: "But since you know now, you don't need me to teach you how to do it?"

"I know." Huangfu Lin hurriedly nodded in response, and then he couldn't help hesitating and said: "But Zixiu's current behavior is in the same camp..."

He didn't continue, Ji Ningtian looked even colder, "What do you want to say?"

"Zixiu is the best sword in the world in the hands of the young master. I shouldn't have said anything more." Huangfulin said cautiously, "It's just that she did not hesitate to die for everyone in the northern border..."

"Death and fame?" Ji Ningtian laughed as if he had heard something funny, "Her life can only be mine. You have to ask me if I agree with it or not."

"But..." Huangfulin wanted to say something more, but he saw Ji Ningtian's eyes were heavy, and he said in a cold voice: "Huangfulin, when you made a contract with my ghost gate, you asked the people in the ghost gate to pretend to be golden dead men , when he assassinated Emperor Ningshun in the northern border and put all his eggs in one basket to replace the Shangguan family, how could he be so indecisive?"

"I..." Huangfulin was at a loss for words for a moment, his throat was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

Ji Ningtian looked cold, "It turns out that when Shangguan Jing was still alive, the ghost gate helped you to attract Emperor Ning Shun's suspicion, so you can't replace him. Now Zixiu helps you get rid of Shangguan Jing, but you are just a mere king." Even Quanzhi can't handle it, are you still trying to join forces with Wang Quanzhi to deal with Zixiu?"

"If you are incompetent, I can use other dark chess to replace you. But Zixiu..." A gentle look flashed in Ji Ningtian's eyes, "I will not allow anyone to touch her in one day, you Can you hear me clearly?"

"It's clear." Huangfu Lin responded, while keenly capturing the changes in Ji Ningtian's expression.This change made him suddenly think of the affair between the master of the ghost gate and Zixiu, which was rumored all over the rivers and lakes.

In order to protect Fang Zilan, Ji Ningtian met him in Hong'an Pavilion privately at the risk of his own life.If someone finds out, regardless of what he will do, Ji Ningtian, the former prince, will inevitably die.

Judging from Ji Ningtian's reaction to the case of the northern border, the rumors are probably true.

Once the contract he made with the ghost gate is started, there is no turning back, but if he can get Ji Ningtian's handle, there may not be no way out of mutual restraint.

A stern look flashed across Huangfu Lin's eyes, but he still retreated and left calmly.As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into Wen Ya and A Wan who had been waiting outside the door.

Fang Zilan took the letter with both hands, scanned it ten times at a glance, and then took a breath, "If this is true, Mo Bin is a general under the jurisdiction of King Rong An. Is King Rong An going to turn against him?"

Li Shengxuan sighed softly, and called out helplessly, "Fang Zilan."

She suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly waved her hands: "Your Majesty, I..."

As soon as she spoke, she hesitated, and what she originally planned to deny was finally suppressed, in other words: "I don't doubt what General Xiahou said in the letter, and I dare not suspect King Rong'an at will. It's just about Mo Bin's rebellion. No one from General Xiahou reported this matter to Beijing, presumably someone secretly suppressed it. King Rong An is the only one who can control officials big and small in the southeast."

Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows and asked: "If only King Rong An can control the officials in the southeast, what use do I need? What use do I need you?"

"A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake." Fang Zilan said quietly: "After all, King Rong'an is the younger brother of Emperor Tai'an, with a special status and respect. Not to mention officials of all sizes in the southeast, even the dignitaries in Beijing will mostly sell him for face."

Li Shengxuan's expression turned cold, "Fang Zilan, are you looking for an excuse?"

Fang Zilan quickly shook her head and said, "I was just analyzing the situation. Your Majesty taught me the lesson. I was useless and failed to detect Mo Bin's rebellion."

"I said before that I didn't invite you here to raise the teacher and inquire about crimes." Li Shengxuan relaxed his expression, raised his eyebrows and said, "You have only succeeded as the Duke of Yue for only a few days, and I know how the southeast officials treat you. If this matter is true King Rong An suppressed it, and they really dare not report it, let alone report it to you to let you know."

Fang Zilan listened carefully, but there was a touch of doubt in her expression.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan couldn't help asking: "What's your opinion on this matter?"

Fang Zilan bit her lips unnaturally, and a smile appeared in Li Shengxuan's eyes, "It's all right if you say it, I don't blame you."

"Since Your Majesty said so, then I will say it." Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Just now I was unrestrained, and I said that King Rong An wanted to contradict such nonsense. After thinking about it carefully, I was a slip of the tongue. After all, King Rong An himself The founding of Dajing is to be crowned king by one side, and if you want to get wind and rain, if you really want it, there is no need to wait until now."

"Xiahou's family stayed in the old land of Baiyue, and you have no foundation to take office." Li Shengxuan reminded, "Do you think it is necessary for him to wait until now?"

"Even though King Rong An thinks I'm weak and easy to bully, he still has no need to rebel." Fang Zilan remained unmoved, and continued: "Your Majesty is guarding the court, the empress dowager and the princes are watching, and the nine princes and noble families If he keeps it, he won't get any benefits. And take a step back and say, even if King Rong'an succeeds in rebelling, as far as I know, he is already old and has only one daughter under his knees—Princess Rong'an. What are you drawing?"

"Picture the glory of the lord of the world?" Li Shengxuan answered casually, as if casually chatting, "This emperor uncle, I have a very good face."

Fang Zilan laughed softly, "If King Rong'an is really driven by vanity and has taken a fancy to His Majesty's position, then he must be sure to hit the target, otherwise he will be scolded through the ages if he fails. Not only does he lose face, he has no heart." gone."

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