Don't ask where people go

Chapter 876 Arithmetic

Only Mr. Canghai Liu who was hiding upstairs had a gloomy expression.In any case, he never imagined that the thin and frail little girl who claimed to be the Zhen family of Qianjinfang turned out to be Zixiu, the big murderer in the rumors of the world, and the little steward among the bandits was actually the woman behind the Zuiyue Tower. Fang Lihui, the head of the Fang family.

Right now they are singing together, and they want to use the news of Qianjinfang as the finale of the Fang Family Spring Festival, but they don't know how the real Qianjinfang Zhen will feel if he finds out?
Thinking of this, Mr. Liu shook his head involuntarily. He spoke lightly. Even if he knew some things, he would rot in his stomach and bring them to the coffin. He would never say anything in this life.

This was the case with the Huo family of Daomen before, and it is the same with the matter of Zixiu and Fang Lihui now.

Not far away, Awan and Mingxiang saw Fang Zilan who was talking and laughing at Yanyan downstairs, and their hearts finally returned to their original place, but soon they found Mr. Liu who was secretly observing.

"He..." Awan hesitated to speak, but Mingxiang's gaze still fell on Fang Zilan, as if she hadn't noticed Mr. Liu at all, and said softly: "Wait and see, as long as he keeps his mouth shut, don't bother."

"But what if he..." As soon as A Wanfu opened his mouth, Ming Xiang stopped him, "He won't. If you are a human being, you will have secrets. If you tell the price, he can't afford it."

A Wan frowned in a half-understood manner, and didn't continue to ask any more questions until the guests dispersed, Fang Zilan said goodbye to Fang Lihui, and took Li Shengxuan upstairs, and she couldn't wait to greet her.

"You're finally back." A Wan said, she clasped Fang Zilan's arm coquettishly, and refused to let go.

"I haven't seen you for a few days?" Fang Zilan smiled and nodded Awan's forehead, seeing her dissatisfaction, said: "Do you know that one day is like three autumns?"

Fang Zilan nodded cooperatively, "It turns out that so many autumns have passed. If Mr. Fang hadn't reminded me just now, I'm afraid I would think this is the Fang family's autumn meeting, not the spring meeting."

A Wan curled her lips, and was about to say something, but Li Shengxuan took the first step, "Dare to ask Miss A Wan, Xia... where is my second child now?"

"I don't know either." A Wan waved his hand, and then deliberately lowered his voice while there was no one around, "Didn't he go to save Young Master Ah Shi? Don't you know?"

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, and he and Fang Zilan looked at each other, and they both saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

It stands to reason that if Xia Houzhang took the secret guards to act together, no matter what, there should be no news of him.Either expose his identity, be accused of being unfavorable as a guard, and lose the emperor, then Li Shengxuan's disappearance cannot be concealed.Either rescue Ah Shi, the streets and alleys of Suzhou City have long been covered with arrest warrants...

No matter which possibility it is, it should not be such a silent result.

Unless something happened to Xia Houzhang and the dark guard.

"Let's not think too much, in case it's just delayed on the road..." Fang Zilan stopped in the middle of her sentence. She really couldn't continue with such a clumsy excuse.

Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, and before he could speak, Fang Zilan's gaze was fixed on him, "No news is good news. At this time, you must not act casually. We can't have fewer people."

After she finished speaking, she felt ironic. She had been busy for several days, but she didn't have any decent evidence. She couldn't even convict half of the people. Instead, two people were involved, maybe more.

After all, she didn't believe that with Li Shengxuan's careful planning and careful thinking, he would only bring Xia Houzhang alone, and there must be other confidantes around him, but...

"I won't act casually." Li Shengxuan said seriously: "It's settled, I'll listen to you."

"Lord Fang, I'll say it one last time." Fang Zitong struggled to shake off Fang Zilan's hand, but in vain.So she took a deep breath and shouted with all her strength: "I don't want to see you, get out!"

"Sister Tong..." Fang Lihui stopped not far from her, with a worried expression on his face, hesitant to speak.

Fang Zilan slowly took her hand away, and the corners of her lips curled into a playful and sad smile, "Fang Zitong, look at what you look like now?"

Hearing this, Fang Zitong seemed to be on the verge of falling, but he still insisted: "Does my appearance have anything to do with Mr. Fang? If Mr. Fang came to see my jokes, you can leave now that you have seen it."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said in a deep voice: "I already knew, there is no need for you to protect me."

"Protect you?" Fang Zitong's eyes were red, "Who protected you?"

In just a few words, she gritted her teeth, as if she was full of resentment, but her trembling voice exposed her emotions completely.Like a little beast licking its wounds, even if it showed its sharp minions to defend itself, its wet eyes couldn't hide its fragility.

"No matter what you say." Fang Zilan stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zitong's arm tightly, "I will take you away today."

"Master Fang, do you know what you are doing?" Mrs. Pei was so angry that she coughed, "Soldiers surrounded Pei's mansion, forced their way in, and even took away Mrs. Ping Guo, no matter which one is enough for you to lose." The official is dismissed, and more..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan interrupted her unceremoniously, "Let's leave this matter to His Majesty's disposal. Before that, no one is qualified to comment. Including you, Mrs. Pei."

Her voice became colder as she spoke, "I respect you as an elder, so I treat you with courtesy. But if you insist on blocking my way, I will not show mercy."

"Lord Fang, how dare you..." Pei Poming's wife looked at the man who looked like a hellish Asura in front of her in disbelief. She didn't have a weapon in her hand, but she exuded a spirit of killing gods and Buddhas all over her body. I mean, it's so overwhelming that I can't speak.

"Fang Zilan, you have no power over your eyes!" Mrs. Pei held her chest tightly, and ordered: "Stop them, no one can leave Pei's mansion today."

"Who dares..." As soon as Fang Zilan spoke, Fang Zitong grabbed her wrist instead, "I will do it myself."

"You..." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Zitong steadfastly, her cheeks were a little shriveled, her face was almost bloodless, her eyes were big and hollow, and she was no longer as beautiful as before.However, in the dark pupils, there is a firmness that has never been seen before.

After a while, Fang Zilan said "OK" in a low voice.She finally compromised, probably because she didn't want to see Fang Zitong pretending to be bloody and struggling in despair.

Seeing this, Mrs. Pei breathed a sigh of relief. Before she could open her mouth, she heard Fang Zitong say, "I did not kill the Duke of the Kingdom of Jui. I will not plead guilty, nor will I be a widow. Today, I will make a clean break with your Pei family. It doesn’t matter whether you are with a stranger, or you go to court, it’s up to you.”

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