Don't ask where people go

Chapter 909 Homecoming

"It seems that King Rong'an is not only well protected, but also spoiled. He has always been accustomed to the wind and the rain, and if someone doesn't do what he wants, he will kill him at all costs." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Some people take the world as their responsibility, and some people take the world as their own. They are vain and immoral, and they will do everything they can." When she said the last sentence, her eyes were full of sternness.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Vice General Cao raised his head to look at her, only to hear her say in a deep voice, "Vice General Cao listens to the order, and I order you to carry the White Jade Tiger Talisman back to the southeast camp to send a message. Be sure to let His Majesty know. The matter of King An's secret relationship with pirates and betrayal of the country."

She took out the White Jade Tiger Talisman from her bosom and handed it to Deputy General Cao, "I will open the cell doors later, and wake up all the pirates, and make it look like they are trying to escape from prison, and then try to escape." Maybe make the commotion louder, and try to alert the guards at Mushan Gate to arrest people. Then you leave while you are in the chaos, and don't stay for a moment."

"Boss, what about you and Miss Awan?" Deputy General Cao looked at Fang Zilan worriedly, a complex look flashed across her face, "I'll stay and deal with the Mo family's affairs."

"The Mo family?" Deputy General Cao didn't realize it for a while, and asked in a daze, "Mo Bin didn't rebel, so what else can the Mo family do?"

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and said: "Mo Bin not only imprisoned all the captured pirates, neither interrogated nor tortured, but also imprisoned the people sent by the Southeast Camp to investigate, do you think he will do not know anything?"

"Boss means that Mo Bin is very likely to know about King Rong'an's treachery with pirates?" Deputy General Cao was dumbfounded, and A Wan was also shocked, "If Mo Bin knew, why did he cover it up and not report to Beijing? "

"Officials big and small in the southeast area are under the control of King Rong An. I'm afraid Mo's family will suffer disaster before Mo Bin's letter arrives in Beijing." Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "Based on what I know about Mo Bin in the past two days Judging from it, he attaches great importance to his family, and even surrendered to the capital for his family. Therefore, today's scene is probably the result of his balance in order to protect his family."

"If Mo Bin pretends to be deaf and dumb, wouldn't it be dangerous for you and Miss Awan to stay here?" Vice General Cao frowned, and Fang Zilan spoke to comfort him: "Don't worry, since Mo Bin is pretending to be deaf and dumb, then it's not safe for you to stay here." I will definitely not dare to touch anyone easily, especially people like me and A Wan who have unknown backgrounds."

"But if it involves his family and life, who knows what Mo Bin will do?" A Wan's voice was a bit astringent, and the corners of Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "So we have to stay even more. A Wan, are you afraid? "

"I'm not afraid." A Wan looked directly into her eyes, the eyes were clear and bright, "If you want to stay, I will accompany you."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "It's not too late, I'll open the prison door. Awan, you and Lao Cao wake up these pirates."

Seeing this, Vice General Cao swallowed back his dissuading words, tightened his grip on the White Jade Tiger Talisman, and nodded emphatically.

A Wan looked at the extremely determined look in her eyes, and the smile on her face that was as light as flowers in the snow, which would dissipate in the next moment, as if she had been bewitched by some kind of bewitch, she stopped talking and concentrated on giving her needles.

Until someone slammed into the door, the voice of the visitor sounded again, "Since we are our own masters, we can only offend."

Before he could finish his sentence, the door of the room swung open.

Fang Zilan stood by the door and smiled, "Since your Excellency is coming after me, why should I not see him?"

Before Qi Yuming, Shangguanmin, and Deputy General Cao could react, the incoming swords had already pierced Fang Zilan.

She dodged to dodge, and with a swipe of the plum sword in her hand, she was separated from the visitor, and the two of them exchanged positions in an instant.

The moonlight in the courtyard was bright, the stars were dim, and the fine snowflakes in the sky were falling with the wind, but after a while, a thin layer of snowflake blanket was spread on the ground.

Fang Zilan stood tall on the snow in the courtyard, her shadow was stretched very long.

She turned her head slightly and her lips were tightly pressed, her lonely and cold appearance made people dare not look at her directly.

"You come to avenge Lu Tang, you come to me, it has nothing to do with others." She said, holding a sword flower in her hand, and the plum sword in her hand was shining coldly under the moonlight, "You and I fight, if I lose You take this life. But if you lose, you will be ordered by me from now on."

"Arrogance." The visitor snorted disdainfully, raised his sword and came towards Fang Zilan, every move was merciless, and the deadly sword moves made the other three people in the courtyard tremble with fear.

However, Fang Zilan never confronted the enemy head-on, and blindly retreated and dodged, making the approacher gradually lose his composure. A sword danced airtightly, but could not completely envelop her.

Although Fang Zilan's body skills are flexible, but in the pursuit of such a fast sword master, it is inevitable that he will suffer. There are sword wounds on his arms and legs, which makes people feel worried.

The visitor obviously also saw that Fang Zilan was unable to do what he wanted, and his moves became more and more dangerous, and they went straight to her throat. The movements were so fast that even Qi Yuming, who was beside him, had no time to stop him, so he had to shout, "Be careful!"

It was too late and then it was too fast, I saw a smog suddenly overflowing under the moon, covering everyone's sight, only the blood was like a little red plum falling from the smog on the snow, dizzy into blood flowers, a little red glaring.

After a few people took a closer look, Fang Zilan was already standing under the tree in the courtyard Shi Shiran, and the person who came was clutching his chest and fell in front of her, spitting hard, "This kind of indiscriminate method is also not good enough. It's you women who make it come out."

"It seems that you are not convinced?" Fang Zilan walked in front of him and looked down at the visitor, "What's wrong with the woman? You look down on women so much, aren't you born by a woman?"

"Awan, this is Migu." Fang Zilan interrupted her coldly, "Even if they were bribed, under the influence of Migu, they can only tell the truth."

"If what they are telling is the truth, what King Rong An did..." A Wan didn't dare to continue, Fang Zilan sighed, and said, "It is undoubtedly a traitor."

"King Rong An has a high status as an uncle, so he has no reason to do this." A Wan retorted, Fang Zilan looked a little cold, "So what? People's selfish desires and greed cannot be satisfied by status. "

A Wan bit her lip tightly and said nothing, while Deputy General Cao clenched his fists tightly and bowed his head in silence.

Soon the pirates woke up one after another. When they woke up, they saw the prison door was wide open. They didn't know why, but they heard Vice General Cao whisper to them: "Let's go!"

The pirates who reacted hurriedly walked out, seeing no one around, they quickened their pace, and ran to the gate of the Fuya Prison.

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