Don't ask where people go

Chapter 868 Symbols

Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, and said in a deep voice: "Awan, you can't explain to him, is it your master or yourself?"

A Wan flicked his sleeves and said angrily: "It's not you anyway, what are you doing so much?"

"I can ignore it." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "But the Fang Jiachun meeting is only a few days away. Awan, I won't allow you to make any mistakes."

Her last sentence was very serious, even Ming Xiang who was next to her could not help but feel chills all over her body.

"Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble." A Wan looked at Fang Zilan and said word by word: "This time, I don't need your protection."

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "Awan, this is not the right time to be awkward."

"I'm not being awkward." Awan's expression was agitated, and his tone was much higher than usual, "Have you ever thought that if the person who came this time was not Wuhai, but my master..."

"Your master won't act like this..." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan without hesitation, but she took the conversation away, "Yes, my master won't act like this, but he also obeys the son's orders, and he also has to do it as a last resort. Did you forget the bottle of poison you took from my master when we left Beijing? That's not my master's original intention!"

A Wan's eyes widened suddenly, "I can listen to anything?"

"Flowers and plants." Fang Zilan raised his chin, signaling Zheng Yan to continue, and he continued, "Auspicious flowers are the sacred flowers of Dirong's tribe, and only the elders of the Wu family who protect the tribe can tattoo this pattern."

Fang Zilan frowned, "Who is the elder Wu?"

"I don't know about that." Zheng Yan shook his head, and Xiao Xuan'er said, "There is a family of Wu clan in Di Rong's tribe. According to legend, they are proficient in witch doctors and voodoo techniques. They can not only heal human flesh and bones, but also divination Foretelling good and bad luck is why he was honored as a guest of honor by the leaders of Di Rong's tribe in the past, and guarded Di Rong's tribe for generations."

"It's so powerful, it sounds like it's comparable to Miluo's Yin Yang family." Fang Zilan seemed to mention it casually, but in fact, when he heard the Gu technique, he faintly realized something was wrong.

"Master Fang was right. The Dirongwu family did have a relationship with the Miluo Yinyang family." Xiao Xuaner said, "A hundred years ago, the mother of the last high priest in Miluo was the Dirongwu family. "

"What did you say?" A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Xiao Xuan'er lowered her voice a little, "There are rumors that the young master of the Yin Yang family deceived the witch's daughter just to use her blood, The most powerful high priest of Miluo was born. It is difficult to distinguish whether this rumor is true or false, but the Emperor Miluo at that time did borrow the hand of the young master of the Yinyang family to send troops to Di Rong's tribe."

"I have also read about that battle in the book, Dirong's department suffered heavy losses." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "After that, Dirong's department and Miluo have been fighting endlessly, and it has been a hundred years. When soldiers met, they also waited for opportunities to assassinate, and even when the war between Dajing and Miluo was launched, Di Rong raised his troops to join him, and he would rather have all of them be swordsmen than live with Miluo.”

"The reason why Di Rong's tribe suffered heavy losses in that battle was because the leader thought that the Wu family's daughter had rebelled, so he killed the entire Wu family in a fit of anger. The world is all withered, and it will never appear in the world." Xiao Xuan'er sighed softly, "Di Rong's tribe all say that auspicious flowers are flowers of blessings, and the Wu family is the guardian. Without blessings and protection, Di Rong's tribe is in a state of collapse , the army was defeated like a mountain."

"But now, the auspicious flower has reappeared in the world." Fang Zilan's expression was a little cold, "Aside from the Wu family, is there no other person in Di Rong's department with the pattern of the auspicious flower?"

"No." Xiao Xuan'er answered firmly, "Although other people know about auspicious flowers, they would never tattoo this pattern on their bodies out of awe, and..."

She didn't continue, Fang Zilan asked: "And what?
"The tattoo of the auspicious flower pattern is different from the other ones. Only the Wu family can tattoo it." Xiao Xuan'er's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly. Are you gone?"

"It's better to believe in its existence than in its absence." Awan couldn't help interjecting, "The Yinyang family was also destroyed a hundred years ago, but there is still a high priest in Miluo, and there is still a Wu family in Dirong's tribe. It's not impossible. .”

"If the Wu family still exists, it is unknown whether the knife of Di Rong's department is aimed at Miluo or Dajing." Xiao Xuan'er's expression changed imperceptibly, "After all, it is finally The one related to the Wu family is the high priest of Miluo."

Fang Zilan was silent for a long time, and told Zheng Yan: "I want you to go there yourself to confirm whether the tattoos on the arms of Princess Erya and her extra maid are auspicious flowers."

"Yes." Zheng Yan took the order to leave, Fang Zilan asked Xiao Xuan'er again: "Has Murong Qing done anything lately?"

"Everything is as usual, but I always go to Baiye Temple to offer incense." Xiao Xuan'er said every word carefully, "I went to Baiye Temple to see it, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Keep staring, don't relax." Fang Zilan waved her hand, "You go."

After Xiao Xuan'er stepped back, Fang Zilan's eyes fell on A Wan, "You don't look surprised, did you know that the Wu family still exists in the world?"

"I just heard about it from Master." Awan held her head high and said to herself: "Master said, whether it's a witch doctor or yin and yang, these things that sound magical are actually medicine and pharmacy. There is nothing but an existence that transcends life and death. Healing human flesh and bones is really like a god alive..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a thunderclap, which scared her into a shudder.

Fang Zilan took her hand leisurely, and comforted her: "Okay, I will see it with my own eyes at the reception tonight, and then I will know which fairy it is."

A Wan looked out of the window in shock, "Fang Zilan, you said there are really ghosts and gods..."

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment. Originally, she didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but outrageous things like time travel happened to her, let alone things like witch doctor and onmyoji that only appeared in books before?In addition, she still has poison in her body, as a witness, it is difficult for her to directly say whether she believes it or not.

But seeing Awan trembling with fear from the thunder, she was not willing to scare her any more, and just wrote lightly: "At the turn of spring and summer, there are often thunderstorms, and it seems to be raining."

A Wan took a deep breath and collected herself, "Fang Zilan, I'm a little scared."

"With me here, don't be afraid." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, he heard the wind and rain coming suddenly.

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