"I can't see that you are young, but you have sharp eyes." Yun Lao stretched his brows, and said with a smile: "It's no wonder that you will take a fancy to my girl and stay in our medical clinic."

"Qinghan's heart is pure and kind, she kindly took my two sisters in." Fang Zilan smiled and said: "I can only say that Qinghan has a good vision."

Old Yun shook his head, the smile on his face faded a bit, "If my girl really has good eyesight, she won't fall in love with that kid Wang Shen."

"Qinghan likes Master Shen?" Fang Zilan smiled, recalling the situation at Wang's house that day, and then suddenly remembered Wang Shen's sentence that she had always ignored, "Miss Yun thinks that I treat you differently, and thinks that I treat you differently." intentionally".

Thinking about it carefully, the words between the two of them that day were indeed somewhat intriguing, as if they had a very close relationship.

Seeing her pensive look, Yun Lao couldn't help sighing: "It seems that you can see it too."

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, "But since Young Master Shen is capable, there is nothing wrong with Qinghan taking a fancy to him."

"That's why you juniors are too young to suffer any disadvantages." Yun Lao said quietly: "No matter what kind of family is right, let's talk about how my simple girl can fight against Wang Shen's kind and thoughtful girl." A capable young master. A child who grows up in a wealthy mansion is an easy person?"

Fang Zilan asked subconsciously: "Yun is always worried that Qinghan will be cheated?"

"There are some things that can be explained clearly by more than just being cheated?" Yun Lao looked at the person in front of him firmly, and suddenly changed his voice, "My girl, have you never asked about your origin?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips slightly and did not deny it. She could more or less guess what Elder Yun was going to say next.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Yun Lao coughed softly, "If I guess right, you have a good background, which is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us. To put it bluntly, I'm afraid he's a bit taller than that boy Wang Shen, am I right?"

He didn't wait for Fang Zilan's response after asking, and continued on his own, "It's okay, I didn't say this to ask you to admit something, let alone to know your identity as a threat. You don't want to say that there is a reason for you, I don't force it."

Fang Zilan patted Yun Lao on the back, and tried to help him calm down, "Aren't you afraid that I'm plotting something wrong?"

"Afraid?" Yun Lao laughed, "If someone like you wants to harm my medical center, how can the little old man survive at this time?"

Seeing that she was silent, Elder Yun continued: "What's more, you saved my life. No matter why you came here, at least your heart is good, and you will never plot anything wrong."

"You trust me so much?" Fang Zilan smiled, and Yun Lao looked a little more serious, "Although I am a common man, I have experienced some human affairs, and now half of my body has been buried in the ground. I can understand a truth, identity The higher the status, the less bothered to cover up their goals, because they have the self-confidence that even if there are many accidents, they can always achieve their goals."

Fang Zilan stood upright with a broken sword in her hand, her breath swept over Wei Subaru's ears, and a voice almost contemptuous came into his ears, "That depends on whether they have the ability."

After she finished speaking, she slammed Wei Subaru hard, and let him slam into the nearest weapon. The owner of the weapon subconsciously withdrew his attack, and he rolled to the back of the stage pretending to be stabbed.

Seeing Wei Subaru stepping down, Zhuge Yu hurried towards him, "How is the situation now?"

"Not good." The simple two words made Zhuge Yu's heart sink.He didn't care too much, and quickly found Li Qiyou decisively.

Although it was cold winter, Li Qiyou's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his fingers were clenched into fists, and his whole body was tense like a fully drawn bow.

"My lord..." Zhuge Yu opened his mouth and before he could say anything, he heard the clanging of swords and swords.

Fang Zilan's crown fell to the ground while the sharp edges were contending, and her ink-like long hair fell in all directions without restraint.

The fiery red robe was torn apart, and together with the long hair, they were wrapped in the cold wind and fluttered in the air. Red and black were intertwined, coquettish and poignant.

Holding a broken sword, Fang Zilan retreated to the side of the stage under the threat of everyone, and would fall if she was not careful.She raised her head and looked up the city tower, Li Shengxuan was surrounded by civil and military officials, and everyone was watching the play.

Amidst the mighty momentum, her gaze was fixed on Li Shengxuan.She couldn't see clearly from too far away, she could only see a blurry figure, but for some reason, she felt a little calm in her heart.

"Monster, don't hurry to die!"

The person closest to Fang Zilan suddenly shouted, and the sword pointed straight at her.

She dodged it lightly, half of her body was hanging outside the high platform, like a precarious kite.

Soon the next round of attack came unexpectedly, she turned around and the sleeve of her robe was cut by a sharp knife, and the bright red cloth fluttered in the wind.

Fang Zilan is now riding a tiger. If she jumps off the high platform by herself, she will fall down if nothing happens but the evil spirits will not die.

But if she fights with them with swords and guns, even though she won't lose, I'm afraid she won't lose anything.If the injury is more serious, it will inevitably be talked about by A Wan.In a dilemma, this year will not be easy.

After thinking about it, there is no way to have both, Fang Zilan simply got angry, and unexpectedly stretched out her hand to grab the wrist of the person in front of her on the left, and suddenly forced him to release his hand in pain. She took advantage of the situation and snatched his sword.

The man obviously didn't expect her to do this, and she moved too fast, he was caught off guard and couldn't resist at all, and was pushed away by her palm in a daze, and the inertia retreated and brought down the few people behind.

The person standing on Fang Zilan's right saw her snatching the weapon, and seeing that the situation was wrong, he hurried forward a few steps, and swords came one after another.

In the shadow of swords and swords, she tore off her outer robe to use her strength, and dazzled everyone's eyes with the dazzling red.When everyone reacted, they saw red rags falling from the sky like a rain of bloody flowers.

Everyone's eyes followed the flower rain to the audience, but they saw the demon in red lying lifelessly on the ground, the black hair in red and skin as white as snow, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.The gorgeous strips of cloth fell on her body, which was indescribably eerily beautiful.

In an instant, the onlookers on Suzaku Street fell silent, and everyone was so shocked by this scene that they couldn't speak.

For a moment as if time stood still, Li Shengxuan stood on the tower, all his attention was occupied by her, and there was no room for anything else in the center of his eyes.

It's just that when he was amazed, he suddenly remembered, I wonder if she has a fever?The cold winter can't let her lie on the ground for too long.

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