"The flowers and trees in the palace are growing well this year, even better than in previous years." Li Shengxuan interrupted Zhuge Yu's unfinished words, his calm and relaxed appearance made his heart a little more at ease.

He remembered that his grandfather said that their emperor, who grew up on the battlefield, had passed between life and death countless times. One point was more fatal and one inch was useless. No one knew how to control the size of the two words better than him.

Xia Houzhang, who was standing by, leaned over to Li Shengxuan and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the empress and members of Xiahou's family have arrived."

Li Shengxuan looked up at the person walking towards them, and nodded to indicate that he understood.

When Fang Ziqin and members of Xiahou's family approached, the people who were talking softly stopped at the same time, their eyes focused on several of them.

Fang Zilan was no exception, looking at the visitor intently.

The woman walking among the crowd was dressed in a blue riding outfit, and the cloak of the same color made her a little petite, and she was full of style and spirit every step of the way.Sword eyebrows and starry eyes reveal an indescribable heroism, not a beauty in the traditional sense, but with an indescribably chilling aura, people can't help but want to look at her more, but they are too overwhelmed by her power Looking directly, it seems that you can only look at it from a distance.

Fang Zilan thought to himself that with such an aura, it must be Xiahou Yunzhao.

On the left side of Xiahou Yunzhao is a man dressed in white, who looks about the same age as her. Although he is over middle-aged, his facial features are still extremely delicate and beautiful. His unsmiling and proud appearance is like a banished fairy walking out of a painting. Incomparably noble, it must be Xie Chen himself.

The man behind Xiahou Yunzhao on the right side is dressed in the same cavalry outfit as her. He looks ready to fight with the unique killing spirit of a member of the army. He is the current head of the Xiahou family——Xiahou Mingxun.

Xiahou's family and Li Shengxuan greeted each other one by one, and their speech and behavior were neither warm nor alienated, showing indescribable decency and restraint.

Fang Zilan observed secretly, only feeling strange.It stands to reason that Xiahou's family is Li Shengxuan's mother's family, so they should be more affectionate than other people, but for some reason, she always feels that Xiahou's family has a sense of incompatibility with everyone present, which seems to be a little deliberate and subtle.

Fang Zilan's expression was a little more sarcasm, "Why, finally thought of it? You were the one who suppressed the matter, and you were the first to attack Shangguan Linglan. Now, in order not to make me doubt you, you have used poisoned Fazi, don’t you think it’s deliberate?”

She glanced at Shangguan Kuo coldly, "Do you think that by pushing Shangguan Linglan out to confuse people at this time, I won't be able to guess you?"

Shangguan Kuo's expression changed from astonishment to shock, and he laughed out loud, "Master Fang is so amazing, why don't you tell me what you guessed?"

"I've checked the only two males left in your Shangguan family. Shangguan Min is the illegitimate son of the patriarch Shangguan Jing, and you, Shangguan Yu, don't even know who your biological father is. You are just the son of a servant girl with the surname of Shangguan. That's all." Fang Zilan sat up straight, and swept away the previous tiredness, "Shangguan Min has half of the barbarian blood and can't turn over, but you are different, even if you don't have barbarian blood, no one is optimistic about it."

The palace banquet was held in Wanfu Palace, which is the closest to the imperial garden, and it was a place in the palace for entertaining relatives and courtiers.

Not long before Li Shengxuan came to the throne, Fang Zilan had been there when he was walking around the palace to familiarize himself with the terrain. The Wanfu Palace is not big, but the layout is very delicate.

She once heard the old man in the palace say that the Wanfu Palace was originally built by Emperor Tai'an for Concubine Yu, and many of the furnishings inside were made according to the customs of Baiyue, and it was abandoned after Concubine Yu passed away.

Until Emperor Ningshun rebuilt the Wanfu Palace after he ascended the throne, it was also repaired according to the style of Dajing. The original Baiyue set was removed, and it became a place exclusively for banquets.

However, when Fang Zilan went in with the crowd, before he could see the scene inside the palace clearly, he saw the crowd froze at the gate of the palace.

She looked up, and although it was autumn and winter, she saw straw mats and curtains in the hall, intertwined flowers and vines, and colorful screen brocades, which seemed to be the decoration style of Baiyue.

No wonder everyone froze in place, she looked around knowingly, except for Li Shengxuan, Fang Ziqin, Zhuge Yu and Xia Houzhang who didn't respond, the rest of them were all stunned.

Xiahou Yunzhao glanced at it, and said calmly: "Your Majesty still remembers Concubine Yugui's appearance in the Wanfu Palace, and she has intentions." After she finished speaking, she walked in unceremoniously.

Qiu Shui next to Fang Ziqin was very winking, and hurried forward to lead Xiahou's family to sit down.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, and followed Xiahou's family into Wanfu Palace.

Everyone took their seats one after another, Fang Zilan sat under Li Qiyou, Zhuge Yu was beside him, facing Xiahou's family.

Xiahou Yunzhao sat in the first seat on the left facing Li Qiyou, while Xie Chen and Xiahou Mingxun faced Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu respectively.

Such a row of seats made Fang Zilan a little curious, and couldn't help but quietly looked at Zhuge Yu, and said softly: "Isn't Xiahou Mingxun the head of the Xiahou family? Why is he sitting at the end?"

Zhuge Yu didn't answer her, and reminded her to be careful, and she realized that Xiahou Yunzhao's eyes fell on her at some point, and she couldn't help sitting up straight, still indifferent as usual .

It was still early, and there was still some time before the formal banquet.

Li Shengxuan sat on the main seat, and Fang Ziqin sat beside him. One was chatting with Xiahou's family about the people's livelihood in the southeast, and the other was telling the servants of the internal officials to add tea and water in a warm voice.

The two emperors and queens cooperate with each other, but they are loving partners with a tacit understanding.

Fang Zilan sat down and just ate tea and snacks without saying a word, but she knew that Xia Hou Yunzhao's eyes had not moved away from her.

Sure enough, before Li Shengxuan and Xiahou Yunzhao said a few words, Fang Zilan heard Xiahou Yunzhao lead the conversation to her, "This must be Mr. Fang, right? Seeing is better than hearing a hundred things. I watched Mr. Fang compare the rumors The ones in the middle are less fierce and more stable."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said: "Although I haven't heard it with my own ears, but I think it can reach the ears of General Xiahou, it should be close to ten. I am just a rough person, and it is commonplace to be cruel and merciless on the battlefield. It's just today. In front of His Majesty General, if you are at a loss for fear of losing your manners, it is better to be more cautious."

"It's the first time I've seen such a sharp-tongued rough man." Xiahou Yunzhao also had a smile on his face. Fang Zilan couldn't tell the depth and dared not answer rashly, but saw Xie Chen looking into Xiahou Yunzhao's eyes. With a faint smile, Xia Hou Yunzhao glared at him, and he restrained himself, returning to his usual cold appearance.

She saw the small actions of the two of them, and thought to herself that the two of them were more lively than the rumors said.

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