Chapter 902
Li Shengxuan fixedly looked at the stubborn and almost paranoid person in front of him, and sighed imperceptibly.He and Fang Zilan have known each other so far, if there is a time to hate her the most, it should be at this moment.

When Fang Zilan heard the voice, she suddenly thought that she had heard it wrong.Since she knew Li Shengxuan, he has sometimes made decisive decisions, and sometimes strategized, but no matter when and where, he is always calm and composed.Such a sigh should not come from him.

So she looked over subconsciously, and met Li Shengxuan's eyes, there was a feeling of loss, but more of nostalgia, which made her unable to bear to watch, and finally turned her head away.

Until Li Shengxuan walked away, Fang Zilan never looked beyond the fence.

The matter has come to this point, Mo Han is afraid that she will hate her for the rest of her life, she does not ask for forgiveness, but only wants to use her life to calm the anger of the world and leave a way for Mo Han to survive.

However, in the capital where the undercurrents are surging, one always favors the high and tramples the low. Once a person loses power, the people around him will also fall into a place of eternal doom, and it is difficult to turn over.

The officials headed by Yushitai finally seized the opportunity and wrote to Fang Zilan for several days in a row, not only demanding severe punishment, but also claiming to be implicated.

As we all know, the only family member that Fang Zilan admits is Mo Han, and behind Mo Han is the family of Mo Bin, the gatekeeper of Mushan. big waves.

The courtiers simply focused on the people around Fang Zilan, from General Li and Qi Duhu who guarded the northern border, to Zhou Lang, the head of the southeast battalion, and even Cao Hong who had just left Beijing, all became their targets. object.

It was as if a mad dog smelled meat, and it just rushed forward to bite. What it could get didn't seem so important.What is important is that the original vested interests must be torn apart.

As the lord of the capital, Li Shengxuan lived in the palace city of the capital since he was a child, and he has long been accustomed to such scenes.

Everyone in the world knows-wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates, so weeds and roots can be cut once and for all.

But is it true?Some people fall into the abyss, and some people stand on the top of the mountain. The higher they stand, the easier it is to become the target of everyone.The royal family is like this, and so are the courtiers.

Once Fang Zilan falls from power, the generals who grow up under her will inevitably suffer cold reception. They are all generals who defend the frontiers. No matter which one of them has an accident, it will endanger the stability of Dajing.

However, the courtiers living in the prosperous capital can only see the power in front of them, but cannot see the swords at the border.In their eyes, it doesn't matter who the general of the four realms is, as long as there is no smoke in the capital, they can sit back and relax.

Only those who have actually been on the battlefield and guarded the border know that war is not a move in the hands of high-ranking people, but the lives of thousands of people are at stake.

"Girl, why are you..." Wuzai frowned, before asking, Fang Zilan said, "For the sake of getting acquainted, let me give you one last piece of advice, go as far as you can, don't go any further." Died for him."

Wuhai's expression froze, and his face was full of displeasure. Seeing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but say a few more words, "The King of the Ten Palaces of Hades, Qian Mo Dao, Lu Tian...all of them are stronger than you, but none of them saved their lives. .Do you think, even if I let you go today, how long can you live?"

"Naturally, it's a long life..." Wu Zang lacked confidence, and A Wan, who was supported by Fang Zilan, slowed down, and said with a sneer, "If you want to live a long life like you, are you daydreaming?"

"Little Awan, I'm better than you anyway." Wuzai pretended to argue with Awan, but she snorted, "Try if you have the ability..."

Seeing that the two of you were about to quarrel, Fang Zilan stopped the dispute in time, "Okay, when did you two decide the outcome? Since you don't like each other, it's better to stay far away and out of sight." For the sake of cleanliness."

"You don't help me?" A Wan looked at Fang Zilan angrily, and shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "How can I help you? Kill Wuzai for you?"

A Wan stomped her feet angrily, "That's not what I meant..."

"No matter what you mean, let's talk about it when we go back." Fang Zilan intercepted Awan's words, and his eyes fell on Xia Houzhang, "Someone wants to settle accounts with Wuha, we are not suitable here."

"You mean..." A Wan was stunned for a moment, before Fang Zilan dragged her away without saying anything.

"I won't kill Wuzai, but that doesn't mean others won't kill him." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but it struck Awan's ears like lightning, "Wuzao is indeed not a good thing, but he is my friend after all. Half senior brother..."

"I remember your master expelled Wuzu from the sect." Fang Zilan said expressionlessly, "Could it be possible to take it back?"

"That's not true." A Wan lowered her head, Fang Zilan snorted softly, "I don't think your master is confused."

As soon as Fang Zilan talked about Wen Ya, Awan chased after her like a rooster with high spirits: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Where's my medicine?" Fang Zilan spread her hand, and A Wan patted it angrily, "It's ready. Just wait, I'll go get it for you."

After she said that, she ran and jumped away, but Fang Zilan stopped and looked back.

They had already walked a certain distance, so they didn't know what Li Shengxuan and Wuzai were talking about or doing, but seeing how seriously Xia Houzhang was injured, Li Shengxuan would not easily let Wuzai go.

However, why did Wu worry be expelled from the school by Wen Ya in the first place...

Fang Zilan fell into deep thought, and there was a faint voice in the memory saying——

"Once you become a medicine puppet, not only is it invulnerable to all poisons, but you are also the strongest poison in the world. Master, if you can become a medicine puppet, why can't I?"

"No." Li Shengxuan interrupted Xia Houzhang's words neatly, "I don't like it, and I won't be threatened by others. If they think this will force me to deal with Fang Zilan, then they are wrong."

"Your Majesty, please think twice." Xia Houzhang bowed, "Fang Zilan has confessed to the crime he committed, there is really no reason not to deal with it..."

Li Shengxuan glanced at Xia Houzhang, he immediately fell silent, bowed his head and repeated, "Your Majesty, please think twice."

Xia Houzhang stood in a saluting posture for a long time before he heard Li Shengxuan ask again: "Are all the officials kneeling outside?"

Xia Houzhang hurriedly replied: "Except for the Duke of Wei, the two adults of the Zhuge family, and the Prime Minister, the other adults are outside."

Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, "Including all the adults in the southeast affairs office in Beijing?"

"Including." Xia Houzhang nodded, and Li Shengxuan snorted coldly, "Who did Fang Zilan bring with him? An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf."

(End of this chapter)

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