Don't ask where people go

Chapter 873 Abrupt

Chapter 873 Abrupt
Fang Zilan took the teacup on the table casually, drank it all in one gulp, and said in a low voice, "You are still so calm and composed. Could it be that there is another trick that I haven't guessed yet?"

While stroking the gauze wrapped in his hand, Shangguan Kui said casually: "Master Fang has not finished speaking, how do I know how much Master Fang has guessed, why not tell him all, if there is something incomprehensible, I can tell Master Fang Replenish."

"Okay, then I'll make it clear." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, and drank another cup of tea.

Then, she continued: "You thought that if the matter of the barbarians driving the wolves was not handled properly, I would be fired from my post or lose my life, but you didn't expect that there were many people in the northern army who had a family and a country in their chests rather than a conspiracy. A Qi Yuming was killed on the way and became my scapegoat. So you changed your mind and planned to use the life of the inner house to drag me into the water..."

"Master Fang's words are wrong." Shangguan Kuo interrupted Fang Zilan, "I did change my mind, but before Qi Yuming became your scapegoat, I wanted your life."

Fang Zilan laughed and said: "It turns out that at the banquet in Jinxi Tower that night, you waited for me at the mansion not to confirm the marriage, but to confirm my life and death?"

"It seems that Mr. Fang didn't expect that I would have a relationship with Shangguan's old man at that time." Shangguan Kuo smiled unsurprisingly, "It's a pity that those people are very stupid. They sent killers to assassinate you."

"Although you know that I am not easy to dismiss, you know that I am in poor health after being poisoned. But I don't understand, even if I am poisoned, it is not a good time to assassinate under the eyes of everyone. Why did you make such a bad move?" Fang Zilan There is obvious doubt in the eyes.

Shangguan Kuo still just laughed, "Lord Fang, do you still remember what you said when Shangguan Min said that I would never stand up again in the army?"

"Remember. I poured cold water on you, and I want you to take care of yourself." Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "As a person who can carefully arrange such a situation, I don't think you will hold grudges for such a sentence."

"Let's just think that Mr. Fang is praising me." A trace of bitterness flashed across Shangguan's face, "I thought at that time that Mr. Fang was so transparent and cruel that he was so cruel that he didn't even give a child any hope. I'm afraid it's better than me. If such a person is an enemy, it will not be easy."

"In this world, how many people are really happy?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "If the assassination fails, you have moved the mind of the inner house girl. Shangguan Linglan promised you, and Huo Sanniang's relationship, moved you It's easier to kill me than kill me, isn't it?"

Shangguan Kui shook his head thoughtfully, "It's easy to be tempted by a woman, but it's not easy to be determined."

Fang Zilan said coldly: "What kind of tricks did you use to Shangguan Linglan to make her give up on you? I'm not interested in knowing. I'm just curious. If she knows that she has become your scapegoat, how will she react?"

Shangguan Yu's reaction was very flat, "Shangguan Linglan is just a chess piece, any reaction is nothing to worry about."

A Wan on the side couldn't bear it anymore, she stepped forward and said: "Shangguan Kuo, you are so ruthless at such a young age, you are able to kill your own family members for the sake of power and status..."

"Shut up!" Shangguan Kuo interrupted Awan coldly, "What do you know to scold me? My family, those Shangguan clans are also worthy? Do you know how they treat me? I come from a humble background, from a Shangguan family Everyone with the surname Shangguan can order me around. In their eyes, I am nothing more than an ant, so what does it matter if I am crushed to death? Now I want them to see, who is the ant?"

A Wan retorted angrily: "What about Shangguan Linglan? She treats you sincerely, anyway..."

"What the hell?" Shangguan Kuo laughed sarcastically, "She is just a dead grandmother and has no one to take care of her. She thinks that I can take care of her, so she clings to me and treats her sincerely. will believe it."

"A person like you, what kind of sincerity do you deserve?" A Wan was anxious, and was about to curse, but was stopped by Fang Zilan's eyes.

"It's almost dawn, I'm tired." Fang Zilan leaned back on the armrest of the chief seat, and said in a deep voice, "Shangguan, how do you plan to end this matter?"

"After talking for so long, Master Fang finally got to the point." Shangguan Qi leaned back on the wheelchair, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "This matter is Shangguan Linglan colluding with Huo Sanniang internally and externally, and Master Fang just deal with Master Zhong Yao as it is." You can just say it. First, it can clear the suspicion of Master Fang, and second, Lord Fang let me go this time. In the future, I will help Lord Fang build the Northern Protectorate."

"Your news is very well-informed." Fang Zilan pressed her forehead, her expression turned cold, "If I let you go, will you let me go?"

Shangguan Kuo was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Fang Zilan to ask such a question.

Just as he was about to say something, she heard her say in a cold voice: "Those of us who stand on the opposite side, it's never either you die or I live, you won't let me go, and naturally I won't let you go. I can't do such a thing as framing a woman to take the blame."

Shangguan Kui chuckled, "I thought Mr. Fang was decisive, but I didn't expect to show mercy to women."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not showing mercy to women." Fang Zilan looked even colder, "I just don't want to let go of the real mastermind behind the scenes."

"Master Fang is better at judging the situation than Lord Zhongyao?" Shangguan Kui just thought it was funny, "Master Zhongyao knows how to weigh the pros and cons, but Lord Fang doesn't know how to get along and live in peace?"

"It is precisely because I can see the situation clearly that I know that if I let you go, I will be the one who will die." Fang Zilan calmly dug his palms with his nails, leaving red marks, "You have no future If you’re recruited, you might as well admit defeat.”

"Admit defeat?" Shangguan laughed suddenly, "Why should I admit defeat? Master Fang, why do you think I have to talk to you so much? Did you feel something wrong when you were drinking tea just now?"

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Shangguan, you know I'm not easy to deal with, and you still use such indecent tricks as poisoning, do you think I'll fall for it?"

As if someone had exposed his thoughts, Shangguan Kui couldn't believe it, "What did you say?"

"You deliberately poisoned yourself and scratched yourself. I was stained with your blood when I bandaged the wound for you. This poison can seep into my body through the skin, and it is more concentrated in water. Let me think about what kind of poison is this? "Fang Zilan said lightly, and A Wan couldn't help but rushed up and grabbed Shangguan Kuo by the collar, "You bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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