Murong Qing stood up slowly, feeling that his legs were weak, and just as he took a trembling step, he saw a hand stretched out in front of him, "Please get up, Your Majesty."

Murong Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the owner of the hand - Fang Zilan, her expression was calm, and she didn't mean to be impatient at all.

Tao Zhiwei, who was not far behind Murong Qing, raised her eyes and looked over, and the nurse next to her said, "What is Master Fang doing?"

Fang Zilan lightly lifted the plum sword, raised her eyebrows and said, "It's just due diligence. Madam, do you have any opinions?"

The nanny took a deep breath, and before she had time to speak, she heard Fang Zilan say, "If you have any opinions, hold back, I'm a dignified King of Jingyue, and it's not my turn for Miluo's nanny to talk to me about the rules."

"Lord Fang, please calm down." Tao Zhiwei said suddenly, her tone of voice was well-measured, and it was all just right and elegant, "Nurse Xing is the nurturing mother of my Miluo Mansion, even in front of my Miluo Monarch, if you go against the rules During the trip, you can speak out and discipline, and I hope Mr. Fang will not be offended."

Fang Zilan glanced at Tao Zhiwei, and was about to say something when she saw Murong Qing put his hand in her palm and said softly, "Master Laofang is here."

Fang Zilan lowered his head to look at Murong Qing, there was no trace of tiredness in his eyes, his black and white pupils were clear and resolute, they were extremely beautiful eyes.

"Your Majesty, you are welcome." Fang Zilan took Murong Qing's hand, ignoring all the eyes of the people around, walked straight to the side of the carriage, and sent Murong Qing into the carriage.

Tao Zhiwei's face turned pale, but she still followed her step by step, like a delicate porcelain puppet stepping onto another carriage.

The mother Xing who spoke just now put up the curtain of the carriage for Tao Zhiwei, and then stood beside the carriage.The other accompanying people also stood up one by one, nodding their elbows, standing surprisingly unanimously.

Fang Zilan and Murong Xun greeted each other from afar, then got on their horses and led the team back to Dajing.

Shangguan Min nodded, "I wouldn't have known if General Zheng hadn't reminded me."

The two talked lively, but Zheng Yan was completely unmoved, not even raising his eyelids.

Shangguan Min laughed dryly, feeling that his praise was like a pile of sand that would be blown away by the cold wind named Zheng Yan.

Fang Zilan felt bored, and after a few words with Shangguanmin, she claimed that something was up, ended the conversation hastily, and went back to the room to rest.

As soon as she returned to the room, she saw Awan running in, approaching her mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Fang Zilan, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and A Wan hesitated for a moment before asking, "Will my master also go to the Spring Hunt this time?"

"Probably." Fang Zilan said lightly, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"What do you mean should be?" A Wan glared at her angrily, "You can confirm it for me."

Fang Zilan looked at her amusedly, "You are so righteous in asking for help, you are really not sincere."

A Wan took a deep breath, "I don't care, will you help or not?"

"Do you have something to do with Wen Ya?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, and A Wan said in a soft tone: "Last time when you were stimulated and passed out, I suddenly had an inspiration and thought of a new prescription. But this prescription is more risky. I am afraid that I will accidentally kill you with medicine, so I want to discuss it with my master first."

Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, making her feel hairy, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm afraid you'll kill me with medicine." Fang Zilan raised her hand and pinched her face, "You, besides practicing medicine, can you think about other things?"

A Wan grabbed her wrist, trying to stop her movement, "For example?"

Fang Zilan interjected: "For example, Chunshou has many eyes, even if Wen Ya is gone, how will you meet him?"

"Sister Lan, since His Majesty trusts you, you must live up to this trust." Zhuge Yu stopped his movements and said solemnly: "There are priorities, and numerous government affairs are not an excuse for me to hold you back."

"So Ayu wants me to get started as soon as possible, so that you can go on business with His Majesty and change to a better position?" Fang Zilan's expression was light, and he wanted to get the top document.

Zhuge Yu clasped her restless wrist through his sleeve, "Sister Lan, as long as she knows, don't make trouble."

"Really?" Fang Zilan didn't break free from his hand, but tapped the document under her pressure with her fingers, "Ayu, this is last month's report, you misplaced it."

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu let go of his hand, and pulled out the document under Fang Zilan's hands.He held the document in his hand and collected himself, speechless for a long time.

Fang Zilan looked at the document tightly held by him, and the thin folds spread from the place where his palm was exerting force. The wrinkled texture concealed twists and turns, and she said with a firm expression, "Ayu, you have something on your mind."

Zhuge Yu remained silent, Fang Zilan reached out and grabbed the other corner of the document, "If you don't want to say, let me guess."

She pretended nothing had happened, and secretly exerted strength in her hands, "Your Majesty doesn't want to see me participate in the New Year's drama, does he?"

Zhuge Yu's fingers loosened a little, and the document fell into her hand, with obvious finger marks on it.

Fang Zilan stroked the creases with her fingers, stretched the paper with a little force, and the creases became lighter, "I will not lose face to anyone in the New Year's drama. Even if I pretend to be a demon, I will always be the same The one and only."

Zhuge Yu's expression relaxed a little, "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just sister Lan, you have to know that this matter is not a child's play. The nine princes were conferred in front of everyone in the court, but you are conferred the title of Duke of Yue. Only His Majesty's imperial decree is declared to the world. Even though His Majesty speaks well, there are rumors in the capital that you have already been criticized, so why bother to appear in a social drama with the honor of a public minister and make people laugh? Your Majesty intends to ask you to escort you during the spring hunting, as your cross country The public's first public appearance shocked the world."

"If someone deliberately humiliates me, even if I don't act in a social drama, there are still other traps waiting for me, and I can't escape." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently. It doesn't matter. What's more, it was the same when I was appointed Duke of the Northern Kingdom and went to the northern border. It was just a paper edict. I'm used to it, so I don't care."

"Sister Lan said this, but she has a grudge in her heart?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly as if dissatisfied, Fang Zilan chuckled, "Your Majesty, I am too late to be grateful for your kindness, how dare you hold grudges? To me, these vain gifts are all It doesn't matter, as long as you have real power in your hands."

"Do you hold real power?" Zhuge Yu repeated this sentence in a low voice, without further words.

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