Don't ask where people go

Chapter 889 Thinking

When Fang Zilan heard this, she already had some calculations in her heart. She looked up at Fang Lihui, "I admit that what Mr. Fang said is reasonable. A woman is beautiful, and if she learns something, she can always find a way out. However, Miss Cong was born in a peasant family. I'm afraid I can't learn anything except work every day. What's more, even if Miss Cong learns something, I'm afraid it won't be able to change today's situation."

Fang Lihui put away his folding fan and turned his head to look at Fang Zilan. Her eyes were shining with determination and loneliness intertwined.

I just heard her seriously say: "The fate of a person cannot be changed just by learning something. If you compare fate to an opponent, you have to keep moving forward step by step. The farther you go, the more chances you have to contend with it. It is good to learn something, but it only increases your winning chips and cannot completely determine the final result."

She sighed suddenly as she spoke, "Things are not easy, Miss Cong's situation has already determined her status as a weak person. Under this status, her beauty is no longer capital, but has become the reason for being scrambled for. I think Mr. Fang is not ignorant of the truth that a man is not guilty, but a woman is guilty."

Fang Lihui was slightly stunned, "Master Fang, is she speaking for her?"

"I'm not speaking for her." Fang Zilan put her hand on Cong Rong's shoulder and said firmly, "I just believe her."

Cong Rong turned her head in disbelief, staring fixedly at the person in front of her, her eyes filled with surprise, "Master Fang, are you willing to believe me?"

Fang Zilan nodded, "However, it's one thing for me to believe you, it's another thing for you to have evidence to prove that what you're pregnant with is indeed Fang Yuhan's flesh and blood. Without evidence, I can't help you."

"Master Fang!" Fang Lihui's voice was full of unbearable anger, Fang Zilan stood up and looked directly into his eyes, and asked coldly, "Young Master Fang, you don't want to face the truth?"

"Even if what she said is true, not to mention Mrs. Yuhan's daughter of the Wang family is about to give birth, how will she react if she knows about this matter? Let's say her father, the new Duke of Bei, and her uncle who is an official in Beijing, will let How is the Fang family doing?" Fang Lihui tightly held the folding fan in his palm, his bony hands trembled imperceptibly, "Master Fang, no matter how much the truth is, I can't give her this fairness, and I dare not give it to her."

"I won't let Mr. Fang trade the entire Fang family for this fairness." Fang Zilan's expression was very calm, but the expression in his eyes was indescribably certain, "But if the truth is so, then no one can obliterate it."

Fang Lihui lowered his head and remained silent. Fang Zilan looked at Cong Rong and said, "Do you have evidence?"

"Yes." Cong Rong nodded hastily, and then carefully took out a jade pendant from her bosom, "Fang Yuhan gave it to me."

Fang Zilan took the jade pendant and felt it looked familiar. After looking at it over and over again, Fang Lihui said in a low voice: "It's Yu Han's jade pendant. He actually gave you all the jade pendant that symbolizes the status of the Fang family. It's really good." .”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan suddenly understood where her familiarity came from. She also had a similar jade pendant, and the engraved style on it was almost the same as this jade pendant, except that the word "Lan" was also engraved on it.

Thinking of this, she lifted the jade pendant and looked at it against the light, and as expected, she saw the word "Han" under the pattern.

After a while, Fang Zilan spoke again: "The matter has come to this, how does Mr. Fang plan to deal with it?"

Fang Lihui turned his head away, thought for a long time, and finally looked at Cong Rong and said, "Miss Cong, Yuhan is at fault for this matter, and the Fang family is ashamed of you. Now I will give you two choices: First, after you give birth, I will let Yuhan Han Na, you are my concubine; second, if the girl wants to, she can go to Wanhualou, where no one will dare to embarrass you."

A Wan, who hadn't spoken all this time, couldn't help but uttered, "Mr. Fang, you actually let Miss Cong go to Wanhualou?"

Fang Lihui looked at A Wan and said with a smile, "Little girl, do you know what Wanhualou does at such a young age?"

A Wan looked disgusted, and said: "Of course I know, isn't it a brothel?"

Fang Lihui raised the corners of his lips, and smiled helplessly, "The girls in Wanhualou are all performers but not their bodies. If one day they want to leave, as long as the reason is innocent, the management in the building will not make things difficult."

However, when she got closer, Awan found that Fang Zilan did not smell of alcohol, but instead had a faint woody aroma, which was refreshing.

She sniffed it carefully, and found that it was not the usual incense in their house, it seemed to be the incense from the palace.

When Deputy General Cao saw A Wan coming, he stood aside with great eyes and gave way to Fang Zilan's side.

A Wan bent down and leaned in front of Fang Zilan, looked at the unnatural flush on her face, reached out and touched her forehead, "It turned out to be a fever, I said what is going crazy in the cold weather..."

She muttered as she tried to pull her up from the ground.

However, she was small and not strong enough, so she could only shout to Vice General Cao next to her, "Come and help me."

"I don't have a fever." Fang Zilan glared at A Wan displeasedly, and let her and Vice General Cao drag her into the room.

Deputy General Cao helped Fang Zilan to the main seat, and A Wan hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea for her, then asked condescendingly: "Tell me, if you don't have a fever, what were you giggling about in the courtyard just now?" What happened to your hand?"

Fang Zilan didn't care, "I accidentally got burned, and I've already taken medicine."

A Wan looked at the ointment in her hand with a face of disgust, and was about to say something, but saw her lowering her eyes and smiling slightly: "I found him."

A Wan didn't know, so, "Who did you find?"

"The little brother who led me when I was young." Fang Zilan thought for a while and added, "The little brother who is as good-looking as fireworks."

A Wan's expression was a little flustered, she turned to Vice General Cao and asked, "Where did she go today?"

Vice General Cao hurriedly replied: "When I went to the government office to pick up the boss this afternoon, she was not there. I asked the guards of the government office, and they said that the boss came out of the government office in the afternoon and entered the palace. I have been waiting outside the palace. When the boss came out of the palace, we went back to the mansion directly, and didn't go to other places."

After hearing this, A Wan frowned slightly, stretched out her hand and waved in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, "Fang Zilan, do you still recognize who I am?"

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, and said amusedly: "Awan, do you really think I'm crazy?"

A Wan saw that her eyes were clear, and she didn't look like she had a fever, so she leaned close to her and sat down, "It's all right, why did you have a fever?"

"I left in a hurry this morning, so I didn't have time to put on my cloak." Fang Zilan said nonchalantly, "Later, when I was enjoying the snow in the palace, the charcoal fire in the room was burning enough, and I thought about alternating hot and cold, so I developed a fever."

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