Don't ask where people go

Chapter 875 Alienation

Chapter 875 Alienation
Li Shengxuan had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't help looking at Fang Zilan, only to see her mouth slightly raised, but her eyes were red, "There are not many people in this world who expect me to be safe and healthy. So, whether it is true or not, even if it is only this I will always remember this moment.”

"Just remembering is not enough to keep you safe and healthy." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan firmly, and said word by word: "Have you really never thought about using Fang Lihui? The Fang Family Spring Festival will be held as scheduled, and Yin Quanzhang will definitely show up..."

"Enough." Fang Zilan's face was frosty, "I don't want the Fang family to be involved, and you don't want to use Fang Lihui either."

"But if the Fang family is involved in it, this is an opportunity." Li Shengxuan spoke cryptically, and Fang Zilan understood it, but still pretended not to understand, "What opportunity?"

Li Shengxuan simply said bluntly, "the opportunity to be cleared of the charge of colluding with bandits and rogue bandits."

A flash of shock flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes. It's not that she didn't think about it, it's just that such a thing that should have been led by Fang Lihui or her and completed without anyone noticing, the meaning is quite different from Li Shengxuan's mouth.

As if it was a golden medal for avoiding death, the emperor of Dajing was willing to turn a blind eye to the actions of the other party's family, and even personally protect him.As long as it is not turned to the bright side, it will never be true.

"Why..." Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, Li Shengxuan's expression was gentle, "Maybe it's the love of the house. Or, with me, you will always have the privilege."

Without the slightest concealment, she was exposed to Fang Zilan frankly and enthusiastically, which made her unable to refuse, but she also could not accept it.

Because she knew that the time in front of her was fleeting, and one day, he would return to Qiankun Palace.

At that time, he was still the emperor of Dajing, and all the people worshiped him.And she is still in the alternation of several identities, wandering in the darkness, walking on the edge of the knife.

Such two people can't come together just by heart.

But even so, Fang Zilan still heard her own voice, "It's disrespectful."

If they are destined to only have this moment, then what if she can let herself be indulged for a while?

Anyway, this life is long, and there are too many wrong things, missed people, and missed things, and it is not worth regretting.But it would be a pity if I lost this moment with him.

Li Shengxuan stared at the person in front of him intently, as if he wanted to engrave her in his heart.In the end, the two looked at each other and smiled, and he said softly, "It seems that you have already made up your mind."

"Master Wei is staying here, but are you waiting for me?" Fang Zilan asked knowingly, Wei Subaru snorted coldly, "Master Fang, I have fulfilled what I promised you, and we will have nothing to do with you in the future."

Fang Zilan hooked the corners of her lips noncommittally, "I'm curious, Mr. Wei should understand better than anyone else what compromise means. If that's the case, why do you agree to me?"

"Master Fang's words, do you want me to reject you?" Wei Subaru suddenly turned cold, "Or do you want me to kill you to avoid future troubles?"

"Master Wei, you can't kill me." Fang Zilan smiled smugly, Wei Subaru sneered, "Master Fang, you are very skilled, but after all, there is only one person."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan smiled, and her expression became a little cold, "Your desire is hard to fill, isn't Mr. Wei afraid that I will hold this handle and threaten you repeatedly?"

"Handle?" Wei Subaru repeated the word playfully, squinting his eyes, "Master Fang, do you think I'm afraid of this kind of thing?"

"Since Master Wei will agree to me, it means you care." Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "Whether it's a handle or a weakness, you can't escape the word caring after all. The more you care, the easier it is to worry about gains and losses, and eventually give birth to a cage of fear. trap people in it."

Wei Subaru remained silent, and Fang Zilan pushed forward, "I am a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. If there is a need in the future, I will definitely use this as a threat."

"Really?" Wei Subaru didn't seem to believe it, but Fang Zilan nodded his head. Wei Subaru's face sank with a gloomy look, and he strode away.

Fang Zilan looked at Wei Subaru's back, leaning against the wall as if she had let go of all her strength.

Originally, she had thought of many possibilities, but no matter which one, it was an unsolvable game. Even if Mrs. Ouyang could risk everything, it was only one person's strength, unable to compete with the entire Ouyang family.

If there is no one to help, the truth about Ouyang Zirou's injury will be covered up and buried by Ouyang's family with the reason that family ugliness cannot be publicized.

So she thought of Wei Subaru, if he was willing to come forward, the Ouyang family would be somewhat afraid, and she witnessed from the side, no matter what, he would be able to fight for Ouyang Zirou's fairness.

But the most difficult thing is how to ask Wei Subaru to come forward?In the big camp in the suburbs of Beijing that day, he smashed Mrs. Ouyang's jade pendant, cutting off the last relationship between him and Mrs. Ouyang.Such a cold person will not stand up with one life and one hand.

After thinking for a long time, she came up with a strategy to take the edge of the sword.She threatened Wei Subaru with a privately raised woman who had the same appearance as Zhuge Shan, forcing him to support Mrs. Ouyang.

At first, when she threatened to tear her skin apart, Wei Subaru thought it was extremely ridiculous, but she was already prepared, and said her plan calmly——

If Wei Subaru still refuses to agree, she will tell Zhuge Yu about it, and attach the body of the woman who was killed in the basement of Xunfang Building that night.

Based on what she knew about Zhuge Yu, there was no need for her to do anything at that time, and he would deal with Wei Subaru himself, and he would never stop dying.

Everyone knows the truth that both sides will suffer, let alone Wei Subaru.As long as he still has feelings for Zhuge Shan in his heart, he can't do anything to harm Zhuge Shan's family.But he would not allow Zhuge Yu to torture him, so he compromised.

Everything was expected, Wei Subaru was reluctant, but finally came.Although the words are stingy, they are enough to support Mrs. Ouyang, that's enough.

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, everything went well, but she didn't feel relieved.

Perhaps it was because she didn't understand until just now that Wei Subaru's compromise was not because he thought it was troublesome, nor was it because he was afraid of confronting Zhuge Yu, but because he was reluctant.He cared more about the Zhuge family than losing his reputation or fighting openly and secretly.Zhuge Shan's death was an injury to them, they suffered it once, and they shouldn't suffer it a second time.

Zhuge's family may not be unaware of the absurd things that Wei Subaru did behind his back, but Zhuge Yu certainly did not.He is the future head of the Zhuge family, and he is destined to stand in the light instead of being caged in the haze.There are some things that he doesn't need to know in his life.

Or maybe it was because she didn't realize until just now that she was indeed an unscrupulous person, and it was not the first time she did it, nor would it be the last time she did it.

(End of this chapter)

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